
Everything you need to know about Victoria’s plan to get kids back in the classroom

Victorian students will be packing their school bags and heading back to classrooms in coming weeks. So how will it work? Find the answers to your curly back-to-school questions here.

Year 11 twins Demi and Lydia Walkeri will be heading back to school in May. Picture: Jason Edwards
Year 11 twins Demi and Lydia Walkeri will be heading back to school in May. Picture: Jason Edwards

Here’s everything you need to know about Victoria’s plan to get kids back in the classroom.


What will the staggered pick-up and drop-off look like?

Will be up to each school, but it could mean dropping kids off in 10 or 15-minute intervals to ensure parents aren’t gathering in groups.

How will schools maintain hygiene?

Students will be encouraged to wash their hands or use sanitiser regularly, including on arrival, and before and after meals.

Will classrooms look different?

No, class sizes will remain the same and students will not be expected to physically distance.

Should kids take public transport to get to and from school?

Yes, Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton says public transport is safe, but kids should physically distance and leave a spare seat next to them on the bus, train or tram where possible.

My Year 10 child does a Year 11 subject. Are they allowed to go to school?

Yes, but only on the days they have Year 11 subjects. On those days, they will be permitted to attend the entire day if they’re unable to return home.

My child has health complications. Should they attend school?

Schools will continue to support kids with resources and guidance where they can’t attend school for medical reasons.

What about siblings in different year levels?

Siblings who are not in the year levels returning to school on May 26 are expected to continue learning from home unless they are unable to be supervised or are the child of an essential worker.

I don’t feel comfortable sending my child to school. Can they continue to learn remotely?

No. All students who are able to go to school are expected to attend. Teachers will not be expected to run both face-to-face and remote classes. There will be limited exemptions.

What about teachers who have kids that aren’t in the return year levels for May 26?

Teachers will be permitted to send their children to school when they are working.


May 25: All teachers return for a curriculum day

May 26: Prep, Grade 1, Grade 2, Year 11 and Year 12, VCAL and special school students. Year 10 pupils who take a Year 11 class will be able to attend for the day they have those subjects. Children of teachers will also be able to attend.

June 9: Grade 3 to Year 10

Catholic schools are expected to announce a similar timeline.

The details were revealed in the Sunday Herald Sun two days ago.


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