
Australia’s Ambassador Joe Hockey reportedly met with FBI about Russian hacking claims

JOE Hockey is believed to have been at the centre of Australia’s discussions with the FBI about reports of Russian hacking during the last US election.

Downer helped spark Russia probe: NY Times

JOE Hockey is believed to have been at the centre of Australia’s discussions with the FBI about reports of Russian hacking during the last US presidential election campaign.

Fairfax Media reports Australia’s Ambassador to the US personally spoke with FBI officials about the explosive reports of foreign intervention.

His involvement is in a sign of how seriously Canberra regarded the claims, which, if true, implied one side of US politics was colluding with a foreign power to undermine another political party.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has refused to comment on the report.

“The Australian Government will not comment on matters that are the subject of an ongoing investigation,” a spokeswoman said today.

It comes after it was revealed Australia's outgoing High Commissioner to Britain, Alexander Downer, played a part in initially sparking the FBI probe into the hacking.

Mr Downer, who will shortly be replaced by former Attorney-General George Brandis, had relayed a discussion he had with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos in May 2016 to Australian officials in July, after the hacked emails of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton were released by WikiLeaks.

Joe Hockey is believed to have been at the centre of Australia’s discussions with the FBI about reports of Russian hacking during the last US presidential election campaign. Picture: AAP
Joe Hockey is believed to have been at the centre of Australia’s discussions with the FBI about reports of Russian hacking during the last US presidential election campaign. Picture: AAP

Mr Papadopoulos had told Mr Downer about a “dirt file” containing Ms Clinton’s emails.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull yesterday declined to comment on reports of Mr Downer’s involvement.

But he told reporters in Sydney the revelation would not affect the Australia Government’s relationship with the Trump Administration.

Mr Hockey also expressed that view when speaking at a forum in Canberra last month, during a brief trip home.

He told the audience Mr Turnbull had one of the closest relationships of any world leader with Mr Trump.

US President Donald Trump speaking about his administration's National Security Strategy in December. Picture: AFP/ Saul Loeb
US President Donald Trump speaking about his administration's National Security Strategy in December. Picture: AFP/ Saul Loeb
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Alexander Downer passing on information regarding a dirt file on Hillary Clinton would not affect relations with the Trump Administration. Picture: Jenny Evans
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says Alexander Downer passing on information regarding a dirt file on Hillary Clinton would not affect relations with the Trump Administration. Picture: Jenny Evans

“Prime Minister Turnbull has a closer and more respectful relationship with the President than almost any other world leader,” he said.

“They’re not on the phone every Sunday afternoon but when they talk, I know the President really respects his view.

“And our Prime Minister is able to have an impact on his opinion in a way a number of others can’t.”

Mr Hockey also warned Aussies should not let “anti Trump sentiment become anti-American sentiment” because Australia’s alliance with the US was vital to the nation’s security.

“Thank God for the Americans being our friends today and tomorrow,” he said.

“There have been a large number of very sophisticated attempted terrorist attacks on Australia and we in many ways have got to be grateful for the American support in finding those and preventing them happening.”

It’s understood Mr Turnbull will visit the US early next year.

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