Property tycoon’s fight over $24m house fire
A property developer is facing “exceptionally serious charges” of torching a multimillion-dollar harbourside mansion in a fiery blaze, a court has been told.
A property developer is facing “exceptionally serious charges” of torching a multimillion-dollar harbourside mansion in a fiery blaze, a court has been told.
Around 25 per cent more Aussies are moving out of the cities to the regions rather than the other way around. This is where they are headed.
A bidding wave has seen the record for beachfront land on the Gold Coast swamped, with a near 60-year-old unit block selling for an eight-figure sum. FIND OUT HOW MUCH
Federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek has decided to block a controversial $1.3bn residential development in Greater Brisbane due to ‘unacceptable impacts’ on wildlife.
Selling for less than a Brisbane inner city house, the letting rights to this beachfront resort, its restaurant, and its heart-shaped spa could tempt anyone thinking about a sea change.
SA investors are fleeing the market in droves as the financial stress of meeting rising mortgage repayments worsens, only putting further pressure on the rental supply crisis.
You can keep costs at home to a minimum but still have fun and look great. It’s a cool trend plenty of Aussies are embracing as cost of living bites.
The Reserve Bank has not lifted interest rates since June but households are still hurting as many delay big life decisions.
Fostering a good relationship with your landlord or real estate agent can go a long way to ensuring your rental life is pain free. Here’s how.
June’s housing stats were stronger than the March quarter, but down compared to 2022 as the property market finds balance.
Investors are fleeing the market in droves as the financial stress of meeting rising mortgage repayments worsens, only putting further pressure on the rental supply crisis.
A Heidelberg house with a built-in wet bar and pool has sold to a family, while a unit in Melbourne’s southeast fetched a price six figures above reserve in today’s run of auctions.
Mum-and-dad developers Alex and Toby Donelan have revealed their savvy strategy to bankroll their latest boutique beachside project without leaning on the Big 4. HOW THEY DID IT
Two weeks free rent? Landlords have begun offering a range “perks” in what could be the first sign that Qld’s rental hunger games is easing. See what’s on offer.
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