Tragic reason for tech firms’ chaos
The world’s largest tech companies posted record profits only a year ago, but rounds of lay-offs keep coming. Find out why.
The world’s largest tech companies posted record profits only a year ago, but rounds of lay-offs keep coming. Find out why.
The two telcos have laid out their case as they attempt to overturn the ACCC’s pre-Christmas ruling that blocks the landmark mobile sharing deal.
A shake-up around the treatment of carbon emissions from the biggest emitters had the potential to open another attack on business.
Australian staff at a multinational software company are nervously awaiting news on whether they will keep their jobs.
TECH giant Google is offering four Australian not-for-profits the chance to change the world with their ideas.
IT STARTED as a novel way to film himself surfing, now Nick Woodman’s company GoPro has been valued at $3 billion ahead of a stock market launch.
GOOGLE has dropped $500 million on Skybox Imaging amid plans to spend its own fleet of satellites to space.
A RADICAL move at the world’s premier tech company caused shares to drop from around $US650 to less than $US100 overnight. What’s happening?
SHE’S got the famous name and accent to match, but this Zuckerberg has a few choice words to say about social media. Here’s what drives Mark’s sister nuts.
THESE companies you’ve probably never heard of know more about you than Facebook and Google. Like, where you last went on holiday or if you’re a fan of Elvis novelties.
THE reports of bitcoin’s death has been exaggerated. Despite several scandals, the virtual currency is bouncing back and its value has surged in the past two weeks.
A SHADOWY military unit operating out of a non-descript high-rise is behind a high-stakes hacking conflict between the US and China.
OPTUS has lost 160,000 mobile customers in the last financial year and hasn’t ruled out cutting more jobs on top of the 350 already announced.
IT’S renowned for design and innovation, but Apple CEO Tim Cook has transformed the company to a very different one than that led by the late Steve Jobs.
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