
Korea summit: Kim Jong-un, Moon Jae-in to release joint statement after historic talks

THE two leaders have engaged in a historic first discussion about getting rid of North Korea’s nuclear weapons. This is what they decided.

Kim Jong-un crosses border for historic talks

IT STARTED with a handshake at the demarcation line and has ended with the signing of a joint statement that should be the first step towards North and South Korea finding peace and the Korean Peninsula becoming a nuclear-free zone.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in engaged in a historic first meeting earlier today — marking the first time one of the ruling Kim leaders has crossed over to the southern side of the Demilitarised Zone since fighting in the Korean War stopped in 1953.

Officials for both countries have tonight released a joint statement, formally called the “Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification on the Korean Peninsula”.

Most importantly, the document includes an agreement to formally end the Korean War later this year.

Fighting in the Korean War came to a stalemate in 1953 which led to both countries signing an armistice agreement but not a peace treaty — meaning they were still technically at war.

The statement was a little short on what concrete goals the two countries would aim for but did say a “new era of peace has begun”.

“Chairman Kim Jong Un and I have agreed that complete denuclearisation will be achieved, and that is our common goal,” President Moon said.

All propaganda activities will also be stopped from May 1 — including the distribution of leaflets and announcements delivered via loud speaker.

President Moon will visit Pyongyang, the capital city of North Korea, later in the year and divided families stuck in North or South Korea will have their issues “urgently resolved”.

There will also be further talks between the two nations to establish a formal peace treaty.

Earlier today, the leaders had a closed-door meeting, which went for exactly 100 minutes and focused on denuclearisation.

President Moon told South Korean news there had been “very good discussion today” and their conference would be a “gift to the world”.

Kim said he was “flooded with emotion”.

The pair met for historic face-to-face talks in Panmunjom. Picture: Korea Broadcasting System via AP
The pair met for historic face-to-face talks in Panmunjom. Picture: Korea Broadcasting System via AP

The pair took a break for lunch, with Kim driving back to North Korea hilariously flanked by twelve jogging bodyguards.

The leaders together added soil to a pine tree this afternoon, that was planted in 1953 — the year the Korean War Armistice was signed.

A plaque has been added underneath the tree which reads: “We plant peace and prosperity”.

Both leaders signed the plaque and watered it with water from each other’s country.

The leaders will have dinner together soon with their respective partners by their sides.

The dinner menu has been carefully designed to not offend either nation and is packed with symbolism.

The grilled beef has come from the Hyundai founder’s South Korean ranch who sent 1000 cattle to North Korea in a bid to help the two nations reconcile.

There will also be a Korean twist on rosti — a potato dish that originated in Switzerland — where Kim studied.

There will be 26 North Koreans and 36 South Koreans in attendance.

Officials from North and South Korea are currently working on a joint statement summarising the meeting that will hopefully detail actions the two nations will take for further peace in the peninsula.

It will be released later tonight.

Earlier today, before going into the meeting at the demilitarised zone’s Peace House, Kim signed a message in the guest book.

“A new history begins now — at the starting point of history and the era of peace,” the message read.

After coming out of the meeting, Kim reaffirmed his promise to stop his nuclear tests.

“It has taken 11 years for this historic moment to happen. Walking here, I wondered why it has taken so long,” he said.

Kim also joked about his nuclear testing, apologising to the South Korean president for interrupting his sleep.

South Korean leaders were forced into early morning security council meetings every time North Korea did nuclear testing.

“We won’t interrupt your early morning sleep anymore,” Kim said, reiterating his earlier promise to stop missile tests.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addressed the historic talks in a press conference this afternoon, telling reporters he was following the meeting “with caution”.

“The issues on the peninsula have been a very top issue of discussion in all of the political meetings I've had while I’ve been in Europe. We hope this will be the beginning of the steps to lead towards the denuclearisation of the peninsula, that is everybody’s goal. That is what is need,” Mr Turnbull said.

“We welcome, with caution, these meetings and the remarks that have been made by Kim Jong-un but we have seen this before. We have had false dawns before on the Korean Peninsula, that’s why it’s really important to maintain the pressure of the sanctions.

“It’s the economic sanctions that have brought this apparent change in attitude and that pressure has to be maintained but the goal is denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.”

The two Korean leaders sat exactly 2018 millimetres from each other. Picture: South Korea Host Broadcast via AP
The two Korean leaders sat exactly 2018 millimetres from each other. Picture: South Korea Host Broadcast via AP

Earlier today, the leaders’ first interaction at the demarcation line was watched closely by the entire world.

Walking over the world’s most heavily armed border to greet his rival, Kim invited Mr Moon to cross briefly north with him before they returned to the southern side.

Mr Moon shook hands with his North Korean counterpart, telling him: “I am happy to meet you.”

Kim said he was ready for “heartfelt, sincere and honest” talks and that the Koreas must not repeat the past where they were “unable to fulfil our agreements”.

“I came here determined to send a starting signal at the threshold of a new history,” Kim told Mr Moon promising a “frank, serious and honest mindset”.

Kim thanked Mr Moon for greeting him at a “historic place” at the border truce village and said that his heart “keeps throbbing.”

Mr Moon replied to Kim’s thanks by saying that the North Korean leader made a “very courageous decision” to come to the South.

with wires

Originally published as Korea summit: Kim Jong-un, Moon Jae-in to release joint statement after historic talks

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