QLD ElectionDESPITE Labor calling for a recount in Maiwar, the state’s first Greens MP is stepping up his fight against the Adani megamine and is already planning a “listening tour” of regional Queensland.
QLD ElectionECONOMISTS and business chiefs say Australia’s newest voters need to stand up and demand a debt reduction strategy from Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, or they’ll be paying the price into their old age.
QLD ElectionPRESSURE is mounting on LNP leader Tim Nicholls to concede defeat in the state election, with Labor this afternoon claiming victory in the seat of Townsville.
QLD ElectionLABOR is not conceding in Maiwar and might still ask for a recount despite Greens candidate Michael Berkman this morning claiming an historic victory in the inner-west Brisbane seat.
QLD ElectionTHE Queensland Electoral Commission has declared the LNP’s Dale Last has won the seat of Burdekin. Mr Last’s win comes after his Labor counterpart Michael Brunker let fly at the QEC saying they needed to take a “long, hard look” at how they operate.
QLD ElectionFEDERAL Resources Minister Matt Canavan has been branded “unhinged” after he accused Queensland’s Labor government of racism and xenophobia over its stance on the Adani coal mine, which puts the project “on a knife edge”.
OpinionQLD ElectionIT’S rare that leaders make the difference to an election outcome, but if you don’t run hard on issues, personality is all voters have to judge you by, writes Graham Young.
QLD ElectionQUEENSLAND’S youngest-ever female MP has officially claimed the Gold Coast seat of Gaven in a historic election victory that may have sealed the deal for a second Palaszczuk Government.
QLD ElectionPREMIER Annastacia Palaszczuk could finally declare victory in the Queensland election as early as today — but the Opposition has other ideas.
QLD ElectionCHILD safety advocate Hetty Johnston has conceded in the seat of Macalister, congratulating Labor candidate Melissa McMahon on her win.