
Sunday Herald Sun editorial: We will beat this virus

Victorians always come together in a crisis and today our state must stand as one to defeat this killer virus. The Sunday Herald Sun urges all Victorians to unite.

Prof Brett Sutton's mask recommendations

Victoria, we are in the fight of our lives. This vicious virus has inflicted on us one of the greatest challenges we have faced.

And how we respond to this challenge over the next few days, weeks and months will not only decide who lives and dies, it will decide the very future of our state.

Let there be no doubt, this is a moment in history where we either stand up and fight this virus or we condemn ourselves and our children to the toughest times we will ever know.

No more can we hope that coronavirus will be seen off by a few weeks of lockdown, a few months of working from home or online learning.

No, this virus demands of us that today we rise up as one in the greatest show of unity, singular purpose and commitment we have ever seen.

The stakes could not be higher. Coronavirus has in a matter of months extracted a massive toll on this state, and it has not finished with us yet.

The painful reality is that Victoria stands on the cusp of a killer pandemic that threatens to take all we hold dear.

Sunday Herald Sun front page July 12.
Sunday Herald Sun front page July 12.

Sadly, we are all paying the price for the minority who failed to follow the rules on distancing and isolating, who spread this circus by their actions.

To them today we say, stop it now, stop your selfishness. Do not put your own lives at risk — and even more importantly, those of your families and the entire community.

It ends now. From today you must be your very best. We need you to be your very best. And so too must we all be our very best.

It is only by being at our very finest that together we can defeat coronavirus. There can be no slip-ups any more.

And as we enter these dark days of lockdown it is incumbent on us all to be strong and to prepare for the inevitable pain that will be felt by many.

There will sadness, isolation, job losses, anger, pressure, tension, gloom, grief and that deep fear that comes from not knowing what will happen next.

And that is why today the Sunday Herald Sun implores all Victorians to not only fight this virus as one, but to make sure that all of us, individually and collectively, play our role in supporting our fellow Victorians.

Of course, we can get through these dark days, but we will only get though if we help each other.

No one must be left behind, no one must be left alone.

On this Sunday, July 12, we stand cut off from the rest of Australia and tied to the simple truth that we have never needed each other more than we do right now.

And that is why today our pledge to all Victorians is that we will do our part to get our state through this crisis. Our commitment is clear and simple.

We promise to be your voice. We promise to help you, guide you, inform your, fight for you and connect you. We pledge to work with you to beat this virus and find a way to a new era, a new dawn for Victoria.

This is our moment Victoria, and together, we will win.


If you suspect you may have coronavirus (COVID-19) call the dedicated hotline – open 24 hours, 7 days. 1800 675 398

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