
Fearless Circus Oz takes the art to a new level

Tightwires and highwires are a circus speciality the world over, but an entire show focusing on them is another thing altogether.


Where and when: Meat Market, until 30 June

Reviewer: Stephanie Glickman

**** Stars

Tightwires and highwires are a circus speciality the world over, but an entire show focusing on them is another thing altogether. Wunderage has seven fearless acrobats, as powerful as they are nimble, who suspend on and traverse the apparati in every conceivable way — in pointe shoes, high heels, contorted around poles, even standing on their heads.

Often done without a harness, the danger is real and present. Even more so because the audience, guided from act to act by the performers themselves, mingles in the space below the activity.

Rigged through the industrial caverns of the Meatmarket, the wires are sites of both skilful balancing and theatrical metaphor. Yet the ensemble never says a word, conveying everything through focused intensity and a contemplative vibe. Having punters stand inches from the wires makes already ridiculously difficult feats even deeper visceral experiences. Two live musicians, Grant Arthur and Bonnie Stewart, further add to the ephemeral vibe.

Chinese pole, acrobalancing and bike manipulation pepper the 70 minutes, all of which has a vintage, sometimes steam punk aesthetic in light blues, salmons and beiges. But the focus always ends up, unrelentingly, back on the highwire and all its possibilities.

Circus Oz Wunderage. Aaron Walker Photography
Circus Oz Wunderage. Aaron Walker Photography

Co-directed by Chelsea McGuffin (from Brisbane-based Company 2) and Circus Oz’s artistic director, Rob Tannion, Wunderage refreshingly deviates from Circus Oz’s usual Melbourne winter big top show.

The interstate cast are world-class Australian circus talent who gel terrifically as an ensemble. Beefy David Trappes’ s neck withstands weights that human bodies should not be able to tolerate while Jess McCrindle’s feats of simultaneous strength and balance must be seen to be believed. Pocket rockets Skip Walker-Milne and Phoebe Armstrong scale the highest of Wunderage’s heights without batting eyelashes and McGuffin rocks the whole show, popping up in nearly every act with a calm focus that belies the palpable riskiness of her endeavours.

Wunderage is a truly unique wonder … and suitable for all ages.

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