

Wesley College rocked by alleged sexual harassment claim

After allegedly being forced to perform a sex act on another student, the ex-student was told her complaint had “no hope of getting far”.

A former Wesley College claims she was sexually assaulted on campus. School.
A former Wesley College claims she was sexually assaulted on campus. School.

A former Wesley College student, who claims she was forced to perform a sex act on another student, says the school has a “history” of harassment and toxic masculinity.

The former student, now in her mid-20s, who has asked not to be identified but is now a teacher, has revealed details to the Herald Sun about the alleged sexual assault, which ­occurred at Wesley College’s Glen Waverley campus.

The woman, who was 16 at the time, said the incident had “changed her life forever”.

“I was 16 at the time, he was 18. He told me not to tell anyone about it — this was the hardest part,” she said.

“I had a really awkward school counselling session, where I didn’t feel comfortable to admit to what was going on because it was traumatic and I left it.

“It has affected my life in so many ways including how I see people and how I view the whole school environment, this really changed me.”

The now-teacher said she felt “alone” and “vulnerable” for three years before revealing the incident to police in 2016.

“I felt alone at the time and couldn’t open up about the incident. It wasn’t until three years later when I wrote a blog about the incident and the school became aware of it and immediately reported it to police,” she said.

“When I went to the police station I was told I’d have no hope of getting far with this, even though I showed the ­detectives text messages between us, where he admits to the assault.

“I felt powerless.”

The student alleged the incident occured at Wesley College’s Glen Waverley campus.
The student alleged the incident occured at Wesley College’s Glen Waverley campus.

The Herald Sun has seen copies of the text messages, which show the alleged victim told the boy after the incident “you pushed me down”.

“I initiated it basically,” he responded.

The woman said she was forced to speak out about the incident in light of recent allegations of sexual assault and toxic masculinity at the school.

“There has been so much toxic behaviour from the male students at the school over the years including targeting women on muck-up day and awarding them for being the ‘most sluttiest’ and other derogatory titles,” she said.

“There has been a clear history of this behaviour for years.

“I think it’s been empowering to speak out now. It’s so necessary to have a voice and as a teacher I can encourage and help others, which is ­so rewarding.”

Wesley College principal Nick Evans said in late 2013 the school’s counsellor provided support services to a student who was thought to have been a the victim of a possible sexual assault.

Wesley College’s principal Nicholas Evans said in late 2013 the school’s counsellor provided support services to the student.
Wesley College’s principal Nicholas Evans said in late 2013 the school’s counsellor provided support services to the student.

“The counsellor, and another trusted teacher, strongly urged the student to either report the matter to police, or allow the school to. This was very strongly resisted by the student,” Mr Evans said.

He said in 2016, the staff members involved became aware that the alleged incident was now in the public domain, courtesy of a blog post.

“The staff immediately escalated the matter to the campus head, who authorised a formal police report being lodged.

“At that point, given the student had not attended the college for three years, it was agreed the most appropriate course of action was to let the police investigate the matter.”

Mr Evans said while the college readily admitted to errors in how cases have been managed in the past, he believed the college had acted appropriately in this case with the student’s best interests central to every decision.

“Wesley has written to past students offering a ‘deep and sincere apology’ to all students who have been affected by inappropriate behaviour, inviting them to come forward if they feel triggered by recent events and the college will seek to provide support,” he said.

“The college has introduced – or is committed to introducing – a range of measures aimed at changing the culture of boys at the college and giving a voice to students who have been impacted by offensive, inappropriate or potentially criminal behaviour.”

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said police understood how challenging it was to come forward and report a sexual offence.

“It may take days, months or years after the incident has occurred. Our message to victims is that you will be listened to,” the spokeswoman said.

“We understand that there are times when a victim of a sexual assault may choose not to go ahead with an investigation.

“This decision may occur at any stage of the investigation process. Police will support the victim throughout the process when they are ready.”

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