
Australia Day neo-Nazi display: Loitering charge dropped against Adelaide man Shannen Bartel

The only South Australian man arrested as part of an alleged neo-Nazi display on Australia Day has been cleared in court.

Alleged neo-Nazis leave Adelaide court on bail

Charges against the only South Australian man arrested on Australia Day alongside over a dozen members of the National Socialist Network have been dropped, just days before the rest of his co-accused are due to return to SA to front court.

On Wednesday afternoon, lawyer Sean Nottle confirmed his client Shannen Bartel was no longer charged with loitering after his arrest on Australia Day.

Mr Bartel, 24 of Brompton, was one of 15 people who faced court after being arrested for allegedly disrupting peaceful and prearranged marches on January 26.

The men, from SA, Victoria, NSW, Queensland, WA and Tasmania, were charged with offences ranging from carrying an item of disguise to using a Nazi symbol.

Mr Bartel was facing one sole charge of failing to cease loitering, but on Wednesday Mr Nottle, of Mangan Ey and Associates, confirmed SA Police had since withdrawn the charge.

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Shannen Bartel on bail is seen leaving the Adelaide Magistrates court.
Shannen Bartel on bail is seen leaving the Adelaide Magistrates court.

“SAPOL were ordered to pay an agreed amount of Mr Bartel’s legal costs, and the matter is now at an end,” Mr Nottle said.

“Mr Bartel is relieved. It is apparent from this outcome that it has been determined Mr Bartel did not engage in any criminal behaviour on Australia Day.”

Mr Bartel, who works as a removalist, was due to face court again on March 12.

It comes just days before the other men arrested – who all reside interstate – are due to front court again in SA.

A New South Wales man who was granted police bail immediately after Australia Day is due to have his first Adelaide court appearance on Friday, with others to follow over the coming weeks.

Charges against the only South Australian man, Shannen Bartel arrested on Australia Day alongside a dozen members of the National Socialist Network have been dropped.
Charges against the only South Australian man, Shannen Bartel arrested on Australia Day alongside a dozen members of the National Socialist Network have been dropped.

It was a condition of each of the men’s bail agreements that they have no contact with each other, or with other members of the National Socialist Network, so their court dates were spread over multiple days.

The men are the first targets of SA’s tough new anti-Nazi laws with a push to have their controversial symbol declared criminal.

Originally published as Australia Day neo-Nazi display: Loitering charge dropped against Adelaide man Shannen Bartel

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