
Palmer United Party Senator-elect Jacqui Lambie proposes fighting youth unemployment with national service

A FORMER Australian Army soldier has proposed bringing back national service to help the economy. “If war shows up on our shores, we’re in trouble.”

Australian Defence Force personnel salute during a joint training exercise. Picture: ABIS
Australian Defence Force personnel salute during a joint training exercise. Picture: ABIS

COMBAT youth unemployment with national service.

That’s what Palmer United Party senator-elect Jacqui Lambie suggests.

The former Australian Army soldier who joins the upper house in July wants to see a greater utilisation of military national service.

“You can put them in for 12 months. I’m not saying they sign on for war,” she told ABC TV on Monday night.

Senator-elect Lambie made her debut appearance on the ABC program last night. Picture: Courtesy ABC/Q&A
Senator-elect Lambie made her debut appearance on the ABC program last night. Picture: Courtesy ABC/Q&A

Such a stint would arm young people with valuable experience for the workforce, Ms Lambie said.

“It’s got to be better than being on the dole.”

The suggestion sparked debate and some derision.

Ms Lambie said she hasn’t discussed her plan with party leader Clive Palmer or other PUP colleagues, but wanted to throw the idea into the public arena.

National service schemes have been enforced four times in Australia’s history, most recently between 1964 until 1972, according to the Australian War Memorial.

Ms Lambie also said volunteer and charity sectors are also crying out for manpower.

“We need to do a bit of tough love,” Ms Lambie said.

“If you’re not going to go out and volunteer yourself for charity services ... then you know what, it’s time to cut your dole back.”

The idea does not stretch to conscription, but Ms Lambie said young people should stand for their country.

“You can sit there and have a laugh — but if war shows up on our shores then we’re in trouble.” sought comment from Palmer spokesman Andrew Crook.

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