

Townsville Correctional Centre staff warned of increased tensions with prisoners after Thai-li Ned’s death

Staff have been warned over increased tensions with prisoners at Townsville Correctional Centre following the alleged murder of a 9yo boy. Here’s why.

Thai-li Ned was struck over the head with a blunt object allegedly by a woman he was living with, Schynada Karkadoo, 24.
Thai-li Ned was struck over the head with a blunt object allegedly by a woman he was living with, Schynada Karkadoo, 24.

Increased tension at the Townsville Correctional Centre has sparked a warning to staff to “exercise” caution when dealing with prisoners in the wake of the alleged murder of a nine-year-old boy in Kirwan.

Source told the Townsville Bulletin that Thai-li Ned’s mum Tiarne Ned had requested help from the correctional centre cultural team in relation to her son before his death, but her pleas went unanswered.

The details of her request, or why she was concerned for his welfare, are not known.

On January 25, Schynada Karkadoo allegedly murdered Thai-li, with the young boy suffering injuries consistent with blunt force trauma.

Thai-li Ned with his mother Tiarne
Thai-li Ned with his mother Tiarne

Thai-li was in Karkadoo’s care for some time before his death and police said the pair had a “loose family connection”. Karkadoo has been charged with murder and is being held in the Brisbane Women’s Correctional Centre.

Last week, an internal document, provided to the Bulletin, was circulated at the Townsville Correctional Centre following the death, which said it was likely a number of people in the facility would be impacted by the death.

Schynada Karkadoo, 24 allegedly struck Thai-li Ned over the head with a blunt object.
Schynada Karkadoo, 24 allegedly struck Thai-li Ned over the head with a blunt object.

It also said prisoners in the men’s centre could be impacted as the “deceased child’s father is currently unknown”.

The leaked document said there was increased tensions towards the cultural team and there could be possible hostility towards them.

It also said officers were told to report all threats and cultural team staff were “implement additional personal safety measures” when dealing with prisoners.

Sources told the Bulletin Ned was being kept in the safety unit under observation.

A Queensland Corrective Services spokeswoman said it could not comment on the “management of individual prisoners or matters before the courts”.

The spokeswoman said the death of a child was traumatic and upsetting in any circumstances.

“A range of supports are being offered to the mother and other prisoners affected by this incident, including extensive sessions with community Elders, the facilitation of welfare calls, a support person and access to psychologists,” the spokeswoman said.

Townsville Women's Correctional Centre. Picture: Zak Simmonds
Townsville Women's Correctional Centre. Picture: Zak Simmonds

“All officers receive cultural awareness training and are supported by Cultural Liaison Officers who provide advice and support in circumstances such as this so we can provide the appropriate care to people in custody.”

Inside the correctional centre, prisoners are able to contact people outside the facility that are on an approved list. Prisoners are also able to contact lawyers and government bodies like the Department of Child Safety.

DCS told the Townsville Bulletin the Child Protection Act prevents them from disclosing whether a child or family was “known or not known” to the department.

”The death of this boy is a tragedy and is currently the subject of a police investigation,” a spokeswoman said.

“As such, it would be inappropriate for the department to comment at this time.”

Child Safety Minister Amanda Camm said she too was unable to comment on individual cases.

“I am deeply committed to the protection of children in this state which is why I can’t comment on individual cases however, a full review is undertaken if a child is known to Child Safety in the year prior to their death and that is an important process,” she said.

Ms Camm said the government was working to reform the system.

“We have a massive task ahead of us to reform this system and provide better support for both vulnerable children and their families, and that is a challenge I am committed to every day as Child Safety Minister,” she said.

The case will be mentioned in Townsville Magistrate Court on April 23.

Originally published as Townsville Correctional Centre staff warned of increased tensions with prisoners after Thai-li Ned’s death

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