The media Left is now dangerously deranged by hatred of Donald Trump, who promoted a drug now being trialled around the world to fight the coronavirus. But here's CNN's take: "Nigeria records chloroquine poisoning after Trump endorses it." The Guardian tells a falsehood: "Arizona man dies after attempting to take Trump coronavirus 'cure'."
The media Left is now dangerously deranged by hatred of Donald Trump, who promoted a drug now being trialled around the world to fight the coronavirus.
That drug is chloroqine, an approved anti-malarial. It has been studied in Australia, South Korea, Japan, China and the US, with a limited French trial showing it had promise in reducing the period of infection to about five days in most patients.
It is now being mass-tested in New York and Indonesia has ordered 3 million tablets.
But here's CNN's take:
Nigeria records chloroquine poisoning after Trump endorses it.
The truth? Two Nigerians took more than the prescribed dose of a medication in widespread use there against malaria.
The Guardian tells an outright falsehood:
Arizona man dies after attempting to take Trump coronavirus 'cure'.
Fake news. Trump never told people to eat a fish-tank cleaner:
A Phoenix-area man has died and his wife was in critical condition after the couple took chloroquine phosphate, an additive used to clean fish tanks that is also found in an anti-malaria medication touted by Donald Trump as a treatment for Covid-19.
Trump has made perfectly clear that this drug is a gamble, while noting that it at least has already been approved for human use. So "what have we got to lose", he said, with trying it on very sick people who might benefit? He has got the FDA to approve it for trial and has ordered more supplies.
The fact that Trump might achieve something very good is what's driving the media crazy, leading them to disparage what could possibly turn out to be a life-saver.