
The Project’s Waleed Aly demands government #ShowMeTheMoney in epic Budget speech about domestic violence

THE Government may have glossed over one of the nation’s biggest social issues, but Waleed Aly has tackled it head-on.

Waleed Aly calls for better domestic violence funding from Federal Govt

IT CAUSES 23 per cent of homelessness.

It costs police 40 per cent of their time.

It costs $13.6 billion annually.

And this time next week, it will cost another Australian woman her life.

This is the shock reality of domestic violence highlighted by The Project co-host Waleed Aly last night in a plea to the Federal Government to support victims of domestic violence.

On last night’s show, which aired prior to Joe Hockey’s Budget speech, Aly called for an extra $2.8 million in funding for the Government’s 1800-RESPECT hotline, which provides counselling services for victims of domestic violence.

“That’s about 1/20 of what we’ll spend this year on the national school chaplaincy program,” Aly argued.

Aly revealed a whopping 18631 calls to the hotline went unanswered last year, and says the extra funding is desperately needed to help answer those calls.

Domestic violence is the leading preventable cause of death for women under 45.

But measures to tackle the issue were notably absent from Mr Hockey’s budget speech, despite a rising rate of domestic homicides.

While the Government has not necessarily ignored the issue, it hasn’t exactly tackled it either.

Budget papers reveal the federal and state governments will provide funding for “national awareness campaigns” that will “aim to drive nationwide change in the culture, attitudes and behaviours that underpin violence against women and their children”.

The Federal Government confirmed it “will provide $16.7 million over three years from 2015-16”, while the states and territories will chip in the rest to “jointly fund a $30 million national awareness campaign”.

Of that, $15 million will go towards campaign funding, while the remaining $1.7 will fund “the development and administration of the campaign”.

But is that enough?

“This is real, this is happening, one in three women is affected by family violence” said anti-domestic violence campaigner Rosie Batty.

Aly credited Fair Agenda’s What Will It Take report, revealing more shock statistics including the 150,000 “desperate people turned away from community legal services” last financial year and the 423 people “turned away from homeless shelters” every night.

He called on states to match the Government’s $230 million commitment to frontline homelessness services, many which are used by women, but which relies on the states to match that funding.

Aly also wants an extra $3 million invested annually into men’s change behaviour programs, because “these guys need help”. He called on a further million so “systems like police, courts and child protection services can work more effectively with each other”.

One woman is killed in Australia every five days at the hands of these men, Aly said.

“We need to work together and really force the government to continue to look at ways to hold perpetrators accountable and stop placing the onus of safety on the responsibility of the victim,” said Ms Batty.

National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) offers counselling, support or assistance for anyone who has experienced sexual assault or family violence.

Originally published as The Project’s Waleed Aly demands government #ShowMeTheMoney in epic Budget speech about domestic violence

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