
Four ways to stop being so forgettable

IT’S an unfortunate reality that our performance can often be overlooked. Here’s how to get noticed and get that pay rise.


IN A workplace swarming with competitive people, it’s an unfortunate reality that one’s performance can sometimes be overshadowed, or simply overlooked.

While it’s easy to point your finger at the boss and accuse their apparent inattentiveness for your lack of career advancement, I suggest you pause for a moment. Think. Are you really doing everything you could be to get noticed?

Sure, delivering on deadline and generating positive outputs are essential, but standing out often takes a little more than quality performance. Chances are there are many people operating at an equal level as you.

This is why, like a brand in the marketplace, you need to find ways to elevate, cut-through and gain the competitive advantage in order to be noticed by your intended audience. It’s for this reason that I’m an unabashed advocate of opportunism.

This is not about stepping on people to get ahead, putting on a facade, or neglecting the duties you’ve been hired to perform for something better. The sort of opportunism I’m referring to is about recognising and utilising the moments that augment performance in a way that you can still look at yourself in the mirror.

Opportunities to stand out are often so subtle, so simple, that their importance can be easily disregarded or forgotten. Here are a few that have worked for me, and, believe me, there is plenty more out there:


A lot of us attend networking events, but I believe that some of the best opportunities to network lie in the least expected places. On countless occasions I’ve met people on flights, on the sideline of my son’s football matches or at a friend’s party that have gone on to become professional acquaintances in some capacity.

This never would’ve happened had I not struck up a conversation with someone I didn’t know. Being curious about people and having the courage to engage can bring rewards. Keep in mind that these interactions are not the time for the ‘hard sell’ about you or your business — it’s a balanced, relaxed conversation. Ask them questions. Get to know them. If nothing comes of it, that’s fine, but if something does, well, it could open doors for not just you but the organisation you work for.


As a CEO, I always appreciate the colleagues who show initiative and sound judgment. Colleagues that don’t require hand-holding during every decision are genuine assets. They might not always make the right call, but at least they are willing to have a go.

Then, on the occasions where they do request my input, I know it must be for something significant. This tells me a lot about their judgment: that they know when to ask, and when to figure it out for themselves.

Building your personal brand to stand out among the bunch takes time and focus. In some ways, you’ve got to be a little selfish before you can be truly generous in life.


This is all about listening to people and offering your opinion when it’s asked for. People want to be heard, so I can’t overstate how important listening is in developing trust, respect and rapport with colleagues.

If you can build a reputation as a consistently attentive person, someone to be trusted, colleagues will feel comfortable in sharing their ideas and issues with you.

I understand: your ‘to do list’ can make finding this difficult at times, but you can always arrange a time at a later stage. Make the effort; it’ll be worth it.


Of course, the people you interact with the most are the members of your own direct team. This makes it easy to fall into the trap of not branching outside of the team bubble.

Building relationships through informal conversations with colleagues from separate areas of the business will help extend your personal brand. Show an interest in their role, their priorities, ask how you might be able to assist them in their objectives — opportunities for yourself can emerge from simply showing an interest.

Alex Malley is chief executive of CPA Australia and author of The Naked CEO

This article originally appeared on LinkedIn and was reproduced with permission.

Originally published as Four ways to stop being so forgettable

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