
Expert reveals true dynamics behind Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un at Singapore summit

AN EXPERT has revealed the strategic move Donald Trump made that left Kim Jong-un ‘nervous and lost’ at their summit in Singapore.

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DONALD Trump oozed “gorilla like” behaviour at the historic Singapore summit, while Kim Jong-un was “nervous and lost” when the pair met for the first time, a body language expert claimed.

The unbelievable images of the renowned arch enemies meeting at the Capella Hotel yesterday, from their debut handshake to their lunch with delegates, provided an insight into the dynamics of the long-simmering play-for-power relationship.

Australian body language expert Dr Louise Mahler said the North Korean dictator didn’t live up to his boisterous behaviour over the past year, saying Kim looked like a “scared teenager” who “didn’t know what he was doing.”

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Donald Trump was true to Donald Trump, Dr Mahler said.

She said he looked like the “guest of honour” for the entire summit, revealing the president exuded controlling and “gorilla like” behaviour.

President Donald Trump was the dominant figure. Picture: AFP
President Donald Trump was the dominant figure. Picture: AFP

“Donald Trump initiated everything,” she said. “He was controlling the whole thing.

“He showed several signs that he was the one guiding it, gesturing where to go, intiating turns by touching him.

“It was like he was the guest of honour.”

Donald Trump, right, reaches to shakes hands with North Korea leader Kim Jong Un at the Capella resort. Picture: AP
Donald Trump, right, reaches to shakes hands with North Korea leader Kim Jong Un at the Capella resort. Picture: AP

However she said he was also quite personable and intimate, which made Kim relax slightly and crack a smile every now and then.

“It was as though Trump was the host,” she said.

“He was using language and body language that showed he was making every effort to connect. He was patting him on the back, looking him in the eyes, and was talking to him throughout the summit.

President Donald Trump meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and gives him a pat on the back. Picture: AP
President Donald Trump meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and gives him a pat on the back. Picture: AP

“He was really doing everything he could to connect with Kim and was clearly very confident in that setting.”


The North Korean dictator didn’t live up to his boisterous behaviour over the past year, with Dr Mahler saying Kim looked like a “scared teenager” who “didn’t know what he was doing.”

“He’s a puppet,” Dr Mahler said. “Nothing he does is sincere.

“He looks as if he is put up to do specific things and look a certain way and isn’t a real person.

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un looked scared. Picture: AFP/Saul Loeb
North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un looked scared. Picture: AFP/Saul Loeb

“Kim reminded me of a stand-in who is filling in at a rehearsal before the real player arrives.

“He is disconnected and seems to not be making any decisions on where to go, when to turn, who to look at.”

Dr Mahler questioned his leadership.

“Is he really a leader or are we seeing the puppet figure head that from previous visuals looked suspiciously like the case?

“He really did look like he was sent there by someone and had no idea what to do.”


Kim Jong Un arrives for meeting with Donald Trump.
Kim Jong Un arrives for meeting with Donald Trump.

Both leaders bared their poker faces before walking into the hotel to meet each other.

Dr Mahler said their relaxed hands and neutral faces showed they were serious and focused.


President Donald Trump meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Sentosa Island. Picture: AP/Evan Vucci
President Donald Trump meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Sentosa Island. Picture: AP/Evan Vucci

Dr Mahler said Trump established power from the beginning as he stared right at Kim when they walked toward each other, with the North Korean leader feeling threatened and looking down.

“Kim was looking down which is extremely unprofessional in western culture,” she said.

“He could have been doing it because he wasn’t committed to it, or he was nervous, or it could have been a cultural thing.

“We haven’t dealt with his culture before so we don’t know for sure. But I would say he was nervous and threatened.

“Trump’s eyes were directly at him and he immediately took charge of the handshake.

“He actually didn’t do the thing he normally does of pulling the hand in, probably because it would have been too much, but he did shake with his right hand and put his left hand on top, which is a sign of taking control.

“He also spoke the whole time they shook hands and Kim said nothing, and Trump initiated the turn and touched him with his right hand, gesturing him where to go.”


The leaders addressing the media. Picture: AP
The leaders addressing the media. Picture: AP

Kim appeared to be “out of touch”, according to Dr Mahler, who said his body was facing away from Trump while he avoided eye contact with the president.

She said he looked awkward when he was asked questions.

“He didn’t look at Trump and again, he looked very nervous,” she said. “They were not laughing with each other, but with their respective teams.

“Trump was leaning toward Kim when they sat down and talked to the press, which shows he is being personable.

“He had a moment where he pulled together his jacket, which is a gorilla power move, setting himself right.

“He had his typical ‘steeple’ hands low between his legs – a ‘scholarly’ position that keeps his body revealed and open. At one stage he tapped his fingers together which is a sign of frustration.

“At the end, Trump pumped his shirt as a gesture of completion and power.”


President Trump and Kim Jong-un held the historic meeting between leaders of both countries in Singapore. Picture: Kevin Lim/THE STRAITS TIMES/Getty
President Trump and Kim Jong-un held the historic meeting between leaders of both countries in Singapore. Picture: Kevin Lim/THE STRAITS TIMES/Getty

Dr Mahler said the meeting table setting was quite neutral, although it was the only time Kim showed a slight bit of dominance, especially when he shook Trump’s hand.

“Kim’s hand is on top during the handshake,” she said.

He also had his hands firmly planted on the table which signalled that he meant business.


US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un walk together for their meeting at Capella Hotel in Singapore. Picture: Host Broadcaster Mediacorp Pte Ltd via AP
US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un walk together for their meeting at Capella Hotel in Singapore. Picture: Host Broadcaster Mediacorp Pte Ltd via AP

Both leaders appeared neatly dressed and groomed in their own typical styles - Trump in a suit and red tie, Kim in one of his standard black suits.

However, Dr Mahler believes Trump’s choice in tie colour was a nod of respect to the North Korean leader.

“Red is an Eastern colour, so I think Trump went all out to do everything he could to connect with Kim,” she said.

As for their hairstyles, Dr Mahler just thinks they’re both comical.

“They’re ridiculous hairstyles – both of them,” she said, before stating that she think Trump’s hair is his weakness.

“I always think that Trump’s hairstyle is his vulnerability. He tries to do everything perfect and wear the right suit, but his hair is just ridiculous so it makes him vulnerable.”

As for Kim’s unique ‘do, she believes it may simply be a cultural difference.

“Because otherwise it’s the sort of thing you’d see in a lunatic asylum,” she said.

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