

The restrictions likely to be eased as Melbourne moves out of lockdown

From visiting family to having a meal at your favourite restaurant, here’s what life for Melburnians may look like when stage four restrictions lift.

Andrews hints at which businesses will open 

When will Daniel Andrews release his road map to recovery?

A “reopening road map” will be announced on Sunday, September 6. Daniel Andrews has promised to include as much detail as possible for what he has described as our new “COVID normal”. He says it is still too early to start releasing details of the plan as the week’s coronavirus statistics are vital to planning. The government will spend the week consulting with industry, unions, and community organisations.

Will restrictions start easing from September 14, when the current restrictions expire?

Not necessarily. The Premier has been careful not to commit to easing restrictions, saying “we can’t rule out settings (restrictions) in two weeks time”. Federal authorities have warned Victoria’s numbers are still to high to consider easing Melbourne’s lockdown. However, Mr Andrews says restrictions will ease when the numbers show it is safe to do so. Victoria’s fall in new case numbers is currently trending in line with expectations.

Chapel Street's Abacus Bar and Kitchen owner Dylan Whitmore has been keeping his business alfoat off takeaway orders since Stage 4 began.
Chapel Street's Abacus Bar and Kitchen owner Dylan Whitmore has been keeping his business alfoat off takeaway orders since Stage 4 began.

Will I be able to visit family again?

Large family gatherings are unlikely to be allowed immediately. Smaller gatherings are more likely, however authorities are concerned about the potential of home visits to spread the virus. Mr Andrews said on Monday that families or friends visiting each other was “a massive contributor to the number of cases that we have seen in this second wave”. “As unpleasant as it is to have to forecast, it might be a while before you can have a barbecue with a large number of friends, or even family,” he says.

Will I be able to go to a restaurant?

Restaurants, cafes and pubs will most likely be allowed to return to some limited onsite trading. The Premier said warmer weather would allow more outdoor dining and service, while the public setting was more likely to ensure people continued to comply with COVID-safe practices. Strict patron limits are expected to be enforced.

Trips to the coast are unlikely for the upcoming September holidays. Picture: Alison Wynd
Trips to the coast are unlikely for the upcoming September holidays. Picture: Alison Wynd

The September school holidays are coming up. Will we be able to getaway?

It is unlikely. The government is fearful of outbreaks in largely COVID-free regional areas, meaning regional travel will almost certainly not be possible.

“We will jealously guard the low numbers in regional Victoria, and I think every regional Victorian would want us to do that,” the Premier says.

Do I have to keep working from home?

Yes. Working from home forms one of the key principles driving the recovery plan. The government wants workforce bubbles created to limit the number of staff who have prolonged and close contact with each other, with working from home continued where possible.

Will I be able to celebrate Christmas with family and friends this year as normal?

It remains unclear but Daniel Andrews has said it is his goal. “We had a different Mother’s Day. No-one was happy about that. We’re going to have a different Father’s Day. I want to make sure we have a Christmas Day as close to normal as possible,” he said on Monday.




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