MP’s brother called to the bench for Christmas
The brother of federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek has received an unusual gift for Christmas – an elevation to the bench of the Local Court.
The brother of federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek has received an unusual gift for Christmas – an elevation to the bench of the Local Court.
A foreign activist pressure group which tried to ban salmon from Australia’s supermarket shelves also has links to anti-Israel activities, it can be revealed.
The mother of a Mid-North Coast teenager missing for more than two weeks has aired her heartbreak as she holds onto hope her son will return home for Christmas.
A 43-year-old man is in critical condition after crashing into a power pole in Cartwright early on Tuesday morning, prompting a police investigation into the circumstances of the incident.
New footage shows a police car driving through a street at speed before it became stuck on a railway track in Sydney’s west.
Crying in the tea room, abuse from patients upset by cancelled surgeries, enforced overtime – the five-year diary of nurse Rebekah Fox paints a confronting picture of life inside NSW’s hospital crisis.
Former homicide cop Peter Hogan says Kathleen Folbigg’s diary entries should have been seen through the eyes of a grieving mother trying to cope, not those of a “sinister circumstance”.
Government grants are bankrolling artists who have gone on to glorify terrorists including one who claimed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was a better leader than Anthony Albanese.
Vexatious neighbours, serial complainers and hostile landlords threatening to shutdown a live music venue will face mediation under new laws to keep the industry alive.
Liberal senator Dave Sharma is making a move on western Sydney where he believes the Coalition could connect with voters on cost-of-living and housing affordability.
Entertainer Natalie Bassingthwaighte and her musician former husband, Cameron McGlinchey, have secured an offer for their former Ewingsdale home after they reduced the price.
The yarns have been swirling around neighbouring farming communities for months after two more bodies turned up – all linked one way or another to a missing convicted killer and human remains found in a burnt out tree.
Ahead of the NSW Drug Summit, Carmel Tebbutt — a NSW minister during the first Drug Summit in 1999 and now CEO of Odyssey House — says the heroin crisis may have passed but synthetic opioids and methamphetamine pose “new challenges”.
When Sydney mum Jorgia Huxtable’s twins arrived two months early, little did she know that the battle for their lives was only just beginning.
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