
Labor MP Meaghan Scanlon to hold Gold Coast’s Gaven seat after Tourism Minister Kate Jones retires

Tourism Minister Kate Jones has announced her shock retirement, leaving Gold Coast politicians wondering what Labor’s fate will be come the October election. FIND OUT WHY SHE DID IT

Queensland minister to quit parliament

IN the end for Kate Jones, her shock retirement was all about the politics of family.

Only those closest to her heart knew she would announce her intention to quit, to not recontest the Brisbane seat of Cooper on October 31, leaving a super ministry which includes Tourism along with the possibility of one day becoming Queensland Premier.

“She’s not going to any job. She will have at least until Christmas off. She hasn’t seen her kids for ages,” a close friend told the Bulletin.

“They are six and 11. That’s a critical age for your children. She doesn’t want to regret seeing them grow up and miss it.”

Minister Kate Jones outside Parliament House with her family, husband Paul Cronin, son Thomas, and daughter Grace. Photographer: Liam Kidston
Minister Kate Jones outside Parliament House with her family, husband Paul Cronin, son Thomas, and daughter Grace. Photographer: Liam Kidston

While even her working colleagues are shocked, some tell tale signs surfaced around Mother’s Day when the 41-year-old proud mum was interviewed about husband Paul, son Thomas and daughter Grace.

In that June interview she recalled at 31, when Thomas was born, being the only Queensland minister to become a mother while in office.

“When I put my hand up to run (again), Gracie was 10 months old, a baby. Now she’s a six-year-old child. So for her whole living memory I’ve been working in this job, so for Mum to be home for dinner is a total change, so that’s been nice,” she said.

But she was reflective, very honest and became a bit teary about the two older women who have had the most influence in her life — her mother Ann, who brought up four children as a single parent and her 92-year-old nanna Marie. Ann was spending more time looking after Marie during COVID-19.

“So it’s probably the longest time that Mum and I have gone without seeing each other since I was a late teenager, when you move out of home and think you know everything. So I think that’s sad and I can definitely tell when I talk to her that she’s missing the kids. Maybe she’s missing me. I don’t know, but she’s definitely missing my children,” she said.

Kate Jones at home with her two young children Grace and Thomas. Pic Mark Cranitch.
Kate Jones at home with her two young children Grace and Thomas. Pic Mark Cranitch.

Her valedictory speech on Thursday was similarly emotional when thoughts turned to family.

“I will be eternally grateful that my grandfather, a true believer, who was dying of cancer throughout the 2015 election, hung on long enough to see that victory,” she told Parliament.

“On a personal note, I of course, had assured my husband Paul when Annastacia, the then Leader of the Opposition asked me to run against Campbell Newman in 2014 that there was no possible way we would form government.

“As the local Member, in Opposition it would be totally manageable with our then-four-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter —well as they say — the rest is history.

“To my husband and family who have been there for my children when I have not, I hope to make it up to you all.”

On Facebook later, reflecting on leaving 12 years in politics, Ms Jones posted: “It’s been a touch decision. But with two beautiful young children and a family at home, I have plenty to look forward to.”

Those closest to her know two things.

Kate Jones will not stay at home permanently. She will embark on another career and be open to tourism opportunities on the Gold Coast which she loves and maintains family connections.

“People have talked about (working at) Destination Gold Coast as a future option. Maybe when the dust settles,” a colleague said.

The Tourism Minister has made a lot of friends on both sides of politics on the Glitter Strip. Many speculate the Coast could be more than just a future holiday destination.


LABOR is expected to retain its only Gold Coast seat despite the impact of the shock retirement of Tourism Minister Kate Jones, according to political analysts.

Most experienced political commentators predict Labor’s Meaghan Scanlon will survive in Gaven and the LNP can hold in Currumbin where their candidate Laura Gerber won the by March by-election.

The two seats are among the most marginal in the State and will hold the key to the outcome of the October 31 State poll.

Meaghan Scanlon. Photographer: Liam Kidston.
Meaghan Scanlon. Photographer: Liam Kidston.

Ms Jones was a mentor to Ms Scanlon, the Assistant Tourism Minister, and she had campaigned for the ALP’s Kaylee Campradt in the south.

Since the 2018 Commonwealth Games she had become the regular face of the Government on the Glitter Strip, investing in strengthening Labor’s ties with conservative politicians like Mayor Tom Tate and Tourism leaders.

Political analyst Dr Paul Williams has labelled her retirement a “survivable blow” for Labor, adding he didn’t expect it to impact the fate of any Gold Coast seats.

“She did have quite a high profile on the Gold Coast during the (2018) Commonwealth Games but I don’t think that is going to impact Gold Coast seats in particular,” he said.

“She was a good media figure, a high profile minister and a good minister. It will be a blow for Labor, but it’s a survivable one.

“The fact that it comes off the back of two other resignations is problematic.

“It’s incredibly difficult to forecast what the effect will be but I would not expect Labor’s vote on the Gold Coast to crash over (Kate Jones’ retirement).

“If Labor’s vote does crash on the Coast it would be due to other factors (like the border closure).”

Queensland Tourism Minister Kate Jones. Photo: NCA NewsWire / Dan Peled
Queensland Tourism Minister Kate Jones. Photo: NCA NewsWire / Dan Peled

Ms Jones held back tears during a heartfelt speech in Parliament as she announced her decision to quit, following Energy Minister Anthony Lynham and Disabilities Minister Coralee O’Rourke.

Political strategist Professor Steve Stockwell also confirmed it was difficult to tell so soon what the impact would be for Ms Scanlon and other election hopefuls.

“(Labor) is certainly putting a lot of energy into the Coast and she is well-liked on the Coast, so it’s certainly not the kind of thing their campaign director would be cracking open the champagne over,” he said.

“It’s interesting how the campaign is shaping up. It’s in the LNP’s interest to fight this on the economy and Labor hasn’t done a lot to avoid it being about the economy.

“The more they can fight (the election) on their effective managing of the coronavirus and the dangers a more (lax) approach will have, the better their chances are.”

In the 2017 poll, Ms Scanlon, then 24, obtained 43.07 per cent of the primary vote, compared to 46.11 for then sitting member, the LNP’s Sid Cramp.

In the March by-election, Ms Gerber benefited from One Nation preferences. She won with 43.76 per cent of the primary vote, beating Labor’s Kaylee Campradt who secured 38.34 per cent of the vote.

On a two-party preferred basis, the ALP hold Gaven with 50.7 per cent and the LNP are just ahead in Currumbin on 51.48 per cent.

Ms Scanlon told the Bulletin Ms Jones would be “sorely missed” moving forward.

Asked whether she was concerned for Labor’s standing on the Coast, Ms Scanlon said: “All our ministers will be working incredibly hard in the lead up to the election to remind people (of our achievements).

Kate Jones has long been a mentor to Gold Coast MP Meaghan Scanlon. Photo by Richard Gosling
Kate Jones has long been a mentor to Gold Coast MP Meaghan Scanlon. Photo by Richard Gosling

“Kate unseated (LNP MP) Campbell Newman, she knows what’s at risk with an LNP Government.

“I know that’s why she’ll be working every day up until the election to make sure a Palaszczuk Labor Government is re-elected.

“Respect for her within the tourism industry is second to none and she will be sorely missed.

“She delivered the Commonwealth Games and has become the unofficial minister for the Gold Coast.

“She’s incredibly well respected by not only the Mayor but many of the stakeholders we have here.”

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