‘Every time we had sex’: Jubelin’s ex tells all
Even when sharing a bed, the job never stopped for Gary Jubelin, according to his former partner Pam Young, who has spoken for the first time about the impact of work on their relationship.
Even when sharing a bed, the job never stopped for Gary Jubelin, according to his former partner Pam Young, who has spoken for the first time about the impact of work on their relationship.
Jarin Baigent grew up on The Block in Redfern and knew as a little girl, when her family was the victim of multiple break-and-enters, that she wanted to be a cop.
Meni joins Gary to chat about the moment his detective career ended, and how it led him to his finding missing persons.
Former cop-turned-reporter Meni Caroutas talks to Gary about some of the most chilling unsolved investigations.
A criminal informant who risked his life to help homicide Detective Gary Jubelin catch killers speaks for the first time, in an explosive new I Catch Killers podcast with Gary Jubelin. Listen now.
In his line of work Gary Jubelin has had to rely on informants or “snitches” for those cases that don’t leave a trace of evidence. He reveals how the relationship between the two worlds works in the justice system.
Former detective Gary Jubelin reveals the devastating impact of a raid gone wrong in this edited extract from his new book I Catch Killers. WARNING: Graphic
He dedicated his career to catching killers and ended up facing court over his tactics. But ex-Detective Gary Jubelin would rather go to prison than pay a fine for doing his job. His explosive comments come before the release of Jubelin’s new book, I Catch Killers.
Crucial clues trampled, competing police priorities and a ‘pure evil’ paedophile – Gary Jubelin reveals the troubled history of the William Tyrrell case. Claire Harvey reports.
When Gary Jubelin needed to get away from it all he turned to combat sports and then meditation, but his mentor and friend ended up not being who he professed to be.
Gary Jubelin’s new “I Catch Killers” autobiography delves into his personal life and gives insight into the women who have influenced his life and career as well as his relationship breakups.
Former top NSW homicide detective Gary Jubelin grew up scared of his father but he learnt to forgive him before his death. Don’t miss exclusive extracts from Jubelin’s explosive autobiography “I Catch Killers” via News Corp websites and papers this weekend.
This was one of the most painful moments of Queensland police officer Keith Banks’ life. He tells Gary Jubelin’s I Catch Killer’s podcast he was working undercover — but he couldn’t do anything to stop it.
From being asked to push drugs to being forced to take speed with a dealer, Keith Banks led a wild life as an undercover cop. Don’t miss Gary Jubelin’s latest episode of I Catch Killers.
Original URL: https://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/i-catch-killers/page/26