
Feminist students win dress code revamp at Fitzroy High School

Students at an inner Melbourne high school have won a review of their dress code after a group of students dubbed the “feminist collective” raised concerns about “everyday sexism” under the current model.

Fitzroy High School is now reviewing its uniform policy.
Fitzroy High School is now reviewing its uniform policy.

Feminist students at an inner Melbourne high school have won a review of the dress code after raising concerns about “everyday sexism”.

Fitzroy High School’s Feminist Collective, which grew out of a discussion of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and gender inequality, has been lobbying the school to review the code.

The school does not have a compulsory uniform but has a dress code to guide the 600 students and teachers.

The code bans clothing deemed offensive, too short, too brief and exposing too much skin, including midriff and shoulders.

The dress code for students and staff was developed to meet Sunsmart guidelines, occupational health and safety standards and community expectations regarding appropriate dress.

However, the FemCo group has taken issue with expectations about “appropriateness for a workplace”.

“Clothing should be comfortable, practical and allow students and staff to participate fully in the range of activities for a school day. Students and staff should not wear clothing printed with offensive or inappropriate writing or images,” the code says.

Late last year, FemCo wrote to the school council to “voice a number of concerns about the school dress code and request a review of the dress code policy”.

The progressive school, which was closed in 1992 by the Kennett Government but reopened in 2004 after a concerted community campaign, considered the issues raised and agreed that it was timely to review the school dress code policy

Principal Linda Mitchell told the school community the review would include a working group, surveys, public meetings. student meetings and focus groups.

Of Mice And Men" by John Steinbeck.
Of Mice And Men" by John Steinbeck.

The review will cover community expectations and values, human rights and anti-discrimination requirements, health and safety considerations, exemptions, communication, implementation and enforcement.

Schools are required to revisit their school uniforms policies from time to time. It is unclear if the review may lead to the introduction of a compulsory uniform.

Under the existing code, students and staff are expected to wear Sunsmart clothing from September to April.

Shirts should cover the shoulders, upper arms and neck, as well as longer shorts and skirts that cover the upper thigh. “Singlets are not appropriate at any time at school,” the code says.

Occupational health and safety compliance bans thongs, open shoes and high heels at school.

For sport students are required to buy a sports shirts for $25 and wear longer style shorts or pants.

The Fitzroy High School Feminist Collective began in 2013, starting as a book club elective class.

It discussed the violence visited upon a nameless woman in Of Mice and Men. Students were angry and frustrated about what they saw gender inequality more broadly.

“This led to much discussion about the ‘Everyday Sexism’ the young women in the class endured, and that the young men in the class witnessed, and gave way to the realisation that young people of all genders needed to take action to address these issues in a secondary school context,” FemCo said.

It now runs as an ongoing elective subject and has been involved in curriculum development.

The Feminist Collective won the VicSRC Group Action Award in 2014 and on International Women’s Day in 2018 were awarded the City of Yarra Inspirational Women Group Award.

The FemCo co-founder Briony O’Keeffe was awarded an individual Women of Yarra award in 2019. Ms O’Keeffe is currently working in the education department.

FemCo and the school were asked to comment but declined. However, a parent at the school welcomed discussion about uniform code and the encouragement of student voice.





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