
Coronavirus Australia: Coles has lifted last restrictions on household items

The infamous stockpiling of toilet paper and other essential household items appears to have officially ended with limits now lifted.

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The last items restricted for shoppers at Coles will be lifted tomorrow as the stockpiling of goods during the coronavirus pandemic comes to an end.

The limits were put in place after first toilet paper and then a whole range of household essentials were emptied from shelves including flour, soap and cleaning products, as consumers became increasingly anxious amid a government enforced lockdown.

Antibacterial wipes and liquid soap are the final products to have buying limits removed tomorrow, following the lifting of restrictions on rice and flour last week.

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In early March the supermarket giant was forced to place restrictions on 24 items after panic buying started, including limiting shoppers to only one packet of toilet paper.

“We know it’s been a challenging time for many and we hope having no buying restrictions on these every day products will help make life easier for our customers,” a Coles spokesperson said.

“We would like to thank our customers for their ongoing patience and our team for their incredible work to help us reach a new normal in shopping.”

A buying limit of four tins of baby formula per transaction is still in place, as it was prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Access to stock at Coles will be back to normal from Tuesday.
Access to stock at Coles will be back to normal from Tuesday.

Coles says it will continue to observe social distancing rules at its national network of stores.

“It’s very important that we all continue to work together and follow government guidelines in store to maintain social distancing,” the spokesperson said.

“The safety of our team and customers remains our biggest focus as we continue to get through this together as a community.”

Originally published as Coronavirus Australia: Coles has lifted last restrictions on household items

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