

Muck-up day alert at top girls’ school Firbank Grammar

Parents of year 12 students at Firbank Grammar are in a panic after it was revealed some planned to attend muck-up day dressed as “hookers” and vandalise the campus as discontentment grows over Melbourne’s lockdown.

Firbank Grammar in Brighton.
Firbank Grammar in Brighton.

Muck-up day panic was growing at a private girls’ school on Tuesday night amid reports students were planning to go to school dressed as “hookers”, vandalise the campus and prank security guards.

Parents of a number of year 12 girls at Firbank Grammar in up-market Brighton learnt their daughters planned to have sleepovers, wrap the school in glad wrap and bolt lockers shut.

Extra security had been hired and discussions were held with nearby boys’ schools such as brother institution Brighton Grammar.

One parent told the Herald Sun the “girls are disgruntled having missed year 12 formals, traditional valedictorian events and gone through lockdown”.

“The girls’ attitude has collectively been that the rules and law don’t apply to them because it’s been a s--t year,” she said.

Some girls were planning to drink alcohol on Wednesday night and attend school early Thursday for the final celebration day and barbecue.

Students, in a picture posted to Instagram, in decorated uniforms. The Herald Sun is not suggesting these students were involved in the planned pranks.
Students, in a picture posted to Instagram, in decorated uniforms. The Herald Sun is not suggesting these students were involved in the planned pranks.

Other plans include tormenting security guards by pouring soft drink on them.

The year 12 parent representative Judith Tuim said she “had not heard anything”.

“The school had “managed everything terrifically this year,” she said, adding the school had a week of low-key activities planned.

On Tuesday the girls wore old uniforms to school, which they decorated.

Firbank principal Jenny Williams said she was “proud of the way in which the Firbank Class of 2020 have adapted to new ways of learning at their home campus and have engaged with teachers and classmates via the virtual classroom”.

“This year has demanded a level of resilience and courage far beyond our expectations.

“We have had discussions with our students and families regarding expected behaviours as their formal schooling concludes and have in place fun activities to enable the girls to celebrate safely on campus to mark this milestone,” Ms Williams said.

The school has a number of well-known alumni and is attended by Summer Warne, daughter of former cricketer Shane Warne. Summer recently posted a photo with the caption “imagine being in a pandemic last year of school … oh wait” on Instagram.

The Herald Sun is not suggesting Summer, who is in year 12, is involved in the planned pranks.

It comes as muck-up celebrations in some NSW schools have hit the headlines. Students at Shore School were given a range of disturbing, humiliating and illegal tasks and sexual challenges.

In recent years, similar pranks at Victorian schools have cost many thousands of dollars of damage and required police attendance.




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