
The Gold Coast Spit to undergo a complete makeover under the State Government’s masterplan

COMMUNITY groups have welcomed a State Government report outlining the future of the Broadwater which will allow everything from dive sites to a restaurant and shopping piazza to be built.

Drone footage of The Spit

THE Spit and Wavebreak Island will get a complete makeover and become a tourist attraction to rival the city’s beaches and theme parks under State Government masterplan options.

Community groups including Save Our Spit and Save Our Broadwater have welcomed the State Government’s report describing it as “very impressive” and “a great blueprint” for the Broadwater’s future.

The plan creates seven precincts — Top of The Spit, Wave Break Island, Federation Walk coastal reserve, Muriel Henchman Park, Village centre, Philip Park and Southern Gateway.


The Spit has been divided into seven precincts under the State Government’s masterplan.
The Spit has been divided into seven precincts under the State Government’s masterplan.

Some of the most welcomed of the 72 options include:

* a connected pathway system and boardwalk on the Broadwater edge along a 4km stretch for cyclists and walkers;

* a glamping or camping area at the northern end of Wavebreak Island which includes a dive attraction like an underwater sculpture park;

* an environmental centre and new southern gateway to the green A-line that is Federation Walk;

* superyachts and boutique cruise ship berthing south of Sea World;

* a linear promenade and piazza south of Mariner’s Cove;

* a terraced amphitheatre and arrival statement at the southern end;

* new aboriginal cultural hub and revamped seafood market south of Sea World;

* a shuttle bus in a loop from the G-link station to Doug Jennings Park;

* a potential above water deck and below level viewing point at the Seaway.

State Development Minister Cameron Dick and Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate view the planning options as a positive move forward.

State Development put an option in for Philip Park with or without a cruise ship terminal.

Mr Dick said the options paper had been developed through extensive consultation with hundreds of residents, local businesses, stakeholders and community representatives.

“For many years, the Southport Spit has been subjected to a range of development proposals that have been met with varying degrees of enthusiasm or resistance from the business sector and local community,” he said.

The Village Centre will have restaurants and tap into the seafood from the region.
The Village Centre will have restaurants and tap into the seafood from the region.

Councillor Tate said residents had embraced the masterplanning process.

“The area needs a masterplan and has needed one for decades, so it’s great to see so many ideas come out of the consultation so far,” he said.

“I am pleased to be working with the State Government to deliver a future direction for The Spit, on which we can all agree.”

Federation Walk will keep environmentalists happy as it is mainly left alone except for a wetland walk.
Federation Walk will keep environmentalists happy as it is mainly left alone except for a wetland walk.


Save Our Spit Alliance vice president Darren Crawford said he was “very impressed” with how much the community was involved in the plan.

“It appears the State has done a very good job, it is very thorough and considered,” he said.

“It is a huge contrast in comparison with the lack of respect, engagement and consultation the Gold Coast City Council has shown the community in relation to the cruise ship terminal.”

Save Our Broadwater president Alan Rickard said it was a “great blueprint for the way forward”.

Flashback: Gold Coast cruise ship terminal

“The general thrust is in the right direction as it has recognised what the locals want is really what the tourists want. We all want blue skies, nice clean beaches and good surf,” he said.

Mr Dick said community consultation on the masterplan options would occur during the next four weeks and include a series of pop-up information sessions and an online survey.

“Following the close of consultation, the feedback received will be analysed and summarised as the basis for determining the preferred content of the draft master plan for The Spit,” he said.

“A third master planning workshop will be held in early December to consider this information and focus on the preparation of the draft master plan, which is proposed to be released for public comment early next year.”

The Top of The Spit will have an
The Top of The Spit will have an "iconic landmark building" according to the masterplan released by the State Government.

The final master plan is expected to be completed by mid-2019.

Gold Coast Waterways Authority board chair Mara Bun said the Coast’s waterways were complex environments requiring responsible management.

“The Spit Master Plan is therefore about planning for the waterways as well as the land and it’s important that we recognise the economic opportunities for all residents and visitors while sustaining environmental values well into the future,” she said.

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