
Toilet paper: Coronavirus fears sparks panic buying and we’re confused

Yeah look - we’re not 100% sure why people are panic buying toilet paper either. But it certainly has everyone talking.

Woolworths at Elanora sold out of toilet paper. Photo: Facebook
Woolworths at Elanora sold out of toilet paper. Photo: Facebook

DESPITE repeated messages from authorities urging people not to panic buy, Gold Coast residents have still been greeted by empty shelves at supermarkets.

And for some reason, toilet paper is the hot item.

Are people worried they will need to be quarantined for two weeks (without access to the internet?) and will, for some reason, be unable to purchase toilet paper in the near future?

Maybe people are worried that toilet paper will run out across the nation?

Maybe people are experiencing digestive difficulty as a result of stress over coronavirus fears and therefore need access to increased amounts of toilet paper?

Yeah look, we’re not sure either, but what we do know is that some of you - are very funny.

Here’s how Gold Coast Bulletin readers reacted to toilet paper panic buying revelations.


Trina Power: I just don’t understand? Our shelves were bare today. Tissues, I understand. Hand sanitiser, I understand. Masks, I understand. But toilet paper? I haven’t read anywhere that the virus gives you the runs? What am I missing here?

Kerryn Brewer: I must admit i bought dunny rolls today, but to be fair i had run out so it was necessity. I did feel judging eyes on me though

Amanda J Coward: People are buying what they need for quarantine. If there are four in a house and a minimum 2-3 wk quarantine, how much do you think you’ll need to keep you alive and hygienic?

Woolworths at Elanora sold out of toilet paper. Photo: Facebook
Woolworths at Elanora sold out of toilet paper. Photo: Facebook

Krysti Prytz: But why toilet paper? If I was to stock up I’d start with long life items to survive toilet paper would be at the bottom of my list lol

Mat Lowe: I really don’t get why toilet paper is so popular. You would think you would be buying canned foods etc. Maybe if you purchased alot of baked beans, then the toilet would come in handy...


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Vanessa Rooke: Peeps got no food but wooooo got plenty of loo paper

Arley Rebecca Hitchen: Didn’t see this going on when we had the flu last year!! Better take up paper mache you noddies!!!!

Jasmine Rainford Aragon: Why toilet paper? Worse comes to worse, we all have some odd socks laying around!

ALDI at Oxenford sold out of toilet paper. Photo: Facebook
ALDI at Oxenford sold out of toilet paper. Photo: Facebook

Jonathan Olsen: But why? Just shop as normal. If you have a bad dose of the flu you stay at home for a week or so and avoid infecting others. It’s essentially the same. I really want to know what these muppets think they are doing?

Ash Holmes: Meanwhile genuine preppers already have 2 years worth of dry goods and canned food.

Rod Manthey: What’s loading up on toilet paper gunna do ... I don’t understand ???

Jamie Alexander: Rod Manthey save you using your sleeve?

Danielle Herrick: I didn’t realise you sh*t yourself to death!

Lynne Beggs: Why toilet paper, it doesn’t give you the runs.

Soap & water or hand wash.

That’s what a pharmacy told us when we went down to Melbourne.

Annette Elsegood: Holy crap loo paper is on special must be buy one get one free ha ha

Ald Red: All I see they seem to think wiping their *ss is more important that getting medical assessment.

Trish Kemp: Seriously!! I just finished the last toilet roll better be some left!

Janelle Kollen: Would of liked to buy some hand sanitizer today but all sold out because people r buying so many bottles of it that they don’t need. Then you have myself who is going overseas and would like a couple of bottles. A lady apparently bought 20 bottles. What the f**k is wrong with people

Rice sold out at Robina Coles. Photo: Facebook
Rice sold out at Robina Coles. Photo: Facebook

Andrew Emmerson: There warehouses full of toilet paper One main warehouse in Melbourne holes up to 100 b doubles maybe more worth of toilet paper I don’t know where people get this idea but I’m sure the shelf will be stocked up in the next few day but one Think is going to happen soon as every stock up and toilet paper will be sitting on the shelves I’m sure it will be on special soon

Deborah Price: Don’t be concerned everyone, our warehouses are well and truly stocked, food is plentiful, once this panic phase is over, and give it a week, the shelves will be back to normal. Keep calm and sanitise after being in a public place! cheers & stay positive!

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