

Tributes for beloved Cornubia couple killed in horror motorbike crash at Carbrook

Tributes have flowed for a husband and wife who had an “incredible” impact on the SEQ Jewish community after they died in a horror crash south of Brisbane at the weekend.

Peter and Sandra Schuptar of Cornubia were riding on a motorbike when a Nissan Patrol four wheel drive collided with them at the intersection of Coorang and Mt Cotton roads at Carbrook, just before 7.30pm.
Peter and Sandra Schuptar of Cornubia were riding on a motorbike when a Nissan Patrol four wheel drive collided with them at the intersection of Coorang and Mt Cotton roads at Carbrook, just before 7.30pm.

A husband and wife who had an “incredible” impact on both the Jewish community and children with disabilities have died after a horrific crash involving a car and a motorbike.

Tributes are flowing for Peter, 63, and Sandra, 65, Schuptar of Cornubia who were riding on a motorbike when a Nissan Patrol four wheel drive collided with them at the intersection of Coorang and Mt Cotton roads at Carbook just before 7.30pm on Sunday night.

The couple were initially treated for serious injuries but were declared dead at the scene.

Both Peter and Sandra Schuptar were Christian friends of Israel who created a prayer group and organised for large groups to travel to Israel.

Ms Schuptar was the Head Teacher of the Early Childhood Development Program and Head of Special Education Services at Mt Ommaney Special School.

A teacher close to the couple told The Courier Mail the couple were extremely incredible people.

“They have a way of making everybody feel comfortable, everybody feeling like they are special and worthy of their time,” she said.

“They are so generous with their time, they’re so compassionate and they’re very humble people.”

Peter and Sandra Schuptar of Cornubia were riding on a motorbike when a Nissan Patrol four wheel drive collided with them at the intersection of Coorang and Mt Cotton roads at Carbrook, just before 7.30pm.
Peter and Sandra Schuptar of Cornubia were riding on a motorbike when a Nissan Patrol four wheel drive collided with them at the intersection of Coorang and Mt Cotton roads at Carbrook, just before 7.30pm.

Ms Schuptar worked with early intervention for children with special needs from the ages 0 to five.

“She would meet parents in their darkest time and give them hope and show them what their life was going to be like and she did it with so much grace,” she said.

“She gave them hope but she was also very real with helping them on that journey.

“She sat by so many children’s bedsides as well when they weren’t going to make it and she stayed with the families. And she’s got this lifelong connection with those families that really needed that extra support.”

The teacher said she really felt for the families that were never going to meet her.

Ms Schuptar was previously the acting principal at Kuraby Special School and also worked at various other Logan schools.

“She cared about them and she cared about the families and making sure that they were connected,” she said.

Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies president Jason Steinberg. Picture: Liam Kidston
Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies president Jason Steinberg. Picture: Liam Kidston

Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies Incorporated president Jason Steinberg said the loss of Mr and Mrs Schuptar was shocking to the community.

“Certainly in the last few years Peter and Sandra were very active within their support for Israel and the Jewish people and we’re deeply moved by the work they did,” he said.

“Their loss is a tragic one.

“In Hebrew there is a word called mensch and the definition of a mensch is someone who does things without looking for accolades, someone who’s always there to help others and that personifies who Peter and Sandra were.”

He said they were always willing to help the Jewish community and Israel.

“Particularly after 7 October, they really got involved in organising events to support Israel and being very visible in their commitment to supporting Israel and the Jewish people,” he said.

The 21-year-old driver of the car - a Nissan Patrol 4WD - was not physically injured.

The intersection was closed for hours, with diversions in place, but has since reopened.

The Forensic Crash Unit is investigating the cause of the crash.

Anyone with dashcam or CCTV footage, or who witnessed the parties involved in the lead-up to the crash should contact police.

Originally published as Tributes for beloved Cornubia couple killed in horror motorbike crash at Carbrook

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