
Mystery of golden-coloured barra revealed by JCU scientists

Scientists are a step closer to unlocking the mysteries of gold and platinum barramundi after identifying what gives the species their unique looks.

An example of a very rare golden barra. Picture: Mainstream Aquaculture
An example of a very rare golden barra. Picture: Mainstream Aquaculture

Scientists are a step closer to unlocking the mysteries of gold and platinum barramundi after identifying what gives the species their unique looks.

Results of a recently published study reveals genes in the pigment-producing cells in gold and platinum barramundi lacked the ability to produce melanin and other pigments, resulting in the rare colourations of the iconic fish.

James Cook University and Mainstream Aquaculture are selectively breeding golden barramundi to provide a new fish product for consumers. Picture: Mainstream Aquaculture
James Cook University and Mainstream Aquaculture are selectively breeding golden barramundi to provide a new fish product for consumers. Picture: Mainstream Aquaculture

Study co-author and director of the ARC Research Hub for Supercharging Tropical Aquaculture through Genetic Solutions at James Cook University Professor Dean Jerry said research was aimed at producing cleaner looking fillets.

“One of the things that can put the consumer off a regular barramundi fillet is that it looks grey which wrongly gives the impression that it isn’t fresh,” he said.

“Without the black and silver melanin shading in the skin, the other pigment cells that produce yellow and gold colours come through to make the fish look gold.

“In the case of platinum fish, it appears as if both melanin and yellow pigment cells stop producing pigments leaving the fish to be white/platinum in colour.”

Researchers found gold and platinum barramundi lacked the ability to produce melanin. Picture: Mainstream Aquaculture
Researchers found gold and platinum barramundi lacked the ability to produce melanin. Picture: Mainstream Aquaculture

Claimed as the world’s largest barramundi fingerling supplier, Mainstream Aquaculture and JCU have come together to create new fish products that retain the barra taste while looking more attractive as a fillet.

The project, which has been running for two years and conducted by postdoctoral researcher Dr Roberta Marcoli, studied barramundi of varying colours, including golden coloured barramundi produced by Victorian industry partner Mainstream Aquaculture, which has large numbers of golden barramundi broodstock in their hatchery.

A very rare wild golden barra caught in Trinity Inlet earlier this year. Photo: Supplied
A very rare wild golden barra caught in Trinity Inlet earlier this year. Photo: Supplied

Prof Jerry said now it was understood which genes contribute to producing a golden barramundi, the team can look within those genes to identify fish with the desired genetic variation and therefore improve Mainstream Aquaculture’s ability to selectively breed them.

Mainstream Aquaculture’s Dr Paul Harrison said bringing a new product like this to the market takes a lot of work involving a mix of science, selective breeding and investment.

Originally published as Mystery of golden-coloured barra revealed by JCU scientists

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