
More than two dozen residents moved from virus-plagued aged care facility in Melbourne

Menarock Life Aged Care in Essendon has been emptied without warning after two deaths and dozens of coronavirus infections and authorities are preparing to take similar action at other facilities as the state’s virus toll soars.

Victoria coronavirus- Brett Sutton points the finger at age care workers

A virus-plagued aged-care centre in Melbourne has been emptied amid fears sick coronavirus patients could not be isolated, as the state’s sector struggles with 175 active cases.

Residents were transferred from Menarock Life Aged Care in Essendon with little warning on Friday. It follows two deaths and 21 staff, 15 residents and two external contacts testing positive.

Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck said the move was made because isolating sick residents had become impossible due to the facility’s layout.

“We understand this is a very stressful time, both for the residents being moved, and their families,” he said.

“However, we believe this is a necessary step to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the residents currently living in the Menarock Life facility.”

Twenty people have been transferred to Royal Melbourne hospital.

La Trobe Private Hospital and other private hospitals in Melbourne have taken the remainder of the residents who will all be tested for COVID-19.

Authorities could take similar action at other facilities as the state’s virus toll skyrockets, but the decision would be made on a case-by-case basis.

A resident leaves Menarock Life Aged Care home in a patient transport ambulance. Picture: Ian Currie
A resident leaves Menarock Life Aged Care home in a patient transport ambulance. Picture: Ian Currie

Other aged-care outbreaks being watched closely are:

ESTIA ARDEER, which has had nine staff, 27 residents turn positive results;

GLENDALE ACF, with 12 staff members, five residents and six household contacts confirmed;

ESTIA HEIDELBERG WEST, with six staff, seven residents; and

EMBRACIA MOONEE VALLEY, with five staff, five residents.

Victoria has moved to restrict staff working across multiple facilities with the risk of transmission deemed too high.

Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said many centres relied on flexible workers so stemming movement was an intricate and difficult process.

“We know some (aged care facilities) wouldn’t be able to function if they didn’t have the flexibility in place,” he said.

“It’s a risk and we need to manage it the best we can.”

Health workers in protective gear at the aged care home. Picture: David Crosling
Health workers in protective gear at the aged care home. Picture: David Crosling

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said the state was handling the outbreaks but said the sector was a “challenge”.

She also said the system was the responsibility “of all levels of government” but pointed to her federal counterparts saying, “we don’t have the levers here, this is a commonwealth problem”.

The state has announced a $1500 payment for aged-care workers that need to self-isolate as many will take a serious financial hit if not allowed to move between facilities.

Health Workers Union secretary Diana Asmar said workers relied heavily on their second job and the situation had been handled badly.

“For these workers, these extra hours at a second facility is the difference between having money for groceries or paying their rent,” Ms Asmar said.

Federal Acting Chief Medical officer Paul Kelly said seven million masks would be delivered to the sector.


Giuseppe Franzoni.
Giuseppe Franzoni.
Alf Jordan.
Alf Jordan.
Sumith Premachandra.
Sumith Premachandra.
Elaine Cairns.
Elaine Cairns.





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