
Kristy Atley: Gold Coast woman sues Woolworths for $660k after she allegedly slipped on some mushy banana

A Gold Coast mother is suing a supermarket giant for $660,000 because she allegedly slipped on a mushy banana left on the floor and hurt herself.

How to store and prepare banana

A GOLD Coast mother is suing a supermarket giant for $660,000 because she allegedly slipped on a mushy banana left on the floor and hurt herself.

The fall left her with a “restricted” ability to work, it is claimed in court documents.

Kristy Renee Atley alleges she was holding her eight-week-old newborn when she slipped on the fruit and fell in the soft drink aisle at Woolworths at Carrara on July 4, 2017. The baby was not hurt.

Kristy Atley claims the fall left her with a permanent limp and the injury has restricted her ability to work as a teacher's aide or housekeeper. Picture: Jerad Williams
Kristy Atley claims the fall left her with a permanent limp and the injury has restricted her ability to work as a teacher's aide or housekeeper. Picture: Jerad Williams

It is alleged in court documents filed in the Southport District Court the slip left her with ankle injuries – including a ruptured tendon – a lumbar spine and psychiatric injuries.

“(Ms Atley) is permanently restricted in her ability to return to work as a teacher’s aide or as a housekeeper,” it is claimed in the court documents.

A spokeswoman for Woolworths said the supermarket chain intended to fight the claim but declined to comment further while the matter was before the courts.

Ms Atley claims she slipped on mushy banana.
Ms Atley claims she slipped on mushy banana.

According to Ms Atley’s allegations in the court documents, the 38-year-old was unemployed at the time but planned to returned to work when her child was three-months-old.

“My family and I now survive on Centrelink payments as I have no income,” Ms Atley told the Bulletin in a written statement from her lawyers.

“I used to be an energetic person who enjoyed dancing, rollerblading, and working out.

“I can’t do any of that anymore and all because nobody bothered to clean-up a spill in a supermarket.”


Kristy Atley claims she still limps after falling on some mushy banana at Woolworths. Picture: Jerad Williams
Kristy Atley claims she still limps after falling on some mushy banana at Woolworths. Picture: Jerad Williams

Ms Atley alleges she still cannot walk properly despite having surgery and rehabilitation.

Her lawyer Amanda Gilmour, of Shine Lawyers, said the single mum had been working two jobs until she gave birth and is now “unable to earn a living” to support her children.

“Despite having surgery on her right ankle, Ms Atley still has a limp and an abnormal gait, which impacts her quality of life,” she said.

“Woolworths did not have an adequate system of identifying and removing substances from the ground and as a result of their negligence, our client has sustained a serious injury which has had devastating consequences on all aspects of her life and she deserves to be adequately compensated for her injuries.”

The court documents do not say how long it is alleged the mushy banana was left on the floor.

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