
Coronavirus: Scientists say more contagious strain of COVID-19 is spreading

Birthday lunches, barbecues and dinner parties of up to 10 are reportedly being reviewed on Friday by Scott Morrison’s National Cabinet.

Josh Frydenberg is receiving 24-7 security – a first for an Australian treasurer. Picture: AAP
Josh Frydenberg is receiving 24-7 security – a first for an Australian treasurer. Picture: AAP

Gatherings of up to 10 could be possible in time for Mother’s Day.

Small birthday lunches, barbecues and dinner parties may get the go-ahead as well.

Plus playgrounds could soon be reopened.

Seven News reported the National Cabinet is expected to ease gathering restrictions on Friday, which will allow groups of up to 10 people to meet at a home.

It will, however, be up to individual states to implement the easing of this restriction, which is a timely move with Mother’s Day being on Sunday.

Birthday lunches, barbecues and dinner parties of up to 10 could be on the cards for Australians this week. Picture: iStock
Birthday lunches, barbecues and dinner parties of up to 10 could be on the cards for Australians this week. Picture: iStock

The decision will be considered after the Cabinet assesses the health data of each state.

The Prime Minister’s office would not comment on the Seven News report.

Since last Friday, in some states, two adults have been able to visit another home with their children if it is to provide care, although the definition of providing care has been loosely interpreted.

However, Prime Minister Scott Morrison gave little away about the next stage of easing during an interview with on Tuesday night.

“Follow the medical advice and follow rules in place at each state and territory (on Mother’s Day),” Mr Morrison said.

Restrictions could ease in time for Mother’s Day on Sunday. Picture: ThinkStock
Restrictions could ease in time for Mother’s Day on Sunday. Picture: ThinkStock

“Everyone has to exercise good common judgment,” he said.

“But it is going to be different this year, like Anzac Day we knew there wouldn’t be the marches and there wouldn’t be the large services.

“It could still be a special day and no doubt Australia will find the same way, I am sure they will elicit the same innovation and affection for their mothers.

He did suggest playgrounds could soon be reopened.

The PM was asked by if the National Cabinet would consider such a change.

“It’s something I know the medical expert panel is working through,” Mr Morrison said.

“This was a difficult decision at the time we made it.

“The issue was, how are (playgrounds) cleaned all the time? It’s also a place where parents congregate. We were trying to discourage people clumping together in groups,” he said via Facebook Live.

“I think it’s quite possible in the not too near future that that might be able to be addressed.”

Deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly said the twin goals were to provide normality and economic benefit.

“This will be gradual. Some things will open – others will not,” Professor Kelly said.

“It will be scaled so that risk of increasing the number of cases is minimised while giving the maximum benefit to the economy and to normalisation of society.”


A 69-year-old Australian man has died of COVID-19 in Thailand.

The man was a hotel manager in the southern province of Phang-nga, said Taweesin Wisanuyothin, spokesman for the government’s Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration.

Thailand has reported a total of 2989 cases and 55 fatalities since the outbreak began in January.

There are 173 patients being treated at hospital and a total 2761 patients have recovered.

Australia’s national death toll – which does not include this Thailand fatality – stands at 97.

Australia’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly confirmed we have 62 Australians in hospital, which includes 27 in intensive care and 18 on ventilators.

“That’s way less than it was even two weeks ago, he said.

“So remarkably small number and very encouraging in the way that we have managed to flatten that curve and to decrease the number of people therefore with severe illness. We have plenty of capacity in our health care system to deal with these matters now.”

Where you are most likely to catch COVID-19

Medical experts have warned that households are a greater risk of spreading COVID-19 than outdoor gatherings.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said most of the infectiousness happens in the first five days of people being sick.

“So mostly the infection is when someone is quite obviously sick, they know they are sick and they are transmitting it from person to person,” he said.

“Much less so before they get sick. So this is quite clear.”

But Professor Kelly said infections are much more likely to spread within households.

“In terms of households, it is due to the close and prolonged proximity with someone that is infectious with others that are susceptible to the virus. So that household infectiousness is the most prominent one around the world but other settings where people can be inside for a prolonged period in close proximity, these are also risky issues”.

“And much less so than outdoors for example”

Professor Kelly said there was one well-documented case of a stadium in northern Italy in the middle of the epidemic, “but other than that, very little in relation to outdoors … infecting each other,” he said.

“These are now strengthening our resolve in terms of our general principles as to how we are going to look at reopening society, reopening the economy in a COVID-safe way”.

Professor Kelly said the virus is infectious when it spreads from “person-to-person”, but it is “absolutely clear now that it is less infectious in children.”

“Children are less likely to spread the virus between each other, or even from children to adults,” he said.

“They are less likely to be infected and they are less likely to have severe infections and very, very rarely does that end up in intensive care and the more severe end of the spectrum.”

“So children, in general, are not much of an issue in terms of this,”

Professor Kelly


A new more aggressive form of COVID-19 has been detected by US scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The mutation called Spike D614G quickly became the most dominant strain of the virus circulating in the community, the researchers report in a paper that has not yet been peer reviewed.

The scientists are working on a project to provide an early warning system for notable mutations in the virus to help researchers working on vaccines and tests which are based on the original Wuhan strain of the virus.

Scientists looked at 6000 genetic samples of the virus from around the world and found the new strain appeared to emerge in early March and by mid-March was present in 29 per cent of genetic samples but was still mainly in Europe.

New Yorkers line up for free masks in the borough of Queens. Picture: AP
New Yorkers line up for free masks in the borough of Queens. Picture: AP

“However, an early April sampling of the data from GISAID showed that G614’s frequency was increasing at an alarming pace throughout March, and it was clearly showing an ever-broadening geographic spread,” the researchers report in bioRxiv.

“Wherever G614 entered a population, a rapid rise in its frequency followed, and in many cases G614 became the dominant local form in a matter of only a few weeks.”

Through the month of March, G614 became increasingly common throughout Europe, and by April it dominated, the researchers said.

In early March, the G614 was introduced into both Canada and the USA, and by the end of March it had become the dominant form in both nations and it was the predominant form in New York, the authors said.

“Australia follows the same transition pattern, from D614 to G614 dominance,” they reported.

Iceland is the single exception to the pattern because there the epidemic seems to have started with a G614 form, the paper said.


Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has confirmed he is under 24/7 protection due to threats made during the COVID-19 crisis.

It is the first time a Treasurer has been issued with around-the-clock security by the Australian Federal Police.

It’s believed the threats were made by racist extremists.

Mr Frydenberg confirmed reports on Sunrise this morning.

“It is right but at the same time these assessments are done independent of government by the relevant agencies and we follow their advice,” he said.

Mr Frydenberg admitted the security change was unsettling for him and his family.

“It may be, but at the same time I’ve got an important job to do and there are many lives on the line right now in terms of ensuring the economy bounces back, ensuring the health restrictions are adhered to and that’s what I, and the prime minister and our parliamentary colleagues across both sides of the political divide, have been focusing on.”

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is under threat. Picture: AAP
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is under threat. Picture: AAP


US President Donald Trump says China is to blame for failing to halt the spread of the coronavirus, but on the origins of the outbreak said “they didn’t do it on purpose.”

Mr Trump told The New York Post during an hour-long interview on Monday in the Oval Office that he’s aware of spy agency efforts to determine if a lab in Wuhan, China, released the virus.

But he focused his scorn on China failing to stop the lethal bug from spreading.

“Well I know of the intelligence. And they report to me,” Mr Trump said.

“Bad things happened, let’s face it, bad things happened. They didn’t do it on purpose. But it got out.”

Mr Trump clarified that he meant the virus “got out” of Wuhan, not the lab specifically.

A cook takes a break outside his restaurant in Beijing. Picture: AFP
A cook takes a break outside his restaurant in Beijing. Picture: AFP

“Well, it got out of that area, and it shouldn’t have. It shouldn’t have been allowed to have gotten out because it got out and went all over the world. So that shouldn’t have taken place, and [China] should have never allowed it to happen,” Mr Trump said.

Mr Trump avoided directly evaluating a theory that the Wuhan lab accidentally released the novel virus.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday that there was “enormous evidence” the pandemic emerged from the lab. China said Mr Pompeo was “bluffing.”

It comes as The Daily Telegraph reported that the Australian government and its intelligence agencies are understood to be growing increasingly uneasy with the US President’s bold claims COVID-19 probably leaked from a Wuhan laboratory.

The Daily Telegraph reported that the central concern emerging from the Australian government and its security­ agencies is that the US may be putting undue emphasis on the theory the virus originated in a Wuhan laboratory.

US President Donald Trump has again pointed the finger at China. Picture: AP
US President Donald Trump has again pointed the finger at China. Picture: AP

On Tuesday, Mr Trump told reporters at the White House that he wanted China to be transparent, while saying he also believes the US has a definitive answer on the origins of the virus.

“Yeah, I think we do, but I’m going to — we’ll be reporting on it over the next period of time,” he said before departing for Arizona.

To China, Mr Trump said: “We want them to be transparent. We want to find out what happened so it never happens again.”

Last Friday, Mr Trump was pressed by a reporter on whether he had seen anything that gave him a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan lab “was the origin of this virus,” and he said “yes, I have” but that he was “not allowed” to elaborate.

In his interview with The New York Post on Monday, Mr Trump said he believes Chinese authorities could have prevented the global spread of COVID-19, which has sickened more than 3.5 million people around the world, and killed more than 252,000.

The US has been hard-hit with 1.21 million cases and more than 70,000 dead. It has also left 30 million Americans unemployed.

Riot police walk among a Hong Kong shopping district. Picture: Getty Images
Riot police walk among a Hong Kong shopping district. Picture: Getty Images

“I think the worst part of it was they could have extinguished the fire,” Mr Trump said.

“And they could have stopped people from travelling and extinguished the fire. And they did stop people from travelling to China, but not to other parts of the world. So it’s a very sad event, I will tell you.”

Mr Trump said he doesn’t want to even consider a military engagement with China as tensions escalate.

“I don’t want to talk about war, you don’t talk about war. But it’s a sad thing,” Mr Trump said.

“You know, we just finished a trade deal a few months ago. Before this we just finished a trade deal, there was great optimism. And then something like this happens and, you know, it really predominates, so we’ll see how it all goes.”

Mr Trump also said that a silver lining of the pandemic is that it may move supply chains for products including medicine from China to the US.


A leading epidemiologist whose work heavily influenced Britain’s lockdown measures has resigned from his position as a government adviser after a newspaper revealed he broke social distancing rules.

Professor Neil Ferguson says he “made an error of judgment” and regrets “any undermining of the clear messages around the continued need for social distancing.”

His statement came after the Telegraph reported he had allowed his married lover to visit him at home during the lockdown.

Ferguson leads a team at Imperial College London who modelled the spread and impact of the coronavirus in data that was instrumental in prompting Prime Minister Boris Johnson to impose lockdown measures.

British epidemiologist, Professor Neil Ferguson. Picture: Supplied
British epidemiologist, Professor Neil Ferguson. Picture: Supplied

It comes as Britain’s death toll from the coronavirus topped 32,000, according to an updated official count released on Tuesday (local time), pushing the country past Italy to become the second-most impacted after the United States.

The new toll, from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and regional health bodies, has not yet been incorporated into the government’s daily figures, which records the current number of deaths as 29,427.

That is still higher than Italy, which on Tuesday said it has recorded 29,316 virus fatalities to date, but far short of the US where nearly 69,000 have died in the pandemic.

However, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab urged against trying to make reliable international comparisons.

A cashier at a supermarket works behind a protective perspex barrier in London. Picture: AFP
A cashier at a supermarket works behind a protective perspex barrier in London. Picture: AFP

“There are different ways of counting deaths … we now publish data that includes all deaths in all settings and not all countries do that,” he said at the daily Downing Street press conference.

“Can you reliably know that all countries are measuring in the same way? And it also depends on how good, frankly, countries are in gathering their statistics.”

Mr Raab called the lives lost “a massive tragedy” and “something in this country, on this scale, in this way, that we’ve never seen before”.

The updated statistics, showing 32,313 total deaths by around April 24, means Britain has probably had the highest official death numbers in Europe for days.

A lone woman sits in an empty Trafalgar Square in London. Picture: AFP
A lone woman sits in an empty Trafalgar Square in London. Picture: AFP


The Trump administration failed to prepare for the onslaught of the coronavirus, then sought a quick fix by trying to rush an unproven drug to patients, a senior government scientist alleged in a whistleblower complaint.

Dr. Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, alleges he was reassigned to a lesser role because he resisted political pressure to allow widespread use of hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug pushed by President Donald Trump.

He said the Trump administration wanted to “flood” hot spots in New York and New Jersey with the drug.

Dr Rick Bright wants his job back. Picture: Health and Human Services via AP
Dr Rick Bright wants his job back. Picture: Health and Human Services via AP

“I witnessed government leadership rushing blindly into a potentially dangerous situation by bringing in a non-FDA approved chloroquine from Pakistan and India, from facilities that had never been approved by the FDA,” Bright said on Tuesday local time on a call with reporters.

“Their eagerness to push blindly forward without sufficient data to put this drug into the hands of Americans was alarming to me and my fellow scientists.”

Bright filed the complaint with the Office of Special Counsel, a government agency that investigates retaliation against federal employees who uncover problems. He says he wants his job back and a full investigation.

The Department of Health and Human Services had no immediate comment.


Meanwhile, fifteen children between the ages of two and 15 have been hospitalised in New York with symptoms consistent with a rare disease possibly linked to the coronavirus.

The children experienced a persistent fever, more than half reported rash, abdominal pain, vomiting or diarrhoea, and less than half experienced respiratory symptoms, features similar to Kawasaki disease, a serious illness first noted in children with COVID-19 in Britain.

“A paediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome, recently reported by authorities in the United Kingdom, is also being observed among children and young adults in New York City and elsewhere in the United States,” said Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, deputy commissioner of the New York City Health Department’s Division of Disease Control, in a public letter to colleagues on Monday.

Dr Daskalakis said symptoms vary among the children depending on which organ system is affected, but “include features of Kawasaki disease or features of shock.”

A New Yorker loads up from a free food refrigerator in Brooklyn. Picture: Getty Images/AFP
A New Yorker loads up from a free food refrigerator in Brooklyn. Picture: Getty Images/AFP

He added, however, that “the full spectrum of disease is not yet known.”

The cases reported in New York involved children who were hospitalised between April 17 and May 1 with “illnesses compatible with” a form of Kawasaki or shock, according to the New York City Health Department.

More than half of the children required blood pressure support, and five required mechanical ventilation.

Four of the 15 children tested positive for the coronavirus. Ten came back negative, and one was initially indeterminate and then negative.

Serology testing showed that six patients with negative results had coronavirus antibodies in their blood, suggesting they had been infected earlier.


No meetings in small rooms, limiting interstate travel and staggered start times will be the new normal for Australian workplaces as coronavirus restrictions ease.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy said employers will need to enforce social distancing and hygiene procedures within the workplace for as long as the COVID-19 pandemic remains a threat.

“We don’t want everyone crowding in the lifts at the beginning of the day and the end of the day,” he said.

“We want staff to have a responsibility for hygiene. Hand sanitiser everywhere.

“People not shaking their hands.

“People not crowding into a small room for a meeting.”

Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy says interstate travel must be limited when restrictions start to ease. Picture: Adam Head
Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy says interstate travel must be limited when restrictions start to ease. Picture: Adam Head

Prof Murphy said businesses should also use video meetings wherever possible.

“(No) travelling interstate for a meeting that you can do via video,” he said.

Prof Murphy said there was not enough known about the virus to give a “12 month” plan for Australia.

“Our strategy at the moment is to keep Australians safe over the next two to three to four months while safely relaxing restrictions so that we can get on with economic activity and our lives in a COVID safe way,” he said.”

“We will continually need to re-evaluate our strategy.

The government’s National COVID-19 co-ordination Commission chair Nev Power said the focus of every business now should be “restructuring” their worksite to comply with social distance and hygiene guidelines.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy says businesses should use video conferencing for meetings wherever possible.
Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy says businesses should use video conferencing for meetings wherever possible.

“Have plans in place and be ready as the restrictions change that you can continue to do that as more customers are coming into your business, as there is a higher level of activity and make sure that we continue to contain the virus as the economy starts to expand again,” he said.

Mr Power said if there were further coronavirus outbreaks in Australia, businesses needed to have a plan to respond so future restrictions could be avoided.

“We want to make sure we are able to deal with those quickly,” he said.

“We are all looking forward to having a more relaxed set of restrictions but we need to make sure we continue to do the right thing.”


Scott Morrison has said a million Australians must get back to work after Jacinda Ardern has said she is open to making trans-Tasman travel work.

The Prime Minister said the incredible $4 billion a week cost to the economy outlined by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will continue “so long as we have Australians in a position where they are unable to open their businesses and go back to the offices, children unable to go back to school, and the many restrictions in place”.

“That is why the national cabinet has been working very effectively today as we move towards the decisions we need to take on Friday, that will impact on these restrictions in weeks and months that are ahead.”

He then outlined some of the effects of COVID-19 to date.

“By the end of the day, more than a million Australians will have had the claims process for JobSeeker,” he said.

“Around five million are estimated to be on JobKeeper. One million, or more, are accessing their own super, of almost $10 million. 384,000 businesses are accessing around $7 million in cash flow assistance, and that is just to date.”

Scott Morrison’s press conference today.
Scott Morrison’s press conference today.

The Prime Minister said the National Cabinet and federal government were “under no illusion” about the ongoing costs of the COVID-19 restrictions.

“It certainly puts enormous pressure, as it should, on the timetable as we seek to move Australia back to that safe economy because of those significant costs, and as we plan our way back in getting there was a million Australians back to work, those costs are expressed in

so many different ways,” he said.

Mr Morrison said the social distancing rules and partial shutdowns have cost 11 per cent of GDP nationally.

“If you look at what is done in the areas that have had great restrictions, you can see that some three percentage points of that 11 per cent fall, but when you look at the jobs, 708,000 jobs estimated to be lost and impacted by these restrictions, specifically on those industry sectors,” he said.

Mr Morrison said nationally there had been about 441,000 hospitality jobs lost, 146,000 in retail services, 120,000 in construction, and about 108,000 from arts and recreation.

Almost 500,000 jobs have been lost in NSW alone, estimated to have the highest number of losses, followed by Victoria and then Queensland.

Guidelines for the reopening of a wide range of workplaces have been created by the Federal Government in a bid to enable the economy to restart.

Attorney-General Christian Porter said they would provide on “very granular detail” on how businesses can start to reopen in a way that is safe, from how to use PPE and how to social distance in a workplace environment.

COVID-19 co-ordination Commission chairman Nev Power said a lot of work had been done to make sure Australians could return to work soon and safely.

“That has gone really well,” Mr Power said.

“Businesses will have a complete toolkit.”

More than 100 businesses and peak bodies were called in to speak with members of the commission to create the guidelines.

Originally published as Coronavirus: Scientists say more contagious strain of COVID-19 is spreading

Read related topics:Scott Morrison

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