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The NYE plot Australia never knew about

THE terror plot the nation never knew about can now be revealed. It was New Year’s Eve, with harbour-side families getting exci­ted about fireworks — as police fev­erishly tried to locate a boat that could carry out a catastrophic attack.

Former bikie boss Mahmoud 'Mick' Hawi has been shot in the car park of a Fitness First gym in Rockdale, Sydney where he suffered multiple heart attacks after being shot. Picture: Toby Zerna

Next gen hitmen scramble for $300k payday

THE days of the lone hitman are fading with a “hit’’ today routinely consisting of a crew of four to six men more concerned with making a statement than hiding a body. 

How cops brought bikies to their knees

How cops brought bikies to their knees

KICKING down doors and forcing tattooed bikies to kneel in submission, Strike Force Raptor has made life deeply unpleasant for outlaw motorcycle gangs. This is the untold true story of how this elite unit took on Australia’s most fearsome criminals.

Truth behind crime TV’s hits and myths

Truth behind crime TV’s hits and myths

TV viewers can’t get enough of the clever crime-solving methods employed by fictional forensic experts, but what’s the reality for those chasing the clues in real life?

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‘What you see on TV is not reality’

SENTENCED to seven years jail for a white-collar crime, Sydney mum Victoria Schembri was bashed, threatened and harassed for sex — and that’s just the first day she was an inmate.

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