
The sea snake capital of the world just vanished

The fight to bring animals back from the brink

THERE’S a life-and-death struggle going on, and not enough of us know about it. It involves strong characters, mysterious villains, cuddly critters and forensic investigation. But this is no movie plot — though Adelaide scientists play a leading role.

In the battle against extinction of our animals, experience tells us one thing: It’s what we don’t know that will defeat us.

From scientists striving to help native-cat quolls and sea snakes escape death, to those looking at the big picture and how to test strategies to save endangered populations, the race is on to learn everything we can before it’s too late.

Right now, nearly a hundred Australian species are at high risk of extinction. Many thousands more are on the brink around the world.

How can we save them? Four University of Adelaide experts explain their part in the global campaign.

The sea snake capital of the world just vanished


New hope ... This Aipysurus apraefrontalis was recently rediscovered in a small pocket near Broome. Source: Dr Kate Sanders
New hope ... This Aipysurus apraefrontalis was recently rediscovered in a small pocket near Broome. Source: Dr Kate Sanders

They’re sleek. They can be deadly. They’re nothing like what you’d expect.

Most of all, we know very little about them.

This makes Australia’s homegrown sea snakes very hard to protect.

What we do know is their numbers have been decimated in the space of just 15 years.

We don’t know why.

The work of Dr Kate Sanders of the University of Adelaide’s School of Biological Sciences is crucial for their very survival. If we don’t learn much more about them — and fast — there’s little hope for effective intervention.

“We know there are extinctions,” says Dr Sanders. “There’s loss of diversity through interbreeding. There are critically endangered species right on the sites of major commercial developments. But we don’t know what’s causing any of it.”

So what’s so special about a sea snake?

They’re a distinctly Australian brand of animal which has tentatively ventured forth into Asia and the Pacific to fill a previously unoccupied predatory role.

While snakes can be seen skimming across the surface of lakes and estuaries around the world, these snakes — at some point in history — took a deep breath and plunged beneath the surface.

“They evolved here in Australia and are very closely related to terrestrial venomous snakes, but they’re extremely poorly known,” Dr Sanders says.

In the wild ... Dr Sanders dives on Scott Reef, north west of the Western Australia town of Derby. Source: Dr Kate Sanders
In the wild ... Dr Sanders dives on Scott Reef, north west of the Western Australia town of Derby. Source: Dr Kate Sanders

So why did snakes take to the sea?

Dr Sanders says opportunity knocked — and they seized the moment: “They found an ecological opportunity, a sea environment low in similar predators. So they moved in.”

They’ve since become highly specialised marine hunters.

Some only eat fish eggs and have therefore shrunk their fangs and reduced their venom’s potency. Others have evolved large bodies with large heads, strong jaws and large fangs: These specialise in eating spiny catfish and puffer fish.

But perhaps the most remarkable are those that have developed a very small head and a long skinny fore body. They use this trait to probe down burrows in search of eels.

They’re all gone. It’s incredibly frustrating trying to understand what’s happened there. Nine ecologically different species have disappeared

Dr Sanders: “We’ve used molecular clocks calibrated with fossil data, and those indicate sea snakes are actually remarkably young. They diverged from terrestrial Australian snakes probably only around 8 million years ago. So it’s a very short period of evolutionary time to have achieved as much diversity as they have.”

But they’re now in serious trouble.

Ashmore Reef, previously considered the sea snake capital of the world, went from having the highest abundance and diversity of sea snakes anywhere known — to having lost all of them over the period of only 15 years,” Dr Sanders says.

“They’re all gone. It’s incredibly frustrating trying to understand what’s happened there. Nine ecologically different species have disappeared.

Forensic analysis ... A sea snake is released at Hibernia Reef in the Timor Sea after having its DNA sampled. Source: Dr Kate Sanders
Forensic analysis ... A sea snake is released at Hibernia Reef in the Timor Sea after having its DNA sampled. Source: Dr Kate Sanders

“The reef is intact. The seagrasses are intact. There are healthy populations of turtles and dugongs. And other predators have remained.”

Equally strange is that other — smaller and possibly less healthy — nearby reefs still have sea snake populations.

Dark times ... Jenna Crowe-Riddell, a PHD student on the sea snake program, on a night survey. Source: Dr Kate Sanders
Dark times ... Jenna Crowe-Riddell, a PHD student on the sea snake program, on a night survey. Source: Dr Kate Sanders

“It really is a mystery what happened,” she says. “What it does tell us is that they are vulnerable and we need to act if we want to preserve these wonders of nature.”

But it gets worse.

Dr Sanders: “I went out and collected a lot of DNA samples for the endangered dusky sea snake, and the upshot is the three remaining reefs with this sea snake have seen them interbreeding with close relatives to a very large extent. On one of the reefs 95 per cent of the individuals we sampled were hybrids.”

Inbreeding: It’s an often overlooked threat. A lot of genetic diversity can be lost forever.

For a time two of these sea snake species were presumed extinct: But Dr Sanders and her team have rediscovered tiny populations scattered on the northwest coast, between Exmouth and Broome.

But the minimal understanding of the sea snakes, their habitat and their behaviour makes it almost impossible to adequately inform government and business on what needs to be done to save them.

“It’s basic stuff,” Dr Sanders says. “We need to do intensive surveys, we need to know where they are, what habitats they’re relying on and how connected the populations are.”

The goal now for Dr Sanders and her team of researchers is to assemble a comprehensive picture within just a year or two: What varieties remain, what habitats they live in and what are their key vulnerabilities.

“At the moment sea snakes aren’t included on any referral guidelines for industry,” she says. “They don’t take them into account when planning for development because there’s just not enough data.”


Native cats: Why would we want them?

Australia’s native cat, the quoll. Source: News Corp Australia
Australia’s native cat, the quoll. Source: News Corp Australia

Haven’t we got too many of the real thing already? Wouldn’t they be just another threat to our chooks?

In the case of the quoll, they’re nowhere near being the natural-born killers we know feral cats and foxes to be.

They have claws. They have teeth. They have strength. But they don’t have a murderous instinct.

They’re also a particularly Australian kind of predator: They eat insects and bugs, as well as some birds and reptiles. It’s a niche Australia’s ecology needs filled, by a native.

According to PhD Candidate Melissa Jensen of the University of Adelaide’s School of Biological Sciences, they’ve also developed a handy taste for rabbits.

Last year, 41 western quolls were re-released in one of their old stomping grounds — the Flinders Ranges National Park.

Getting to that point was not easy.

Western quolls used to range over 70 per cent of mainland Australia. But they’ve been extinct from almost all states and territories except southwest Western Australia for over a century.

For the quoll, European colonisation represented a perfect storm: The native grasses were stripped out of the ground by unsustainable grazing, leaving little food for their prey. Their burrows and dens were trampled into the ground by alien hoofs. Then came the enormously efficient killing machines of feral cats and foxes.

Who are you calling a cat ... Researcher Melissa Jensen with one of her intrepid explorers, a Western quoll. Source: Melissa Jensen
Who are you calling a cat ... Researcher Melissa Jensen with one of her intrepid explorers, a Western quoll. Source: Melissa Jensen

Now, in places like the Flinders Ranges National Park, the bushland is bouncing back.

Most importantly, the park’s long-term feral animal control program has finally borne fruit. The foxes are pretty much gone and feral cat numbers have been greatly reduced.

“The Department of Water and Natural Resources’ (DEWNR) Bounceback program has done a really good job in fox baiting in the Flinders Ranges National Park,” Ms Jensen said, “which is the reason why DEWNR chose that park for the quoll reintroduction.”

It represents a rare opportunity.

The national park was the ideal place for a bold new experiment: To establish a colony of quolls.

It’s a collaborative project involving DEWNR, the Foundation of Australia’s Most Endangered Species (FAME) and WA’s Parks and Wildlife.

It’s also a necessary move. Not only does it move some eggs out of the one small Western Australian basket, it also provides the quoll colonists with an ideal place in which to live, breed — and expand.

Making sure these quolls get the best head start in their new life is the job of a large team of people from FAME and DEWNR, with researchers such as Ms Jensen from the University of Adelaide studying aspects of the release.

Homemaker ... One of the Western Quolls at a rocky outcrop it has made its home. Picture: Cassandra Holt
Homemaker ... One of the Western Quolls at a rocky outcrop it has made its home. Picture: Cassandra Holt
Checking in ... A surveillance camera captures one of the quoll colonists outside a provided den. Source: Melissa Jensen
Checking in ... A surveillance camera captures one of the quoll colonists outside a provided den. Source: Melissa Jensen

So far, all seems well.

The way the quolls took so happily to their new homes — and enthusiastically set about repopulating the park — prompted a second wave of colonists to be introduced in May of this year.

While 12 quolls have been lost, more than 20 have been born.

Once again, it’s not just a matter of opening a box and wave as the quolls march into the sunset.

Ms Jensen is investigating how the quoll reintroduction process can be improved. For example, what makes a successful quoll colonist?

This involves a comprehensive study and comparison of different release techniques — and the characters of the quolls themselves.

The first task was to identify a patch of land ideally suited to quoll housing tastes.

“Previously studies found these animals need at least one good den site per hectare, preferably three to five,” she said. So a careful survey of 70ha of national park was undertaken to ensure the environment was suitable.

Other studies have found that in a reintroduction situation it’s the bold animals that get taken by predators first — rather than the timid ones — because they’re the ones engaging in all the risk taking behaviours.

But quolls can be flighty: Previous attempts to create new colonies have seen some quickly scamper away.

“In other relocation programs in WA some have just bolted up to 100 kilometres away — which is not what we want,” Ms Jensen says. “We want them to stay in that predator-controlled national park.”

To that end the University of Adelaide researchers are examining if keeping the quolls in a pen for a week or so will help them “acclimatise” to the new terrain.

Then there are the quoll condos: Carefully engineered PVC log dens were provided close to food and safety.

Early indications are the quolls aren’t all that impressed, Ms Jensen says. They soon set off to find their own homes amid the local landscape, or seize control of local rabbit warrens — after eating the occupants, of course.

All the comforts of home ... South Australia’s quoll colony has so far proven successful, with a strong breeding response by the ‘settlers’. Source: News Corp Australia
All the comforts of home ... South Australia’s quoll colony has so far proven successful, with a strong breeding response by the ‘settlers’. Source: News Corp Australia

“This animal used to range across 70 per cent of Australia it had a whole range of different environments — so I think it’s quite happy anywhere so long as it has den sites, food and a safe neighbourhood,” Ms Jensen says.

Each and every quoll colonist is being carefully monitored and tracked. They all have small radio transmitters on collars about their neck.

It’s all part of finding out what makes an ideal settler: An introvert, or an extrovert?

“Animals can be classed as different personality types, such as bold or timid,” Ms Jensen says. “Other studies have found that in a reintroduction situation it’s the bold animals that get taken by predators first — rather than the timid ones — because they’re the ones engaging in all the risk taking behaviours.”

But will the introverts prove to be too scared to go out and find a mate? Instead preferring to huddle alone in their burrows?

That’s yet to be seen.

“If I find out that all the timid animals survive and all the bold ones get taken — like other studies have found overseas — then maybe we can target those individuals for future releases.”


By all accounts it is a victory: A species saved from the brink of extinction.

The animals appear safe. Their habitat is secure. A small, but strong, breeding population is in place.

But just how secure are such survivors?

It’s all in their DNA. Or lack of it.

Under their skin ... Adelaide University zoologist and DNA researcher Dr Jeremy Austin with an extinct Tasmanian tiger. Source: News Corp Australia
Under their skin ... Adelaide University zoologist and DNA researcher Dr Jeremy Austin with an extinct Tasmanian tiger. Source: News Corp Australia

It’s about genetic diversity.

“That’s important to know because — as with Tasmanian devils — low diversity opens you up to all sorts of calamitous accidents and random events,” says Associate Professor Jeremy Austin at the University of Adelaide’s School Biological Sciences. “So if a disease gets in to this population and they’re all genetically uniform, then it may wipe the species out in a blink of the eye.”

Understanding the long-term implications of inbreeding could be vital for the survival of other species, such as Queensland’s northern hairy-nosed wombat. Then there’s the fate of other tiny colonies such as those of sea snakes and quolls.

A cruel and devastating plague is carving up Tasmanian devil populations: A single bite can transmit a disease that causes tumours to grow. It’s eventually fatal.

Inbreeding means there are few — if any — devils with any degree of resistance to the disease.

For once, it’s not entirely our fault.

“The devils in Tasmania went through a fairly major bottleneck some time about three or four thousand years ago,” Dr Austin says. “So the low genetic diversity we see today is not a consequence of modern events, they have been like that for thousands of years.”

Analysis of DNA from existing populations, museum specimens and ancient remains has demonstrated the devils underwent a catastrophic population collapse some three to four thousand years ago.

“We argue based on the genetic data we have from both mainland and Tasmanian devils it was a change in climate from a steady state to dramatically jumping up and down every five to 10 years that at least caused the onset of a decline to extinction on the mainland and also caused a population bottleneck in Tasmania,” Dr Austin says. “The Tasmanian devils managed to pull out of this nosedive and come back up again, but on the mainland they continued to decline to extinction.”

Fight for survival ... Tasmanian devils have been hit hard by a contagious cancer called devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) that has wiped out 70 to 90 per cent of population in some areas. Source: AFP
Fight for survival ... Tasmanian devils have been hit hard by a contagious cancer called devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) that has wiped out 70 to 90 per cent of population in some areas. Source: AFP

The impact of this ancient catastrophe is seen even now, 4000 years later, in their dangerously low genetic diversity.

It’s a fate that may be in store for our northern hairy nosed wombats — and others.

The tubby little burrowers are now restricted to just one population in central Queensland. Numbering some 200, they’re actually on the comeback trail: As few as 30 or 40 survived the 1980s.

“Here’s a large species about to go extinct in Australia, it’s the last wild population — and you can’t breed them in captivity … so, that’s when they began this active management,” he says.

Counting the outcomes of this conservation program proved problematic: Catching wombats is not only very difficult, it also has serious implications for their health.

Reproductive rates had fallen, and animals were dying younger.

It took a leap of creativity to solve the problem.

So if a disease gets in to this population and they’re all genetically uniform, then it may wipe the species out in a blink of the eye.

Dr Austin: “They started putting double-sided sticky-tape across the burrow entrances — so when the wombats went out at night and in at morning, the sticky tape would pull some hair off. You could then analyse the DNA in the hairs for counting how many wombats were in the population.”

It also provided material for a much broader range of testing.

“One of the problems with having 30 or 40 individuals that grows over a period of 30 years to 200 is you may have lost a lot of genetic diversity that was in that original 30 — which may not have been very much in the first place.

After collecting DNA samples dating back to the early 1900s, it turns out the northern hairy nosed wombat lost a lot of their genetic diversity at some point before 115 years ago.

“The bottleneck in the 1980s may have reduced their genetic pool, but they didn’t have much to begin with,” he says.

The upshot? Critical vulnerability to disease and unexpected events for thousands of years to come.

Comeback trail ... Northern hairy-nosed wombat numbers are on the increase. But what price will they pay for their near-extinction experience? Source: News Corp Australia
Comeback trail ... Northern hairy-nosed wombat numbers are on the increase. But what price will they pay for their near-extinction experience? Source: News Corp Australia

Dr Austin: “These wombats now appear at the point where they can’t really lose that much more genetic diversity than they already have — other than all being identical twins.”

The research team’s next task is to completely sequence the genome of the northern hairy nosed wombat to try and find out where the key risks lie.

Is it fertility? Is it disease resistance? Is it something else?

“Their population size may be growing, but genetically they may just be hovering around this tipping point of extinction: Just waiting for an accident — like the Tasmanian devil’s tumour — to turn up,” Dr Austin says.

Next generation ... A baby northern hairy-nosed wombat. pictured at Narran Downs Station, St George. Source: Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.
Next generation ... A baby northern hairy-nosed wombat. pictured at Narran Downs Station, St George. Source: Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.

Ultimately, if all the red lights are flashing and bells are ringing with their genome, desperate and unusual action may need to be taken.

For example: Importing some southern hairy nosed wombats for an injection of ‘new blood’

“That would be a fairly major decision to make — but if the genetic data tells you this species is going to go extinct at any point — you’re almost left with no choice but to try a genetic rescue plan,” Dr Austin says.

“The only other option really for things like this is to sit around a few thousand years to wait for beneficial genetic mutations.”

The issue of genetic diversity is now being more widely applied. Four native species were reintroduced to a project known as Arid Recovery at the Olympic Dam mine site in South Australia about 10 years ago. Jointly funded by BHP, this site was cleared of feral animals and four species of native mammal extinct on the mainland reintroduced — bilbies (rabbit-bandicoots), bettongs (kangaroo-rats), western barred bandicoots and greater stick nest rats.

“They all seem to be doing fine, but again we have this issue where if they put 20 or 30 founding individuals in,” Dr Austin says. “How much of that genetic diversity is still there? And do you need to supplement it by bringing new individuals in?”

This research is underway.

But the project has revealed another hurdle: An unbalanced habitat of four herbivores and no predators.

Dr Austin: “The bettongs have just gone completely nuts — and are eating the place to the ground.”

While it would be a perfect opportunity to try and reintroduce a population of natural predators — such as Tasmanian devils or quolls — letting in a few local dingoes is the more likely, low-risk option.


The stories of the sea snakes, quolls, Tasmanian devils and bettongs reveal the immense thought behind conservation efforts.

Warning signs ... Prey animals migrating due to climate change is threatening the survival of the Iberian lynx. Source: AFP
Warning signs ... Prey animals migrating due to climate change is threatening the survival of the Iberian lynx. Source: AFP

It’s not just a matter of fencing them off and feeding them.

The complex interplay of changing climate, food sources, predators, terrain, range, human impacts and human intervention need all to be taken into account.

Quantitative Ecologist Dr Damien Fordham of The University of Adelaide’s The Environment Institute and School of Biological Sciences does just that.

Simulate survival.

With supercomputers.

Dr Fordham: “We can build sophisticated models which account for these interactions and what it allows us to do is make predictions across a landscape in terms of species abundance, ranges and species extinction risk today and in the future.”

Everything known about an endangered animal’s circumstances is fed into a computer model. This allows proposed management plans to be tested:

Does maintaining an important food source make that much difference?

And what about the availability of different kinds of dens?

Will establishing outlying colonies improve chances of survival?

How much would adding a wildlife corridor improve populations?

And what about the climate?

No time to relax ... The Iberian lynx population fell to as few as 94 survivors. Extensive computer simulations have been generated to figure out how to bring it back from the brink. Source: Héctor Garrido / CSIC Andalusia Audiovisual Bank
No time to relax ... The Iberian lynx population fell to as few as 94 survivors. Extensive computer simulations have been generated to figure out how to bring it back from the brink. Source: Héctor Garrido / CSIC Andalusia Audiovisual Bank

“Take for example the sea snakes that Kate’s working on,” Dr Fordham says. “We can build a model and actually test some of the things that may be going on up around Ashmore Reef.

“We can look at the habitat conditions for the quolls, and the long-term impact of things like feral goats to identify what level of predation is sustainable.

“Similar for the hairy nosed wombats: We can look at what will happen when you start translocating some of those species, whether it is viable to consider moving them to more favourable habitats.

“And then there’s climate change causing shifts in environments. What we do is try and predict where those environments are moving and whether it is viable to assist the migration of species so that they can reach them.”

Dr Fordham’s team of researchers have been tackling similar issues for the world’s most endangered cat, the Iberian lynx of Spain and Portugal, and the iconic orang-utans of Borneo.

The European Union has been spending big money to save the pointy-eared, maned felines.

We build in all the species life history traits, we actually have the species in a simulated space moving across the landscape — and by doing that we allow a human to come in and try and actively manage those populations, all within the computer space.

They’ve already been brought back from the brink: A pool of 94 survivors has been nursed back to more than 300 — and efforts are underway to strengthen their gene pool.

Now The University of Adelaide’s computer modelling techniques are being used to assess the extinction risks that remain so as to finetune plans for them to thrive.

The computer simulations have revealed the lynx to be particularly vulnerable to regional climate change.

But the computer models take the matter one step further.

Dr Fordham: “We’ve been able to show that you could offset the impact of climate change quite effectively and the species could persist into the next century if you actively reintroduce the Iberian lynx into areas of its historical range”.

Data collected from the field including availability of food and shelter, preferred dens and terrain, as well as the effect of human activity and climate — able to identify what made up the ideal lynx habitat.

Essentially, you plug the cats into a variety of environment scenarios — and see if they come out the other end alive.

No Iberian lynxes are harmed in the production of these models.

“It’s all done in a computer space, it’s all done through a desktop in Adelaide,” Dr Fordham says.

Shifting seasons ... As the lynx’s prey move away as the climate changes, the predator finds its territories restricted. Source: Héctor Garrido / CSIC Andalusia Audiovisual Bank
Shifting seasons ... As the lynx’s prey move away as the climate changes, the predator finds its territories restricted. Source: Héctor Garrido / CSIC Andalusia Audiovisual Bank

The upshot for the lynx: Enough solid information to enable them to be relocated to suitable — safer and more sustainable — locations.

Borneo’s remaining orang-utans face a different challenge: Once covered by rainforest, the island is now broken down into a widely spread patchwork of reserves.

Quantitative ecologist Dr Damien Fordham.
Quantitative ecologist Dr Damien Fordham.

Dr Fordham: “Our computer models are showing the worth of putting in habitat corridors, so what we are interested is where you locate those corridors to get your best bang for your buck. “We test different ways of linking patches of suitable habitat and look at how they promote migrations, and also whether they will accommodate population expansion into areas where they’ve gone extinct.

“It’s a pretty fun project.”

None of this would be possible without flexible mathematical models — and the computer power to crunch the numbers.

“We build in all the species life history traits, we actually have the species in a simulated space moving across the landscape — and by doing that we allow a human to come in and try and actively manage those populations, all within the computer space,” Dr Fordham says.

“It’s a major advance. Previously you’d be using statistical models that don’t have the mechanisms to easily test a wide variety of considerations.”

The University of Adelaide provides the supercomputer time necessary to run the immense and complex sets of calculations.

“Even then our analysis can run for months — and of course you don’t want it to crash,” Dr Fordham says.

“It is all about minimising the guesswork, and to identify uncertainties which can be further studied,” he says.

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