
‘I have met the most incredible women on the Gold Coast ... it is fair to say these awards are overdue’

Katie Page explains why the recognition offered by the Gold Coast Women of the Year Awards is long overdue.

Gerry Harvey and Katie Page. Picture: Jerad Williams
Gerry Harvey and Katie Page. Picture: Jerad Williams

The best thing about the Gold Coast Women of the Year Awards is that it is ‘women’, not ‘woman’. How could you choose just one?

Gerry and I have spent Christmas and January on the Gold Coast for as long as I can remember.

Harvey Norman has been on the Gold Coast for close to 30 years, so if I am not here on holidays, I am here for work. In that time I have met the most incredible women, so it is fair to say these awards are overdue.


The Gold Coast community is tight – you know who is making a difference, those who aren’t in it for applause and are getting the job done – creating educational opportunities; pathways to employment or increasing participation in sport. They deserve, you deserve to be nominated.

Who do you know who has returned to the workforce after studying as a mature age student - in an area where their life experience and skills bring untold benefit to those in their care or workplace?

Volunteering is part of the fabric of Gold Coast life. Thousands of Gold Coast women seek to give back through channels like Volunteering Services Australia, Surf Life Saving Australia or Gold Coast Health. These are the women who deserve to be nominated. Is this your Mum, your sister, friend or colleague?

We need your help to bring these Awards to life. Their stories are the meaning behind us building this platform. Please take the time to nominate the remarkable Gold Coast women in your life.

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