
Gold Coast Mayor Tate post to social media following Cr Glenn Tozer degree stoush

MAYOR Tom Tate has posted a rant to social media questioning fellow councillor Glenn Tozer’s use of rate payer money to fund his studies. What do you think? TAKE THE POLL

Mayor Tom Tate is not happy about how Cr Tozer used tax payer funds. Picture Glenn Hampson
Mayor Tom Tate is not happy about how Cr Tozer used tax payer funds. Picture Glenn Hampson

MAYOR Tom Tate has posted a rant to social media questioning fellow councillor Glenn Tozer’s use of rate payer money to fund his studies.

Yesterday the Bulletin published a story detailing how Mr Tate stripped Cr Tozer of using his council allowance to finish a business degree.

With an annual budget of $3850 for travel and seminars, Cr Tozer had requested nearly double that be billed as part of his expenditure for the Bond University degree, revealed at yesterday’s council meeting.

Cr Tozer said at the time that he did not believe he was “doing anything out the ordinary” and claimed the course was making him a more effective councillor.

“I am convinced this teaching makes me a better councillor, and makes me more informed with regard to council business, which serves the community well,” he said.

“In April 2016 and December 2016, I discussed this study at Bond University openly on my councillor Facebook page relating it to my work as councillor, for the interest of residents. I discuss it regularly with residents in person, on occasions they have asked.”

Councillor Glenn Tozer. Photo: Jerad Williams
Councillor Glenn Tozer. Photo: Jerad Williams

Today Mr Tate put it to locals in a Facebook post “seeking your thoughts if I should call on Cr Tozer to do the moral thing and to repay the ratepayers the uni fees he has charged to the public purse and to put his private study costs onto his personal HECS / FEE-HELP loan account.”

His post read:

“As the pub testers would say “Stop the rorts”!

“Late last week I became aware that a Councillor was undertaking a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at a local University using ratepayers’ funds to pay for the majority of the course fees.

“While I’m all for Councillors improving themselves this was clearly well outside expectations of the community.

“Councillors do have a $3850 annual budget for Travel, Conferences and Seminars. It’s for what the title says it is — it’s clearly not for obtaining a higher degree from a uni to set up a Councillor for a well-paid, post political career ...

Mayor Tom Tate says it’s a misuse of ratepayer funds. Picture: NIGEL HALLETT
Mayor Tom Tate says it’s a misuse of ratepayer funds. Picture: NIGEL HALLETT

“The total University Executive MBA is quoted on the uni website as costing $79,695.

It’s not right. Many parents in the city have their own kids going to uni and the majority of them use the HECS / FEE-HELP loan scheme to pay for it. My four kids are no different: all have completed or are currently at uni doing degrees and all four have HECS / FEE-HELP debts. It’s not right that ratepayers are forking out for a Councillor’s $80,000 MBA.

“But I wasn’t sure how my fellow Councillors felt about the matter so at Full Council on Tuesday I proposed a mayoral motion to stop this use of ratepayer funds for personal university fees.

“I am glad to say that the majority of Councillors agreed and voted for the motion. We stopped any further payments being made by the City for Cr Tozer’s MBA.

Cr Glenn Tozer says the course helps him become a better councillor. Photo: Jerad Williams
Cr Glenn Tozer says the course helps him become a better councillor. Photo: Jerad Williams
The 2016-2020 Gold Coast City Council being sworn in at the Evandale Council Chambers. Photo: Jerad Williams
The 2016-2020 Gold Coast City Council being sworn in at the Evandale Council Chambers. Photo: Jerad Williams

“I have since found out that this Councillor may have been getting reimbursed for this MBA course since 2016, running up a bill to ratepayers of many tens of thousands of dollars.”

Most social media users agreed with the Mayor, while some were unimpressed about his outspoken method of dealing with the issue.

Michelle Hare said: “I would be quite shocked as an employee if my boss decided to resolve workplace disputes in this way”, to which Mr Tate wrote back: “Councillors are essentially employees but like a board of directors. So it is different.”

Alexandra Faka’ata said: “Yes I would request a full audit of his reimbursements and ask him to return the funds to the city. My husband and I are hard working middle class rate payers living on the GC and this is the right thing to do.

“I would also ask what steps can be taken so this doesn’t occur again? thanks Tom!”

Mark Greaves wrote: “It amazes me ... how some people can fill out a claims form, knowing full well it’s a personal expense! and then feel no guilt to the people who pay their wages “the rates payer”. PAY IT BACK”

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