Our Criminal HistoryA witness to one of Sydney’s oldest cold cases, madam May Smith, was later arrested by our first female detective. She was jailed and then disappeared from public records — and from memory.
ExclusiveNSWA white Commodore could be the missing piece in the tragic puzzle of a 13-year-old’s firebombing death, which has left devastated mum Julie Szabo still waiting for justice 24 years later.
UpdatedCold CasesPolice are one step closer to solving the 1984 murder of a casanova footy player, but are still on the hunt for another suspect.
NewsAl Capone didn’t wake up one day with a machine gun and barrels full of prohibition whisky. So where does the story of the Mafia begin?
Cold CasesThe mystery of Mario Della Torre’s final resting place has been solved. But his case continues to baffle.
True CrimeLike a doctor or priest, George Joseph knew a lot of secrets. And to the end, he feared that one of them might get him killed.
WorldThe prime suspect in Anne Frank’s betrayal may have been driven by one tragic reason, a new book reveals. READ EXCLUSIVE EXTRACT
NewsLike the police file on her LA murder, Patricia Galea’s memory was wiped clean from her husband’s funeral in Queensland last week, but the former escort was done away with long before that.
ExclusiveTrue CrimeHundreds of fatal drug overdoses in Adelaide are being reviewed by detectives to check if they were actually murders by drug dealers over unpaid debts.
Cold CasesVictoria has 142 unidentified human remains. One of them is an infant. They are just some of the bodies and bones piling up at police, mortuary and forensic facilities.