All staff sacked at stores in major chain
A number of retail stores in a major national chain have collapsed after landlords repossessed the premises, while staff have been terminated from their roles.
A number of retail stores in a major national chain have collapsed after landlords repossessed the premises, while staff have been terminated from their roles.
Tech giant Amazon Australia has launched a major recruitment drive for seasonal workers before its mid-year sales. Here’s what you need to know.
The agenda for the special National Cabinet meeting to address violence against women will include countering violent and misogynistic content online.
Thanks to rapid advancements in technology, these jobs might not exist in a few years – and there will be major consequences for all Aussies.
While most people’s pay packets might not be keeping up with inflation, certain companies are still paying eye-watering salaries to graduates straight out of uni.
Millennials and Gen Z can no longer say they’re the hardworking generation, with new data proving they’re lazier than their senior counterparts.
A teary Finance Minister’s voice cracked as she faced yet another round of questions in parliament about what she knew about Brittany Higgins’ allegation.
Australia’s unemployment rate has fallen – defying predictions and in a sign the labour market is strong.
The government has passed legislation to terminate the Russian Federation’s lease on a piece of Australian land – just next to Parliament House.
A recent move by retail giant Bunnings could end up being a huge win for countless Aussie workers across the nation – including you.
Major changes are coming to drive down the jobless rate among one group of Australians. See what changes are coming.
Confirmation a “secret” report into who knew about Brittany Higgins’ allegation was never completed has several MPs pointing the finger.
As Australia buckles under the latest interest rate hike, new polling has revealed how many people want RBA governor Philip Lowe gone.
Top executives have had their pay increased much higher than the average Australian amid the cost of living crisis, a new report shows.
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