
Dr Julia Crawford answers your questions about pets and COVID-19

There are just five known cases of animals testing positive to coronavirus, says Dr Julia Crawford, and it’s an entirely different issue that may prove widespread in our four-legged friends.

Dr Julia Crawford answers your questions.
Dr Julia Crawford answers your questions.

Can our pets spread coronavirus? It’s a common question since the COVID-19 crisis began.

But there are also concerns about safely visiting the vet for more routine matters, and behavioural changes in our furry friends as we stay at home full-time.

Dr Julia Crawford, president of the Australian Veterinary Association was online today to give advice.

Here’s what she had to say.

Q. Can cats and dogs catch coronavirus from humans and, if so, can they then pass it on to other people?

A. There are now almost 2 million cases of COVID-19 in people and two cases where cats have tested positive, two cases in dogs and a tiger. It is very rare but potentially possible. The recommendation is that if you have or suspect you have COVID-19 you limit contact with your pet in the same way you would with any other family member. At this stage there is no evidence that a pet can pass it on to another person.

Q. Is it safe to let my cat out? My sister says I should keep her indoors.

A. That is an everyday question in many respects. When you let a cat out there is always the risk of being in a cat fight, being hit by a car or some other misadventure. COVID-19 is spread from human to human. It is not spread from cat to cat and then to people.

Wash your hands after touching your pet as always.

If your cat were to come in close contact with an infected human this could be an issue. All people with symptoms of COVID-19 should treat their pet and other people’s pets as they would their family, friends and neighbours.

Q. Are you expecting to see a surge in anxiety in dogs when their humans stop working from home and return to the workplace?

A. Yes we are. Dogs love routines! It is important to try and stick to these if you can and make sure they are happy away from you.

Q. Many people seem to be keeping their dogs away from other dogs due to their fear of spreading the virus from contact with each other’s dog hair. How important is it for dogs to have their usual playtime with other dogs and for them to keep up their social links?

A. COVID-19 is spread from human to human. The dog park should be OK as long as the dog enjoys it. Social distance from people! You could wash or wipe down your dog after play. There are no studies as to how long the virus will stay on a dog’s coat and no evidence at all that it passes from dog to dog.

Q. What steps are vets taking to avoid COVID-19 and what should I do if I need to bring my dog in for treatment?

A. Every vet hospital will be dealing with this pandemic in slightly different ways. Please ring your vet before going there and you will be given information as to their procedures. You may be asked questions about your own health or travel. Your pet may be brought into the clinic and the vet will examine it and talk to you on the phone. As the virus is spread human to human, vets will be very careful about people entering their practices for the safety of their staff and to ensure they can stay open for all animals.

Q. How much contact should dogs have with other humans they may not know - can the virus really spread from a person touching a pet? And should anyone who has just bought a new puppy be looking at puppy school courses online? Many have shut, and I wanted to know if there might be socialisation issues with a pet if they don’t mix with other dogs like they would normally do at puppy school?

A. I would ring your vet about this one. There will be different situations and solutions in different areas and they can advise you about online classes.

There are areas at present where there are outbreaks of Parvovirus in dogs and this could be fatal to your puppy if it is not vaccinated.

It is possible that if an infected person touched your puppy and then you touched the puppy the virus could spread just as it does with other surface. As with anything hygiene is really important: wash your hands, keep your distance from other people and if you are worried about someone having touched our puppy you could bath it in a dog shampoo.

Q. Everybody’s asking about cats and dogs but can other pets be infected and wildlife too?

A. This is a really good question and there is still a lot to learn about this virus. It is spread human to human and any animal in contact with a large amount of virus could possibly become infected, but we have no evidence at this stage that it can be spread from animal to animal or to us.

Q. We were going to get a puppy for my daughter’s birthday next month. Would you advise us to wait until this is over?

A. Puppies are the best thing ever! We are finding that although they can’t socialise as much, people are home to house train them and look after them in other ways. It is important that any puppy in this pandemic is taught how to be alone otherwise it will be a bit of a shock when we all go back to work

It really depends as to what sort of puppy and where you live. Your vet or the vet nurses at your local practice would be happy to give you advice about breeds and your local conditions and how to choose a puppy.

Q. My dog has become so used to everyone being home she gets really upset on the rare times we go out. What can we do? She wasn’t like this before we went into lockdown.

A. Separation anxiety in dogs will become a common problem as we eventually come out of isolation. You need to ensure they have a safe space that is theirs and that they are taught to go to that space, which could be a mat or a crate or a bed. They must be relaxed away from you when you are home. You can reward them for being in that space and relaxed. Your vet can help you with this. There are also veterinary behaviourists who can assist.

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Originally published as Dr Julia Crawford answers your questions about pets and COVID-19

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