
Backroom Baz: ‘Boss B**ch’ soundtrack raises eyebrows inside the Premier’s office

The decision to play Doja Cat’s song “Boss Bitch” behind a video of Premier Jacinta Allan paying homage to Julia Gillard’s famous misogyny speech this week raised eyebrows on Spring St.

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“I’m a bitch and a boss, I’m a shine like gloss” goes the chorus to American rapper Doja Cat’s ‘Boss Bitch’. Catchy as the tune is, Baz though it an odd soundtrack to sit behind a video of Premier Jacinta Allan paying homage to Julia Gillard’s famous misogyny speech this week. Allan and a bunch of her Caucus colleagues re-enacted the speech to mark International Women’s Day. But the soundtrack raised eyebrows inside the Premier’s office.

Jacinta Allan and Julia Gillard. Picture: Facebook
Jacinta Allan and Julia Gillard. Picture: Facebook

It’s unclear who thought the song was an apt choice, or whether it was subtly having a dig at Allan. But given tensions are rising about her leadership and political judgment, Baz reckons it was a poor choice. Others thought the whole video was ill-timed. Like this factional heavyweight who opined: “Didn’t see these women condemn Peter Garrett’s sexist and disgusting comments about Gina Rinehart. Like all things in Victoria, that too must be late and running behind schedule. Jacinta plagiarised Gillard’s speech, she might copy her political end getting dumped by Caucus too.” Ouch. For those who missed it former politician Peter Garrett came under fire this week after encouraging Perth festivalgoers to “pretend they’re dancing on Gina Rinehart’s grave”.

Spring Street baby boom continues

The Spring St baby boom has continued. Member for Yan Yean Lauren Kathage has welcomed a baby son, who becomes the fifth parliamentary bub born in the past six months.

Lauren Kathage has welcomed a baby son. Picture Facebook
Lauren Kathage has welcomed a baby son. Picture Facebook

It’s prompted the creation of the first Victorian parliament daycare room, a truly non partisan affair. If Ms Kathage’s child finds his way to the room he’ll be mucking in alongside the babies of Liberal MPs Jess Wilson and Nicole Werner, Labor MP Martha Haylettand Nationals MP Annabelle Cleeland. Congrats Lauren.

Liberal MP can’t get enough of parliament

How often do we lament that MPs just don’t work hard enough?

Enter Liberal stalwart David Davis who just can’t get enough of parliament. Government sources tell Baz that due to a parliamentary procedural error from the long serving member, and stickler for parliamentary procedure, sitting Wednesdays were almost permanently extended.

David Davis can’t get enough of parliament. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
David Davis can’t get enough of parliament. Picture: Andrew Henshaw

Davis recently moved an amendment to the sessional orders of the Legislative Council to extend the sitting day on Wednesdays, a non-government business day. It’s said the need to do this was prompted by increased competition between the Opposition and crossbench for airtime in the parliament.

Now, working harder and longer can only be a good thing for our well paid representatives, Baz thinks. But the move prompted some concern about an “unsafe” working environment for parliamentary staff who would no longer get a designated dinner break.

Careful what you wish for, Dave.

High flying Hawks join forces

With footy back a multi-partisan group of MPs have joined forces to celebrate the happy team at Hawthorn.

Labor's Paul Hamer and Nationals MP Tim McCurdy.
Labor's Paul Hamer and Nationals MP Tim McCurdy.

Co-convened by Nationals MP Tim McCurdy and Labor MP Paul Hamer, the parliamentary Friends of Hawthorn FC brings together MPs from across the political landscape including Brad Rowswell, Paul Edbrooke and Meng Heang Tak.

All up, 12 MPs are in the group so far, with the first item of business to invite players and coats to Spring St mid year, and then back again at the end of the year with the premiership cup.

Keep dreaming, Baz reckons: Go Tiges!


“You’re worse than my year 10s”. Teacher turned MP John Lister scolds rowdy parliamentary colleagues during his first member’s statement.

Guess who

Who will step in as Premier Jacinta Allan’s permanent new chief of staff?

Got any scuttlebutt for Baz?

Originally published as Backroom Baz: ‘Boss B**ch’ soundtrack raises eyebrows inside the Premier’s office

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