
Meet Gold Coast’s highest achieving Year 12 students of 2023

Schools across the city have announced their duxes and highest achieving students. Meet some of the Gold Coast’s most gifted students.

Meet some of the Gold Coast's most academically gifted students.
Meet some of the Gold Coast's most academically gifted students.


Sam Millar-East has been announced as this year's Dux and Academic Captain at All Saints Anglican School for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Sam Millar-East has been announced as this year's Dux and Academic Captain at All Saints Anglican School for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Sam Millar-East

What will you be studying next year?

I will be studying a Bachelor of Philosophy majoring in mathematics at the Australian National University. Mathematics has always been a passion of mine. I enjoy the problem solving aspect and the creative ways you can express yourself. People think maths is a very rigid, strict subject, but it’s actually got many endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. I picked this degree in particular because it allows me to do research as an undergraduate student which is an exciting prospect and I’m looking forward to it.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

All Saints has given me countless opportunities to explore my interests in ways that I might not have been able to and it’s given me the academic freedom to pursue my interests and do what I want to do and I’m very grateful for that.

How much work did you put in weekly to become this year’s dux?

The amount of work I did may not be as much as others did – so about an hour every day, and depending on how close we are to a test. But the important part was consistent working.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

The most important thing is a consistent sleep schedule. It cannot be overstated how vital it is. And don’t get too stressed.

Celinda Cheung has been announced as a top academic achiever and Academic Captain at All Saints Anglican School for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Celinda Cheung has been announced as a top academic achiever and Academic Captain at All Saints Anglican School for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Celinda Cheung

What will you be studying next year?

I’m studying Medicine at James Cook University in Townsville. I was really lucky because the school gave me really good references and I got an early admission into medicine. I really want to help people and I think being a doctor lets me help people who are at their most vulnerable, physically and mentally. I want to be there for them, so I think this is the career for me.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

I think we are very blessed to have teachers who are always here to help us, who are always welcome to answer any questions we have. The support they’ve given us is insane. We’re also very well informed about all the pathways and options that are there for us after school.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

I tried to look over the content we did at school every night. I would say about an hour or two every day just to keep myself on track.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

I think you should enjoy it. Year 12 is your last year of school. Obviously work hard, try your best. I know ATAR doesn’t define who you are, but it does affect that path you take out of school. But also have fun. I made a lot of good memories this year that I think that I will take with me way longer than the ATAR.


Kyra Hales has been announced as this year's top achiever at Arcadia College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Kyra Hales has been announced as this year's top achiever at Arcadia College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Kyra Hales

What will you be studying next year?

Bachelor of Biomedical Science at SCU. I chose this course because the area of study interests me – biomedical and psychology.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

The school provided me support and guidance in my education and wellness and opportunities for further studies and employment.

How much work did you put in weekly to become this year’s dux?

I studied at school (and at home from procrastination) at an average rate but at an effort and perfectionist level.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Life is hard, do your best and take your time – it’s your own life not others, cherish it.

Jasper Saint-Claire has been announced as this year's overall outstanding achiever at Arcadia College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Jasper Saint-Claire has been announced as this year's overall outstanding achiever at Arcadia College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Jasper Saint-Claire

What will you be studying next year?

Bachelor of Social Work at SCU. I chose this because social workers have supported me to get to where I am right now, and I want to move forward to give that support to others.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

I wouldn’t be going to university if it wasn’t for this school. At Arcadia I was given the support, resources and care that I needed. The staff here have been incredible role models of the human values required for social work and I hope I lead that same example in my career.

How much work did you put in weekly to become this year’s overall outstanding achiever?

Maintaining attendance and staying focused was really important. It was also just as important to seek help and resources that the school offered to stay on track.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Don’t stress if you don’t know what you want to do after school yet, just do your best to stay in the moment and appreciate the good that’s already here. Surround yourself with people that make you feel confident, happy and motivated, and soak up all the once in a lifetime experiences that Year 12 will offer.


Jayden Adams has been announced as a high achiever at Hillcrest Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Jayden Adams has been announced as a high achiever at Hillcrest Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Jayden Adams

What will you be studying next year and why?

If all goes well I’ll be doing a gap year in the Australian Defence Force. I’m in for one called the helicopter commander gap year in the navy, so I’ll be heading down to Jervis Bay south of Sydney. The reason being comes down to that ability to serve.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

One thing I did through my schooling is the air force cadets – it’s an amazing opportunity. I really like the structure, how they develop your leadership and how it’s a physical job you’re doing everyday. But also through captaincy, and heaps of mentors and being able to step up and lead in the school.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

When I got to exams that’s when it became really real to me and I didn’t have that much of a study plan up until that point, but I was really testing out what would work best for me. Going into the holidays I looked at the subjects I wasn’t doing the best in, and throughout the holidays I really worked on those. And when it came to the week before the exam block I made a little timetable for myself.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Don’t stress it too much. That would honestly be my advice. Obviously think about what you need to do, pick some subjects that leaves things open if you’re not sure but in the end you will figure it out.

Laila Chequer de Souza has been announced as a high achiever at Hillcrest Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Laila Chequer de Souza has been announced as a high achiever at Hillcrest Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Laila Chequer de Souza

What will you be studying next year?

I applied early entry for a Law/Arts double degree at Bond University with a major in philosophy. I thought about the things that I like to do and I really enjoyed legal studies, I participate in a competition called the Ethics Olympiad and I really like reading psychology books.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

It comes back to the opportunities that we’re given. A lot of our career nights have been very helpful getting to talk to professionals, but taking up experiences and opportunities in the field that I’m interested in have been so worth it.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

I utilised a study schedule that made it very effective to get all my content covered and I bothered my teachers a lot for feedback on all my assessments and exams. (Having that plan) removed that element of stress and confusion about what to cover.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Dedication is important, and dedication comes from passion. So do not pick subjects just because your friend next door or your bestie is doing it. Find what you’re passionate about early and dedicate yourself to it. And don’t be afraid to go to teachers, tutors and older students and ask for advice.

Jed Gregory has been announced as a high achiever at Hillcrest Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Jed Gregory has been announced as a high achiever at Hillcrest Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Jed Gregory

What will you be studying next year?

I applied to Bond University to do a Bachelor of Actuarial Science. You analyse information and data factoring risk when coming to decisions about issues that a company might have. I have always been a passionate maths students so when looking into careers and pathways I wanted to do something maths-related.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

My whole strategy going into year 12 was to get one subject out of the way (by accelerating it in Year 11) so I was able to spend more time on my other subjects. In the weeks leading up to my exam, I sat down and planned how much time I would need to student for each exam. And then I did many practice exams.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Academically, I would say do subjects that you are passionate about. Don’t worry about how something scales or how difficult or easy a subject is. And then get into those good study habits early in year 10 so you’re not learning how to study.


Christin Lin has been named a high achiever at Kings Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Christin Lin has been named a high achiever at Kings Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Christin Lin

What will you be studying next year?

My plan is to study a Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) at The University of Sydney. I’ve always loved learning about the human body and its complexities particularly at a molecular level.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

The career education provided at school allowed me to learn and plan the possible ways of reaching my career goal. Additionally, I’m extremely grateful for all my teachers who encouraged and supported me throughout high school to help me reach my best potential.

How much work did you put in weekly to become this year’s dux?

I spend around 15 hours a week to review concepts I’ve learned and ensure I’m on top of the content.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Stay curious and ask questions! Your teachers are always there to help you.

Noah Law has been named a high achiever at King's Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Noah Law has been named a high achiever at King's Christian College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Noah Law

What will you be studying next year?

I’m not too sure on what I will be pursuing in university as it will depend on the courses I am accepted into. However, I am interested in the health field with a specific preference in dentistry. I also intend to stay local therefore the institute I will attend will most likely be between the University of Queensland or Griffith University. I’ve always being interested in dentistry since I was a child, although, I have contemplated careers in physiotherapy, and medicine to specialise in dermatology. My interest in the health field came sort of naturally as there was really nothing else I had a passion for, and one of my core memories was my dentist saving me from excruciating tooth pain like magic when I was younger.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

I believe King’s is very patient and generous with its career preparation purposes. It gives students a lot of time and second chances to consider their pathways and relearn information that we might have missed or just have forgot about. The school provided a great deal of speakers and professionals from a wide variety of fields and careers to inform us of future opportunities.

How much work did you put in weekly to become this year’s Proxime Accessit?

I aimed to do three hours a night on the weekdays and depending on what was due I would study or work on what I needed to on Saturday and Sunday. Unlike some of my friends I could not study immediately after school unless I attended the after school tutoring sessions our school provided, meaning on the days I had extra-curricular activities I would rest until around 6.20-6.30pm.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Stay consistent. I personally believe grade 12 is not a measure of just intelligence but a test for dedication, work ethic and learning. Although natural talent can definitely aid in academic success, what separates students is the ability to work consistently for the whole year. Another key thing is to not compare yourself with others, simply do the best that you can do and collaborate with others to maximise your grades.


William Nguyen has been announced as this year's Dux at Marymount College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
William Nguyen has been announced as this year's Dux at Marymount College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

William Nguyen

What will you be studying next year?

Bachelorette of Engineering and Master of Engineering at UQ. I chose this course because it is similar to a double degree that helps me get a masters degree in engineering faster.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

Marymount has provided me with excellent teachers and resources to succeed in advanced subjects like Specialist mathematics and Physics, which will help me succeed in engineering.

How much work did you put in weekly to become this year’s Dux?

I put in somewhere around one to three hours of study each week per subject, with more hours dedicated to more difficult subjects like Specialist mathematics.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Every mark counts. Put in effort for internal assignments and tests to try and bank as many marks before the externals. Also take the mocks seriously as it is a good diagnostic to understand your weak points that you should fix for externals.

Keep up with classwork and homework across the year and don’t fall behind. For me, it was as simple as keeping up in class and doing the recommended homework for each subject each night. 25 minutes each night per subject for two to three nights is plenty of study to lock in what you have learned each class. The more work you put in earlier in the year, the less work you will have to put in during the final weeks to externals. Instead of cramming in the final moments, you can study and revise without pulling your hair out.

A good routine ensures that you keep up with the class and the syllabus so you can learn what you need to learn at a reasonable pace: by taking one step at a time, the syllabus becomes less daunting.

Halle Wiblen has been announced as a top achiever at Marymount College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Halle Wiblen has been announced as a top achiever at Marymount College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Halle Wiblen

What will you be studying next year?

I was fortunate enough to get early acceptance into Griffith University and I will be studying a Bachelor of Psychology (honours). I chose this because I’m really fascinated about what motivates people, their thoughts, their behaviours, their actions. Put it simply, I’m just interested in what makes people tick.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

Over the last seven years of high school, Marymount College has allowed me to flourish as ana individual by providing me with opportunities to cultivate my passion. This year alone I had the honour to represent the school as the spirit captain and this has allowed me to cultivate my passion towards helping others and giving back which is what lead me to the field of psychology to continue this work.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

Over a week I would put in about 12 hours of study, so about two hours every second day and over the weekend about six hours.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

It would be to not be slack in year 11. Year 11 is a practice run of all your assessments for year 12 and it’s important to take advantage of that. Throughout year 12 it’s important to remember to not be so hard on yourself. don’t beat yourself up if you get a hard grade or a poor assessment. High school isn’t the be all, end all – there are other pathways.


Lily Grimes has been announced as this year's Dux at Saint Stephen's College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Lily Grimes has been announced as this year's Dux at Saint Stephen's College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Lily Grimes

What will you be studying next year and why?

I’m going to study a Bachelor of advanced humanities majoring in literature at the University of Queensland.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

I’ve always loved English and literature in the humanities, and I’m really passionate about it. And this degree kind of lets me do all different aspects of humanities, which I’m really excited about.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

It varied every week. But it’s more about maximising the time that you have in class and asking teachers and helping your friends.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Enjoy your 12 while it lasts, and don’t be so caught up in your studies that you forget to have fun. It’ll go by really quick.

Nico Corvera has been announced as a high achiever at Saint Stephen's College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Nico Corvera has been announced as a high achiever at Saint Stephen's College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Nico Corvera

What will you be studying next year?

Hopefully Science at the University of Queensland. Ever since I was young, I’ve always been interested in the sciences, particularly physics and math.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

It taught me a lot about work ethic as well as a baseline knowledge of physics and maths.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

I think depends around the time of the term. Towards exam block, I put a couple more hours but in between the term, or maybe from the start, it was just a little bit.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Find something you enjoy and be good at organising your time.


Olivia Bauer has been announced as one of two high achievers at Silkwood School. Picture: Supplied
Olivia Bauer has been announced as one of two high achievers at Silkwood School. Picture: Supplied

Olivia Bauer

What will you be studying next year?

I have applied to study at the University of Sunshine Coast studying a Bachelor of recreation and outdoor Environmental Studies. I have chosen to apply for this course as it has always sparked my interest being in the outdoors, and learning outside of office environments. My love for nature in the outdoors is one that I’ve always held closely to my heart, and I cannot wait to further pursue this career in the future.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

I have had the opportunity to base projects in my interests. I’ve chosen to base many of these projects on environmental studies, and outdoor recreation.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

The best advice I have for future students is to use your time and evolve, to explore your interests to and to explore your hobbies, passions, and truly just find what you love doing.

Lexi Tripodi has been announced as one of two high achievers at Silkwood School. Picture: Supplied
Lexi Tripodi has been announced as one of two high achievers at Silkwood School. Picture: Supplied

Lexi Tripodi

What will you be studying next year?

I’ll be studying a bachelor Marine Science at Griffith University. I chose to study this course because I’ve always been passionate about the environment and marine wildlife. And I would love to build the skills to be able to make a difference.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

Silkwood allowed us to explore our interests and spend time working on what we’re passionate about. Through our Big Picture projects I was able to explore local marine ecosystems and assess the health of biodiversity, as well as connecting with real world mentors and experts in the field.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

The advice I would give to future you twelves is to be organised, stay prepared, and enjoy year 12 because it goes by fast.


Aditya Naik has been awarded The Craig Bassingthwaighte Medal, Dux of Somerset College 2023. Picture: Supplied
Aditya Naik has been awarded The Craig Bassingthwaighte Medal, Dux of Somerset College 2023. Picture: Supplied

Aditya Naik

What will you be studying next year and why?

I hope to be studying Medicine at the University of Queensland in Brisbane. My experiences throughout several years have really inspired me to try, enrich the lives enrich the lives of other people. And I really want to do this through medicine. I want to give back to communities as much as possible.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

In medicine, teamwork, communication collaboration and leadership are all really important skills. I think school is most definitely helped me to try and enhance those skills as much as possible. I’ve learned so much at Somerset and I’m really grateful for my experiences.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

Honestly not like a specific amount but it’s just cumulative efforts (over multiple weeks) and just trying my best as much as I can.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Just try your best. And I know each and every one of you will do amazing.

Ben Major has been awarded Dux Proxime Accessit at Somerset College 2023. Picture: Supplied
Ben Major has been awarded Dux Proxime Accessit at Somerset College 2023. Picture: Supplied

Ben Major

What will you be studying next year?

Next year I hope to be studying a Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics at the University of Queensland.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

It has given me the organisational skills and time management skills through assignments and in preparing for exams to be ready for university. Finance and economics is very much about networking and how you present yourself. So I think leadership skills that Somerset has taught and brought out in me from a young age has definitely helped me and will help me transition to university a lot easier.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

It wasn’t a specific or quantifiable amount but enough to get what need to be done, to a high enough level to where I’m proud of it.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Work hard. Smash it. It’s a year of hard work. You’ve done 12 years of school already, what’s one more year?

Tristan Song has been awarded Dux Proxime Accessit at Somerset College 2023. Picture: Supplied
Tristan Song has been awarded Dux Proxime Accessit at Somerset College 2023. Picture: Supplied

Tristan Song

What will you be studying next year?

I’m hoping to study the Bachelor of Biomedicine at Melbourne University, bridging into the Doctor of Medicine. I just really want to help people. I know that there are people a lot less fortunate than me. I really want to make sure that I was making the fullest of my potential whilst all also being in a rewarding position to help out others.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

It’s taught me just to be compassionate and empathetic. To make sure that you’re not just putting yourself first and to make sure that others are getting the respect and kindness that they deserve.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

Quite a lot. I had to sacrifice my swimming, which I was really into for quite a bit. A lot of my free time went into work and study to make sure that I wasn’t falling behind.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Just always aim for the highest marks always make sure to fulfil your potential. Be arrogant with it. Make sure to not be complacent with marks for example, make sure you achieved your highest and know that you haven’t left anything behind.


Charlize Butler-Smith has been announced as one of two high achievers at St Andrews Lutheran College. Picture: Supplied
Charlize Butler-Smith has been announced as one of two high achievers at St Andrews Lutheran College. Picture: Supplied

Charlize Butler-Smith

What will you be studying next year?

I’m still weighing up my options for what I want to study next year. However, right now I’m considering a Bachelor of Psychological Science at either at the University of Queensland or at Griffith University. I’ve always been interested in a career in psychology and research. I’m also thinking about pursuing a double degree in economics and science at the University of Queensland.

How has your school prepared you for your chosen career path?

I’ve had lots of amazing teachers that have really helped me to widen my horizons and set goals and work to achieve them. I really love feedback, and I thrive on it. And my teachers have always welcomed my questions. The schools also promoted a really big community of teamwork and giving back and community service through volunteering and student mentoring. And I’ve really loved taking apart of that.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

The best way for me was through timetabling that’s just worked what worked for me personally. I like to allot around 12 to 15 hours of study per week, depending on how that week was going to look.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

My biggest piece of advice would be to set small goals each day, I found that it can really help to stop procrastination and can help you stay motivated to keep pursuing your goals. Also, I would encourage you to ask for help when you need it and actively seek feedback from your teachers.

Michael Mead has been announced as one of two high achievers at St Andrews Lutheran College. Picture: Supplied
Michael Mead has been announced as one of two high achievers at St Andrews Lutheran College. Picture: Supplied

Michael Mead

What will you be studying next year?

At the moment, I’ve got my name down for a maths and science course at University of Queensland. I wanted something that was broad enough that I could kind of branch off into all sorts of areas after because I’m not quite sure where I want to end up yet. But somewhere in the maths and science field I’m quite passionate about.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

I think the maths and science teachers here are really cool. They’re very inspiring. They tell me a lot about what university life is like. So I’m quite excited about it.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

It really depends on the week. Around exam time (I would study) many hours a day, but there’s obviously quiet periods as well.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?


Edi Licciardi (left) and Varvara Litvinova have been named the high achievers at St Hilda's School for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Edi Licciardi (left) and Varvara Litvinova have been named the high achievers at St Hilda's School for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Varvara Litvinova

What will you be studying next year?

I have applied to enter the University of Queensland (UQ) next year, ideally doing a double degree of Law and Economics. I want to study law due to my immense passion for public speaking and personal fascination with how the Australian legal system functions. I have a strong desire to help individuals navigate this system in a way which helps them achieve the most fair outcome for themselves.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

Not only have I been able to study different subjects at school, but I have also gained opportunities truly let me trial my interests and see whether they could translate into a career. I have recently received my Certificate III in Screen and Media studies through TAFE @ School

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

I am a firm believer that the balance between school and recreation was what enabled me to remain academically successful from primary school all the way up to my senior year. Studying is truly a matter of quality over quantity, and it was really discovering the methods that work most efficiently and effectively that lead to my ability to reach balance, and, as a result, my academic success.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

In terms of study would be to explore different methods of studying, no matter how unconventional they seem. Don’t run from your failures – recognise them (because they will happen!) and keep moving. Ensure you do your best to seize the opportunities that are offered to you. And although school is there to help you grow into the person you want to be in the future, you are the one ultimately responsible for becoming the best version of yourself.

Edi Licciardi (left) and Varvara Litvinova have been named the high achievers at St Hilda's School for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Edi Licciardi (left) and Varvara Litvinova have been named the high achievers at St Hilda's School for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Edi Licciardi

What will you be studying next year?

I will actually be taking a Gap Year, so I will be staying local for a few months. I have decided to delay University firstly because I’m unsure what I want to do. University is a huge commitment financially, but also emotionally and mentally. Accordingly, I want to ensure that when or if I go to University, it is the right thing for me and that I am prepared to commit to it with zest and enthusiasm.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

school has prepared me by giving me the freedom to choose whatever I desire. School has prepared me by giving me the freedom to choose whatever I desire.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

There was plenty of work going on behind the scenes after hours with teachers and doing a bit of extra work, but I felt the work that contributed most to my success was maximising classroom time.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

My advice would be to maintain your natural curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Always look for the gems of knowledge that keep you interested or reflect on how the subject matter can relate to the real world. I would also advise to students to foster positive relationships with teachers because they are on this journey as much as you are and want to see you succeed. My last piece of advice will also be to make an effort to learn about yourself in the process. You are your biggest asset and school will end, but your relationship with yourself won’t. So invest in it.


Ashlee Hildebrandt has been announced as one of two high achievers at Tamborine Mountain College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Ashlee Hildebrandt has been announced as one of two high achievers at Tamborine Mountain College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Ashlee Hildebrandt

What will you be studying next year?

I will be studying Marine Biology at Griffith University. I chose that course because my favourite subject is biology and I love the ocean and I’m really interested in marine life.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

The school has prepared me to do my course because the really small cohort allowed me to have a lot more one-on-one help with the teachers.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

I put in multiple hours at night after school and on the weekend, studying early for the exams.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Don’t stress because if you don’t get the outcome you want in the end, it will all work out.

Yu Keane Diong has been announced as one of two high achievers at Tamborine Mountain College for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Yu Keane Diong has been announced as one of two high achievers at Tamborine Mountain College for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Yu Keane Diong

What will you be studying next year?

I want to study physiotherapy at the University of New South Wales, because I think it’s really important to help those that want to get back to where they were (physically) before their injuries, especially in sports.

How has your school prepared you for your career?

I think the love that the teachers have with subjects really helps bring interest to the students and makes them study a little harder.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

I would go to the library from 10am-8pm

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

Relax, it’s not that deep.


Thomas McClintock has been announced as a high achiever and Academic Firsts Vice Captain at The Southport School for 2023. Picture: Supplied
Thomas McClintock has been announced as a high achiever and Academic Firsts Vice Captain at The Southport School for 2023. Picture: Supplied

Thomas McClintock

What will you be studying next year?

I’m wanting to study medicine at either Griffith University or University of Queensland. I chose this course because I’ve always had a bit of an interest in medicine. And then over the last few years, I’ve been able to be a bit more involved through different things that the school has provided and things I’ve done externally as well. I’ve found medicine to be quite an enticing pathway

How has your school prepared you for your career?

The school really helped me to stay on top of things and taught me the importance of responsibility while also like balancing different commitments with both friends and with your schoolwork. I found teachers to be really supporting, just like with most things, there’s different programs where I’ve been able to just come and get free tutoring free help from them as well.

How much work did you put in weekly to become a high achiever?

I found it really important to balance different things like sport and school. You don’t need to be like staying at home all week or weekend. And like sitting at your desk doing work. It’s more about what you do while you’re studying.

Any advice for 2024 Year 12s?

I wish someone had told me that grade 12 goes pretty quick. So I’d say it’s really important to just take each like take each week and each month as it goes and not get too focused on like, what’s going to happen afterwards.

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