

Is there anyone Professor Marcia Langton hasn't yet vilified as a racist? But this is one of her worst hate-tweets yet, defaming a veterinary nurse as stupid and a poster girl for neo-Nazis. How can Melbourne University sit by while its Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor abuses people with such self-pleasuring hatred? Check her history.

Is there anyone Professor Marcia Langton hasn't yet vilified as a racist? But this is one of her worst hate-tweets yet, defaming a veterinary nurse as stupid and a poster girl for neo-Nazis. 

Marcia Langton attacks
Marcia Langton attacks

How can Melbourne University sit by while its Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor abuses people with such self-pleasuring hatred?

Check her history of the most astonishing vilification - the kind that proved Betrand Russell's aphorism correct, that "much that passesd for idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power":

[In June] she heaped homophobic abuse on a young gay man who’d defended the free speech of Israel Folau, sacked by Rugby Australia for quoting the Bible against gays.

Langton sneered: “He probably thinks he’s gay because he masturbates too much.”

When challenged on Twitter, Langton replied with even more homophobic abuse: “Gay? I don’t think so; more like Milo. Twisted.”

That was appalling enough, but what followed demonstrated Langton’s more dangerous influence on public debate.

I’d criticised Langton’s homophobic abuse in one of my columns, and last Thursday I paid for it.

Langton was interviewed on the ABC’s Late Night Live and teed off. She claimed that northern Australia had once had “Ku Klux Klan” groups that “wanted Aboriginal people wiped off the face of the earth”.

A few minutes later, Langton added: “If the likes of Andrew Bolt don’t stop his vendetta against us (Aborigines), his racist vendetta against us, will he stop doing this to our children …

“They are spiteful, vicious peddlers of hate and there’s not an original idea between the lot of them. It’s all borrowed from the Ku Klux Klan and the far-Right in America.”

Everything Langton said was false. I am not a racist, am mounting no such “vendetta”, and am not borrowing from the KKK, which I loathe.

The insinuation that I want Aborigines “wiped off the face of the earth” is a grotesque falsehood.

I have asked the ABC to publicly apologise for broadcasting such a defamatory attack. {It then published a clarification.]...

The ABC five years ago apologised to me for broadcasting similar falsehoods from Langton, when she claimed I’d racially abused an Adelaide Aboriginal academic (I hadn’t) who as a result “withdrew” from public life (she didn’t).

Days later, Langton herself apologised to me on 2GB for those untruths and for also once falsely claiming I believed in foul theories of “racial hygiene” and “the master race”.

She admitted of me: “I don’t think he’s a racist.”...

Langton uses this same sick tactic against many on the Left, too.

Here is a partial list of the people she has vilified with the great shut-up word of our times:

ENVIRONMENTALIST Tim Flannery — accused by Langton on the ABC of pushing a “racist” argument that Aborigines had not been great preservers of nature.

LABOUR lawyer Josh Bornstein — implicitly accused of racism in defending Flannery, with Langton snapping: “Doodums. Did the nig nog speak back?”

LEFTIST professor and green Boris Frankel — accused of a “racism (that) is obvious” after criticising Langton for telling the ABC the green movement was racist.

LEFTIST journalism academic Wendy Bacon and journalist Wendy Carlisle — accused of failing to grasp the “invisibility of racism” after they criticised Langton’s ABC Boyer lectures.

FEMINIST Germaine Greer — accused by Langton of making “racist” arguments about the rage of Aboriginal men, and of having a “cleverly disguised contempt for Aboriginal people”.

PROFESSOR Larissa Behrendt, who identifies as Aboriginal and has a white mother — accused by Langton of having “assumed the role of superior thinkers whose grand education and positions in the metropolis qualify them to heap contempt on the natives”.

FORMER Prime Minister John Howard — accused by Langton of having wielded “rate hatred” with “callous deliberation”.

HISTORIAN and author Geoffrey Partington — likened by Langton on ABC radio to a notorious Nazi racist: “Hitler had Goebbels, John Howard’s got Geoffrey Partington.”

Who hasn’t Langton accused of racism, when she’s also said “Australia is an extremely racist country”?

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