
Protest organisers to be fined amid outbreak fears as CHO warns against mass gathering

Protest organisers have ignored the threat of fines from incoming police chief Shane Patton and pledged to march through Melbourne’s CBD tomorrow, saying “protest is not a choice”, while the state’s Chief Health Officer urged for the illegal event to be cancelled.

Victoria has ‘rules for some and rules for others’

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Defiant protest organisers have vowed to march through Melbourne’s CBD tomorrow despite police threatening to fine them.

The Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance group say “protest is not a choice” in regards to tomorrow’s rally.

Three female organisers refused to answer questions from the media at a press conference this afternoon.

Instead they read a pre-prepared statement.

“This is a global and historic movement,” organiser Meriki Onus said.

“A product of hundreds of years of systemic racism and policing that Australia has contributed to.

“Every time we rally, the state and police attempt to stop us by force.”

Ms Onus urged those attending the protest to socially distance.

“Do not protest in groups of more than 20,” she said.

“Within your group of 20, you are to remain 1.5m apart and ensure there is room between each group of 20.”

Vietnam war veteran Rick Williams, 72, said the protest was “very selfish” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“It broke my heart, it is very selfish,” Mr Williams told the Herald Sun.

“Anzac Day was cancelled, but this can go ahead.

“We will be putting everyone’s life at risk. We flattened the curve down but it could all blow out.”

Mr Williams was forced to stay at home in Ballarat this Anzac Day.

It is usually a day he looks forward to catching up with mates and remembering his fallen brothers.

“It is not the time, there are other ways of achieving their aim,” he said.

“Why not stand outside the front of their house, in silence, and think.

“No one gets hurt that way.

“Let us not surrender what we have already achieved.”

Meriki Onus of the Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance group. Picture: Ian Currie
Meriki Onus of the Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance group. Picture: Ian Currie

Meanwhile, incoming police chief Shane Patton said protest organisers would be fined if tomorrow’s planned protest went ahead.

The deputy chief commissioner said he hoped the event would not go ahead, but police would be focused on maintaining a peaceful event.

“But people have to be held accountable for their actions,” he said.

“We will issue infringements to the organisers,” he said.

He said the fines would not exceed the $1652 fines prescribed under the state of emergency regulations.

But NSW has gone further, with Police Commissioner Mick Fuller applying to the state’s Supreme Court to stop Sydney protests in a bid to enforce social distancing rules.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the injunction was critical because the government would not “give the green light to thousands and thousands of protesters”.

Ms Berejiklian said earlier this week a request was made to police for a “small protest” which could have been managed.

Mr Fuller said by this morning it appeared in excess of 10,000 people could attend.

Ms Berejiklian asked protesters to consider expressing their views in a different way.

“Please do not breach the health orders.”

Victoria Police said while it was not practical to issue infringements to thousands of protesters, anyone who intentionally breaks the law tomorrow will be “held to account”. “Claims in the media this week that Victoria Police will not be issuing infringement notices to people who breach Chief Health Officer directions at tomorrow’s planned protest in the CBD are wrong,” a police spokeswoman said.

“In the exercise of police discretion, those who intentionally break the law will be held to account, and we have again contacted the organisers of the protest this morning to ensure this point is understood.”

Victoria Police said they preferred if the protest did not take place.

“There are obvious and potentially dire public health consequences should this event lead to an outbreak of coronavirus,” the police spokeswoman said.

“If it is to proceed then it must be conducted in a manner which does not breach the Chief Health Officer directions.

“We have also been clear that it would not be practical to issue infringements to thousands of persons congregating for a protest. We wish to keep the protest a peaceful one.

“That said, after the event and as per other recent protests, we will assess the evidence of the protest and if it did breach CHO guidelines we will not hesitate to issue infringement notices to the organisers. We will also consider other persons whom it may be appropriate to infringe.”

On Monday, Police Minister Lisa Neville told the 3AW Drive program it was “impossible” to issue infringements to protesters without causing safety issues.

“It will be very difficult, if you end up with 6000 ... 10,000 people there. Victoria Police won’t be pulling out people and giving them infringements. It will be impossible without that leading to violence,” Ms Neville said.

“If people go, they should think about it. COVID is real. There’s no question, it will breach the COVID directives.

“The plan will be to try to have a peaceful protest. Pulling people out, giving them infringements, won’t lead to that.

“If you have 10,000 people it is impossible to start doing infringements without it causing massive safety issues for police, as well as protesters and the broader community.”

Australia's Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy warns the protest is a threat to indigenous communities. Picture: AAP
Australia's Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy warns the protest is a threat to indigenous communities. Picture: AAP


The Black Lives Matter protest in Melbourne is at risk of sparking a coronavirus outbreak in indigenous communities, chief medical officer Brendan Murphy has warned.

He said he was “absolutely terrified” of protestors spreading the virus to vulnerable indigenous elders.

“It would be catastrophic,” he said.

Mr Murphy said it was impossible to safely attend a mass gathering of any kind.

“We can’t keep apart ... we can’t stop touching each other and there is no way of knowing who is there or how to trace them.”

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said those attending the protest would have close links to indigenous people.

“The very people the protestors are fighting for are being put at risk by this planned mass gathering,” he said.

Both men urged Victorians to stay away.

“Do not go”, Mr Hunt said.

“There are other ways to demonstrate your compassion and exercise your fundamental right to protest.”

He suggested protesting via an online statement or holding a vigil at home.

“The vigils held on Anzac Day at the bottom of driveways were incredibly powerful and moving, and no one was put at risk.”

Mr Hunt said the decision not to fine protestors was “a State Government” directive.

“That’s up to them”

Minister for Health Greg Hunt has urged people not to attend the protest. Picture: AAP
Minister for Health Greg Hunt has urged people not to attend the protest. Picture: AAP

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer has also urged organisers of tomorrow’s planned protest to cancel the illegal event.

Professor Brett Sutton said today he would be open to speaking with the organisers directly in order to detail the public health risks.

Prof Sutton said the current public health directions in place prohibited the gathering, which is expected to draw tens of thousands of people to the CBD.

But he said beyond his directions there was little he could do.

The matter was now an operational and logistical matter for Victoria Police, he said.

More than 40,000 people have registered interest in attending a solidarity protest outside state parliament on Saturday over the death of George Floyd in the United States.

Prof Sutton said he had been in discussions with the Premier, health minister Jenny Mikakos and Victoria Police over the planned protest.

“There is risk of transmission in the community and if you don’t have to do something, please don’t,” he said.

“From a public health perspective, it is not the time to be having large gatherings.

“I do urge anyone not to be breaking the directions. The directions state that gatherings should not be greater than 20 people.”

Victoria Police have indicated protesters would not be fined for attending the illegal event.

“I understand the passions people will have in relation to this, and the desire to protest, but my focus has always been on the health and wellbeing of people,” Prof Sutton said.

Victorian Chief Health Officer, Prof Brett Sutton has warned against attending Saturday’s planned protest. Picture: David Crosling
Victorian Chief Health Officer, Prof Brett Sutton has warned against attending Saturday’s planned protest. Picture: David Crosling

He said there was a real risk of exposure to the coronavirus which could then sweep through the community.

“It remains a risk, otherwise we would have different directions in place at the moment that allows larger gatherings to occur.”

Ms Mikakos said yesterday the protest should not go ahead.

“We are concerned about the potential for a second wave,” Ms Mikakos said.

“Having a very large number of people congregating together puts those individuals at risk and puts other members of the community at risk.

“I would urge people to abide by the public health directions and not be protesting.”

Ms Mikakos said there would be an appropriate time to protest, but now was not the time.

“I understand the anguish, the pain, the suffering of people right across our nation having seen this tragic case occur in the United States,” she said.

“Of course we have issues in our own nation … I think there will be an appropriate time and place to protest peacefully about these matters, but I would urge people to abide by the public health directions and that is to stay home.

“There are other ways to make your views known and felt and that is contacting your local MP, but I would urge people not to be protesting this weekend,” she said.

Similar protests around the world have descended into chaos with violence and riots between protesters and police.


Newbury Primary School in Craigieburn has been closed today after a prep student tested positive to coronavirus.

A letter from the school to parents, carers and staff, seen by the Herald Sun, confirmed the positive case.

It said the school would be closed for all staff and students from Friday for 24 hours, meaning it would likely reopen on Tuesday after the Queen’s Birthday public holiday.

The child’s COVID-19 diagnosis is believed to have been contracted through community transmission and they first developed symptoms last weekend.

Newbury Primary School students in grades 3-6 are due to return to onsite classes from Tuesday, according to a letter written by principal Michelle Bromfield.

“This closure will allow time for the school and DHHS to work through a contact and containment strategy,” Ms Bromfield said.

“This includes identifying and notifying any person who has been in close recent contact with the affected student who has tested positive.”

The school said affected students, their families and school staff would be notified by the DHHS over the next 24 hours as to what actions they needed to take.

It’s not known what year level the student was in but only grades prep, 1 and 2 were currently learning on campus.

The school said students and teachers currently learning and working onsite should remain at home while contact tracing occurs and not attend public places.

The school will update families once contact tracing is completed and a decision about reopening the school is made.



The heartbroken family of a Victorian coronavirus victim has hit out at the “despicable” protesters for ignoring bans on mass gatherings.

Beloved Hillside grandfather Giuseppe Franzoni, 84, died in April after a horror two-week battle against the deadly virus.

He had been “fit as a fiddle” before contracting the virus.

A bereaved relative told the Herald Sun that Saturday’s planned protest, coinciding with protests around the world after the death of George Floyd in the United States, was “disrespectful”.

Hillside grandfather Giuseppe Franzoni, 84, died on Friday from coronavirus.
Hillside grandfather Giuseppe Franzoni, 84, died on Friday from coronavirus.

“What has happened in America is tragic, but we are going to see a second wave,” the relative said.

“It is total disrespect to the 102 Australians who have died so tragically. People just don’t get it. They have a right to protest, but now is not the time.”

Despite pleas to cancel the protest, organisers have stunningly claimed the rally is an “essential service”.

More than 40,000 people registered their interest to attend the protest, which is being organised by activist group Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance.

Melbourne indigenous woman and protest organiser Meriki Onus, 32, said she hoped to raise awareness of “racist policing” both in Australia and the US.

“We are protesting to elevate the voices of people who have lost family members in custody,” she said.

“We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in the USA. We want to stop black deaths in custody.”




Protest organisers Crystal McKinnon and Meriki Onus. Picture: Jason Edwards
Protest organisers Crystal McKinnon and Meriki Onus. Picture: Jason Edwards

The big group will gather outside Parliament House before marching down Bourke St, defying government pleas to stay at home during the coronavirus pandemic.

“Dan Andrews should focus on stopping black deaths in custody,” Ms Onus said.

“If he’s worried about public health, what about the public health issue of Aboriginal people that die at the hands of racist policing?

“He doesn’t seem genuine that he cares about the Victorian public if he keeps ignoring these issues. We see standing for the right to somebody’s life as an essential service. Standing for the human rights of people to live and exist is an essential service.”

The protest group insists it will do everything possible to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus despite the sheer number of participants who have expressed their interest, making it impossible to socially distance according to the Chief Health Officer’s orders.

Attendees are being urged to wear face masks, use hand sanitiser frequently and maintain social distancing as much as possible.

“To us, staying alive is more essential than removing a level crossing,” Ms Onus said.

“Our community has been talking about the deaths of black people at the hands of racist policing for a long time.”

Protester Crystal McKinnon, 38, said the group had a “reputation” for remaining peaceful across dozens of previous indigenous protests.

“Our reputation stands for itself, our demonstrations are always peaceful,” she said.

The preparation comes after Daniel Andrews backed a decision by Victoria Police not to fine thousands expected to attend the march.

The Premier said while protesters would be breaching social distancing restrictions it was important not to have repeated scenes here.

“Turn the TV on … in so many cities across the United States no one’s following any rules,” he said.

Protesters are expected to march the CBD in their thousands. Picture: AAP Image/James Ross
Protesters are expected to march the CBD in their thousands. Picture: AAP Image/James Ross

“Let’s just be really clear about what the police are trying to avoid here. We don’t want that here, we don’t need that here, I would urge people not to go to any protest … that’s against the rules.”

Mr Andrews rejected suggestions the protesters were being given special treatment over hard working Victorians who remain banned from attending work.

“It’s not about giving special treatment to people, it’s about trying not to inflame a very volatile set of circumstances,” he said.

“I understand the depth of feeling on this issue.

“But I might make the point this way, enough people have been hurt, let’s not do anything on the weekend that compromises safety.

“Let’s not do anything on the weekend that potentially spreads the virus.

“It would not be safe, in my judgment, and the judgment of our medical experts, to be having gatherings of that size.”

The protest will begin at 2pm on Saturday.


City businesses have slammed the police and Premier over the ­decision not to punish tens of thousands of anti-racism protesters expected to flout coronavirus restrictions by converging on the CBD on Saturday.

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer and Health Minister are urging as many as 40,000 protesters not to put their own and other people’s lives at risk, but authorities say those who thumb their noses at the restrictions will not be fined.

Premier Daniel Andrews said on Thursday “people should not be protesting”, but added he “wouldn’t want to be inflaming things”.

Greg Kahan, owner of The George on Collins restaurant, said it was “totally frustrating”.

“All these people protesting, how is there going to be social distancing?” he said.

“It is totally frustrating when we are only allowed 20 in our venue. Hospitality is suffering the most. What is good for the goose has to be good for the gander. If (they’re) allowed the protest, let us have more people.”

The protest will also force the iconic Imperial Hotel, opposite Parliament House on the corner of Bourke and Spring streets, to close tomorrow, just days after it finally ­reopened.

“From an operation perspective, it is not practical for us to open,” hotel manager Ben Anderson said.


Melbourne has topped the list of the state’s hot spots for coronavirus restriction breaches. Picture: Getty Images
Melbourne has topped the list of the state’s hot spots for coronavirus restriction breaches. Picture: Getty Images


Melbourne, Dandenong and Frankston have been revealed as the state’s hot spots for coronavirus restriction breaches.

A Victoria Police report submitted to a parliamentary inquiry into the effects of COVID-19 gave the number of fines in each municipality.

Melbourne topped the list with 590 to May 17, followed by Greater Dandenong with 333 and Frankston with 297, while 287 fines were issued in Yarra, 249 in Casey and 203 in Mornington Peninsula.

More than 5600 fines have been issued across the state totalling more than $8 million. Of those, 337 were withdrawn or cancelled and 165 had been paid in full.

Businesses accounted for just 37 of the fines.

Controversy surrounded the issuing of some fines, including one given to a learner driver during a lesson with her mother. The fine was later withdrawn.

More than 47,000 coronavirus-related spot checks were carried out and about 69,000 calls were made to the COVID-19 police assistance line.

Victoria Police issued fines at almost triple the rate of its interstate counterparts

— With Olivia Jenkins




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