
Kellie Darley takes Parramatta Council to Supreme Court after being censured

A Parramatta councillor is taking her council to the Supreme Court after she was censured for sharing social media posts about its partnership with the Eels – a move that could ratepayers $400,000.

Independent councillor Kellie Darley is facing two separate legal cases against Parramatta Council. Picture: Alexander Mayes Photography
Independent councillor Kellie Darley is facing two separate legal cases against Parramatta Council. Picture: Alexander Mayes Photography

A Parramatta councillor who feels “targeted” is taking her council to the Supreme Court after it censured her for sharing social media posts about its partnership with the Eels’ NRLW side.

The matter before the NSW Supreme Court on September 3 is listed just five weeks after independent Kellie Darley takes the council to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal on Wednesday.

She initiated legal action following the council’s decision to strike a $1.15m partnership with the Eels because she insisted details about the deal should be made public.

In a separate court case slated for September 3, Cr Darley – who has been outspoken against ratepayers’ funds going to the wealthy NRL club – will take the matter to the Supreme Court after an external investigator found she breached the code of conduct after she shared social media posts that disclosed information from a confidential session at the December 11, 2023 meeting.

During that meeting, a proposed partnership between the Eels and the council was discussed.

The investigator found allegations that she placed information about the cost of the partnership were also substantiated.

Councillor Kellie Darley has been a vocal critics of Parramatta Council’s multimillion dollar partnership with the NRLW. Picture: Albert Perez/Getty Images
Councillor Kellie Darley has been a vocal critics of Parramatta Council’s multimillion dollar partnership with the NRLW. Picture: Albert Perez/Getty Images

“The information contained in councillor Darley’s social media post referred to $2.4m when the actual figure endorsed by council was $383,000,’’ the minutes tabled from the July 22 meeting state.

The reviewer found she breached the rules of conduct that councillors must not conduct themselves in a manner that was likely to bring the council or other council officials into disrepute, was improper or unethical.

She was censured for the breach under section 440G of the Local Government Act.

But Cr Darley – who has formed the Community Champions group – filed a summons in the Supreme Court challenging the investigator’s report.

“I can’t have councillors putting in a code of conduct every time I say something they don’t like,’’ she told this publication.

“Like NCAT this is about me drawing a line in the sand.’’

She said she was only sharing information about the Eels’ partnership that was already in the public domain and had been unfairly targeted after sharing photos of United Services Union trucks driving around Parramatta bearing photos of councillors who supported the Eels’ partnership.

In a statement, she alleged the council was censuring her for “simply speaking the truth and doing her job”.

“This is about shutting down debate and silencing me from speaking out on a matter of

significant public interest – a matter that was being widely talked about in the media and

community – and which many residents are still very angry about.

“The question needs to be asked, why weren’t all the councillors who made similar

Facebook posts treated the same way. Why am I the only one being censured?

“I feel embarrassed for Parramatta Council. But more than that, I feel targeted and bullied.”

Parramatta Council declined to comment because it is a code of conduct matter and before the court.

Independent councillor and lawyer Lorraine Wearne said it could cost up to $400,000 to contest in court.

It is listed as a directions hearing on September 3.

Originally published as Kellie Darley takes Parramatta Council to Supreme Court after being censured

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