Crazy reason woman lost her job
A Tasmanian councillor has lost her job after failing to attend three consecutive council meetings because she was caring for her dying husband.
A Tasmanian councillor has lost her job after failing to attend three consecutive council meetings because she was caring for her dying husband.
Surprising new details have emerged after a video went viral of a woman being fired – with the company CEO even claiming the clip was “painful” to watch.
Suck it up folks, you may be out of pocket almost $300 this year despite earning it – but don’t blame the boss.
A pie maker in Townsville suffered severe injuries after being trapped inside a conveyor belt for an hour.
The NSW volunteer started helping the charity with their accounts – and that’s when she saw the eye-watering wage of her boss.
Angry garbage collectors have walked off the job, refusing to empty overfilled bins until after the Easter long weekend.
Staff at a design agency made a shocking discovery that they work for a company that does not exist.
Burnout, violence and mental health issues are plaguing this industry, with calls to stop putting money first. Warning: Distressing
An annoyed resident has shared an image about the actions of his postie, and it has sparked huge debate about Australia Post.
After the manager of a gym forbid his employees from talking about their pay, an employee has blasted the boss in a savage letter shared in the tea room.
The Queenslander said that companies are using any excuse to stop staff having fun, claiming his workplace had done something dodgy with his annual leave.
More than half of under-35s say they would quit work if their job stops them “enjoying life”, as the Great Resignation shows no signs of slowing.
Ollie Tut loved his job as a supermarket delivery driver – but the 19-year-old ended up losing it for one very surprising reason.
Almost two months after they became eligible for their first bonus payment, thousands of workers are still waiting.
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