
The police shooting of alleged terrorist means we must all keep cool heads: Charlie Bezzina

COMMENT: Threats of a terrorist act on home soil must bring us together and not divide, says retired detective Charlie Bezzina.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott addresses shooting

Last night’s deadly confrontation between an alleged Muslim terror suspect and two police officers will manifestly change the way police do business.

For the safety of themselves and others.

Community emotion and tension is obviously running high amid a current Islamic State terror campaign.

Amid all this, the last thing we needed was a young man, described as being a member of a radical Islamic group, being prepared to allegedly attack police and stab them.

The attack led to one of the officers shooting the young man dead.

Nothing should be read into the fact the young man shot and killed last night was an 18-year-old “teen”.

Teens have just as much potential to kill as adults.

Police do not want to be confrontational, even with known criminals.

While cautious, police generally treat people with respect.

Police biannual training with firearms and defensive tactics reinforces heightened awareness when dealing with any person.

But, unfortunately, police interaction with members of the public is never textbook and any engagement can escalate to a violent confrontation within seconds.

Last night’s fatal incident sounds like a prime example of that.

Despite Islamic community leaders having already questioned the shooting and demanded a full inquiry, let me assure everybody this: the incident will be thoroughly investigated by the homicide squad.


As per due process, that investigation will be overseen by the Professional Standards unit.

It will be the task of homicide investigators to determine the full facts of the shooting, just like they do when any other citizen shoots someone dead.

The entire incident, along with the investigation, will later become the subject of a coronial


In my view, any alleged terrorism component will be a secondary consideration during the investigation.

I believe the fatal shot would have been fired if the police officer feared for his life — regardless of who was brandishing the knife.

In any critical incident such as this, lessons will need to be learned.

Policing in this country has always been determined by the willingness of persons of interest to comply when police approach them, speak with them and, if necessary, arrest them.

On top of last night’s fatal shooting, the recent anti-terror raids in Sydney and Brisbane have been a major awakening to all and sundry.

While most of us have been used to reading about terror attacks overseas we must all accept that Australia is now a real target.

We must all remain vigilant as citizens and, if we can, assist those in authority by reporting suspicious behaviour and activity.

Take an interest and note down what you see or may hear.

Your role is to let the authorities know of your concerns.

At the end of the day, any potential criminal or terrorist act is often thwarted by good


Security personnel working at our up-and-coming major public events will need to re-

assess how they do their work.

Those working at large shopping complexes cannot afford to walk around looking straight ahead or in shop windows.

Now more than ever before they need to look at individuals and study their faces and what they are carrying.

Stop and scope an area.

They don’t have to be always moving to be effective.

Like those at airports, for example — look at body language, facial expressions and tone of language.

And not all security guards need to be visible by way of uniform.

The threat of terrorism has arrived in Australia.

How successful that threat becomes in the future depends on us all.

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