
Mona Hecke video: ‘You don’t need the flu jab’

Video and social media posts have emerged in which mayoral candidate Mona Hecke appears sceptical or outright opposed to some vaccinations. But she insists she’s not an ‘anti-vaxxer’. SEE THE VIDEO AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF

Mona Hecke discusses flu vaccination

A VIDEO has emerged showing Mayoral candidate Mona Hecke advising followers of her ‘Aussie Health Girl’ Facebook page that they “don’t need” the flu vaccination.

In the video, posted in March 2018, Ms Hecke instead advised followers to consume fresh foods, manuka honey, vitamin C, olive leaf and echinacea.

The Bulletin has also uncovered Facebook posts in which Ms Hecke urged parents not to allow their children to have the Gardisal HPV vaccine and described it as “poison”.

Mayor Tom Tate yesterday called Ms Hecke a “hypocrite anti-vaxxer” on mayoral “training wheels”.

Ms Hecke, a health and wellness author, strongly denied she was anti-vaccinations. She said she would consult lawyers over the “slanderous” comments.

Facebook post made by Mona Hecke regarding the Gardasil HPV vaccine.
Facebook post made by Mona Hecke regarding the Gardasil HPV vaccine.

The row started yesterday morning when Ms Hecke called on the State Government to suspend pre-polling ahead of the March 28 election in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. She wants a postal-only vote to minimise potential transmission of the virus.

At a press conference at the Albert Waterways pre-poll centre before lunch, Cr Tate said Ms Hecke’s comments were “hypocritical” because of her “anti-vaxxer” views.

“For me I feel it is total hypocrisy than an anti-vaxxer is calling for cancelling a vote when her commentary is that we should not be vaccinating,” he said.

“You cannot have it both ways. If you are an anti-vaxxer, stop your commentary. Other people want to make sure our children are vaccinated.

“As for pre-poll, do what you can and keep the numbers down on polling day.”

He said the Gold Coast did not need a mayor “on training wheels” during the coronavirus crisis.

Mona Hecke rejects Mayor's claims

Ms Hecke returned fire an hour later in a video on her campaign Facebook page. “He (Cr Tate) has taken it upon himself to slander me in public,” she said. “I am pro-vaccination, my own children are vaccinated. I have science degree I am pro science.”

The Bulletin yesterday approached Ms Hecke about online posts and videos where she expressed her views on vaccination.

A search of Ms Hecke’s ‘Aussie Health Girl’ Facebook page reveals instances in recent years during which she appears to be sceptical or outright opposed to vaccinations.

On March 15, 2018, she posted a video in her car responding to a radio story about the flu vaccine, calling for the public to eat healthier rather than get an injection.

“You don’t need the flu jab … urgent warning my arse,” she said.

On April 19, 2018 she posted a link on her Facebook page about Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, warning: “Please please please do NOT give this vaccine to your children. Do your homework and read the research. Gardasil is not safe and parents of the world should be angry about how they have been manipulated to believe this is lifesaving, NOT TRUE!”

In a December 4, 2013 post also regarding Gardasil she wrote: “Poison is not the answer!”

Facebook post made by Mona Hecke regarding the Gardasil HPV vaccine.
Facebook post made by Mona Hecke regarding the Gardasil HPV vaccine.

Ms Hecke yesterday denied holding anti-vaccination views or being sceptical about the effectiveness of vaccines.

She confirmed she had authored the social media posts but said she could not recall the March 15, 2018 video.

“I am definitely not an anti-vaxxer,” she told the Bulletin.

“I am not expressing scepticism. I am expressing for people to get educated what health effects there are and to make the best choices for their health.

“I have a science degree, I am pro-science and I will always look at the facts before making a decision.

“I am always going to be about pro-education about any type of vaccination ... I am all for vaccinations which are for the public benefit.”

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