
Disgruntled members accuse board of Italo-Australian Club lock out

Disgruntled members of the troubled Gold Coast Italo-Australian Club are accusing management of locking them out, denying access to an extraordinary general meeting.

The Gold Coast Italo-Australian Club was locked on Sunday when members tried to hold an EGM.
The Gold Coast Italo-Australian Club was locked on Sunday when members tried to hold an EGM.

DISGRUNTLED members of the troubled Gold Coast Italo-Australian Club are accusing management of a lockout to deny access to a claimed extraordinary general meeting.

The disgruntled members claimed it was due to take place at the Clear Island Waters club yesterday morning — but it did not go ahead with members protesting in front of the gates that were chained shut.

More than a dozen members met at the entrance, with one accusing the board of locking them out, and denying them to an EGM which they claimed was legally called.

The members were due to meet to discuss the financial situation at the club and its future.

The Bulletin asked a disgruntled member at the gates why they didn’t just proceed with the meeting elsewhere.

But club president Robyn Wallace, who claimed the meeting was illegal, denied members were locked out of the facility.

She said the gates were locked every night by security and on Sunday the club wasn’t even open.


The Gold Coast Italo-Australian Club was locked on Sunday when members tried to hold an EGM.
The Gold Coast Italo-Australian Club was locked on Sunday when members tried to hold an EGM.

Ms Wallace said the bitter feud between members and management was being fuelled by certain people “causing trouble” and she threatened legal action.

The Bulletin last week revealed a split between a number of members and the board over business decisions, alleged bullying and the cancellation of memberships.

The accusations were denied by the board.

The split followed concerns of some members that the club’s $250,000 a year lease deal with the Queensland Football School had not gone ahead. The board insists a lease is in place.

Members also claimed there had been a “toxic culture” after two men were stripped of their memberships for alleged bullying of staff – which they deny.


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George Tessarolo, Frank Arturi and Sam La Rocca at the gate of the Gold Coast Italo-Australian Club.
George Tessarolo, Frank Arturi and Sam La Rocca at the gate of the Gold Coast Italo-Australian Club.

A disgruntled member on Sunday said: “What happened today and the last week or so should never, never actually happen because it’s destroying the Italian reputation.

“I’m an Italian, and very proud to be one. This is not the way to promote our community and our club and it’s totally embarrassing.”

The board will hold an information session on Tuesday to “ease members concerns”.

In a scathing email to all 120 members last week, Ms Wallace accused disgruntled and former members of planning to take over the club “for monetary gain”.

She claimed her “good name” was being “tarnished”.

A former member of the club said any mention to he, or his company, by the president or board was totally “unjustified”. He said he had no desire to have anything further with the club.

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