
Cancer patient Kienan Moore shares dying wish to marry love of his life Olivia Hinz

After learning he has just months to live a 21-year-old cancer patient from the Gold Coast has put together a heartfelt bucket list. But first he needs to propose to his girlfriend. SEE THE LIST

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One week ago Kienan Moore was told he would die in a matter of months.

The well known ‘larrikin’ who loves surfing and being outdoors has accepted his diagnosis with a ‘refreshing sense of optimism’ despite being only 21.

Instead of fearing the worst the Gold Coast cancer patient has put together a bucket list for his last six months. At the top – a promise to propose to the love of his life Olivia Hinz.

Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.
Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.

His mother, a Gold Coast schoolteacher, was blessed with a baby boy on her two-year-old daughter’s birthday after six miscarriages

Nicole Moore said says she feels incredibly lucky to have had him for 21 years, and couldn’t believe how positive he has remained.

“He’s my miracle,” she said. “Fun, loud, loyal, and such a giving person. He’s just a really good kid.

“I’m so proud of him. He has time for everyone and is always there no matter what.

“Now it’s our turn to be there for him.”

In the lead-up to Christmas 2020 doctors found a tumour in the former Labrador Tigers player’s left knee: a clear cell sarcoma. After multiple specialist appointments and operations, the doctors believed Kienan was cancer-free.

Just six weeks ago Kienan felt odd chest pains. He went to the doctors for a routine check-up, before being informed on December 3 of his new timeline.

Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.
Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.

“They told us it was completely terminal. It’s everywhere now. In his knee, wrapped around his spine, on his lungs, right near his heart, and even on his brain,” she said.

After that Kienan sat down with his mum, father David Moore, sister Cassel Moore, and long term girlfriend Olivia Hinz to put together his bucket list.

“I told my mum all I really wanted was to marry the love of my life before I died,” Kienan said.

“So I got Olivia a promise ring and told her I was going to propose. It’s actually kind of fun because she knows it’s going to happen but she doesn’t know when. The suspense must be killing her knowing I could get down on one knee at any time.”

Olivia, who works at a local real estate agency, has been dating Kienan for almost two years.

Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.
Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.

“He’s the best person I know and I can’t imagine life without him,” Olivia said through tears.

“So humble and always putting other people first.”

Olivia said it was heartbreaking seeing him in pain, especially when she felt so helpless.

Kienan is on codeine and other pain killers but he says this latest pain is the worst he has experienced.

“It feels like my spine is being ripped out … I can’t describe it.”

To combat the pain Kienan has started radiation treatment, however there is no guarantee it will work.

“I still have no feeling in my left leg or foot,” he said.

“But the pain is the worst where the tumour is at the bottom of my spine.

“I’m really hoping to tick items off the bucket list and get married before it gets too bad.”

Despite his diagnosis Kienan said he feels lucky to have found the love of his life so young.

“Every time I look at her it just brings me to tears, she’s so beautiful,” he said.

“Sometimes I just catch myself thinking how is this happening to me? How did I get so lucky to have someone so beautiful and loving in my life?

Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: contributed.
Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: contributed.

“I’m so grateful for the love and support of her and my friends and family.”

For his last Christmas, the Moore family wants to keep the festivities as normal as possible.

“We’ll be doing the usual Christmas Eve sleepover at my grandmas and then Christmas morning with all of the little cousins,” Kienan said.

“Then we’ll head to Olivia’s for lunch and maybe play some backyard cricket.

“This year as a part of the bucket list we’ll be heading to the races for Boxing Day depending on whether the radiation has done its job by then.”

A family friend started a GoFundMe page to help Kienan fulfil his bucket list. It has exceeded $30,000, and left the family feeling loved.

Kienan said if he could make people smile and touch their lives in some way, then he had lived a life worth living.

“I’ve had so many people reach out to me since word got out and it means the world to me,” he said.

“I’m not really one to ask for help but it’s something I’ve had to do now and that’s been a life lesson. I’ve always put everyone ahead of myself and now it’s come time to let people be there for me.

Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.
Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.

“Looking back I wouldn’t change anything about my life because then I wouldn’t be the person I am today. This is my journey and I’m going to make the most of my time here by spending it with my friends, family, and Olivia.

“I’m more worried about the people I’ll be leaving behind. I’m trying not to dwell on the things I’ll never get to do and instead focus on how full my life has been.

“I want to go out surrounded by love.”

Heartbroken they’ll never have kids of their own, Kienan and Olivia have named a star Savannah – the name they had picked out for their first born daughter. The star was purchased for them by a close friend.

Kienan’s Bucket List:

1. Propose to my girlfriend Olivia

2. Ride in a hot-air balloon

3. Plant a tree with my still born cousin’s ashes

4. Dance barefoot in the rain – done

5. Swim with sharks

6. Have a living funeral as a celebration of my life with loved ones

7. Watch a sunrise from Tamborine Mountain with my mum

8. Marry my girlfriend Olivia

9. Take my younger cousins to swim with the dolphins

10. Name a star – done

Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.
Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.
Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.
Kienan Moore and his girlfriend Olivia Hinz. Photo: Reilly Wardrope.

Originally published as Cancer patient Kienan Moore shares dying wish to marry love of his life Olivia Hinz

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