Shocking $190 per week share room for ‘three boys’ in Sydney’s CBD
A Sydney landlord has been accused of exploiting desperate renters by offering up accommodation for “three boys” to share a room with single mattresses on the floor.
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A Sydney landlord has been accused of exploiting desperate renters by offering up accommodation for “three boys” to share a room with single mattresses on the floor for $190 each.
As an escalation of the Sydney housing crisis is laid bare, one landlord has taken to Facebook to advertise a “landmark apartment” on Sussex St in Sydney’s CBD.
The landlord indicated there was a second share room which was “very clean” available for “1 boys”.
“1 second room share 3 boys … 1 spot left,” the landlord writes.
In photos accompanying the post, three, thin single beds can be seen lying on the floor with other pictures of the apartment, showing little to no furniture.
The listing detailed how the room and apartment was “fully furnished” along with a built in wardrobe with the $190 price including all bills.
The lucky renter would be required to stay a minimum of three months and pay two weeks rent in advance along with a two week bond, a key deposit, and give two weeks notice of leaving.
The listing was first advertised on Tuesday in a landlords and tenants Facebook group which received 10 laugh reactions to the post.
Of the two comments left on the post, a user replied saying it was “scary”.
Another questioned whether it was actually “fully furnished”, asking “where’s the furniture”.
Better Regulation and Fair Trading Minister Anoulack Chanthivong told The Daily Telegraph renters considering these properties “clearly demonstrates the challenges (they) face in this tight market”.
“The Minns Labor Government has established the Rental Taskforce to deliver better conditions for renters with $8.4 million for frontline rental inspectors and engagement officers to help the Rental Commissioner enforce quality standards,” Mr Chanthivong said.
“The Taskforce will analyse activities and trends within the rental market and conduct compliance activities such as inspections, audits, and blitzes to prevent and act on breaches of the law.”
The minister said it would “support a fair and safe marketplace” for rented homes in NSW and go towards improved confidence in the rental market which is the toughest it has been in “decades”.
The landlord has been contacted for comment.
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Originally published as Shocking $190 per week share room for ‘three boys’ in Sydney’s CBD