
Cairns Division 1 councillor explains, from his opinion, why targeted rate rise in necessary

OPINION: A Cairns councillor has sought to provide clarity around a rate rise letter that infuriated some residents.

‘Significant drop off’ in people searching for properties above $1.5 million

The impacts of Covid across industry sectors and on household budgets have been significant both financially and socially.

Our Cairns Regional Council has not been immune from these impacts, and perhaps even we have been more impacted, as we have sought to ease the burden on residents and rate payers by not applying CPI increases on rate increases for a number of years, in times of cost of living stresses.

In addition, in respect to our asset management and capital works obligations around providing for essential services, we do not have the flexibility to put off or delay some of this work, having to wear increasing costs impacting on budgets and our forward planning.

While our benchmarking against other councils of a similar population and our surrounding councils as evidenced in the tables supporting the 2022/2023 budget handed down on June 22, 2022, and in our Rates Benchmarking agenda item in our meeting on July 27, 2022 (available to our residents), clearly show our favourable position over many years, in respect to low rates and charges and low increases in the past, there is a challenge going forward.

Cairns Division 1 councillor Brett Moller. Picture: Brendan Radke
Cairns Division 1 councillor Brett Moller. Picture: Brendan Radke

While residents and ratepayers have benefited from our below-CPI rates and charges increases in times past, the effect of such, and the significant increases in procurement (concrete and steel alone have seen increases of 20 per cent in the short term), has been our council identify a shortfall of a needed $50m in our 10 year budget modelling, which is over and above current CPI increases.

The sum of $5m annually in addition to CPI increases, equates to a 4 per cent per annum rate increase on top of CPI increases. With current CPI increases at 6.2 per cent in the June quarter, 7.3 per cent in the September quarter and heading to 8 per cent into 2023, you can see the challenges council and our residents will have going forward. We have identified this, and we have been open and transparent about such.

Professionals Edge Hill director Billy Gartner has created on online petition against, what he calls, the Cairns Council's proposed "tenant tax". Picture: Isaac McCarthy
Professionals Edge Hill director Billy Gartner has created on online petition against, what he calls, the Cairns Council's proposed "tenant tax". Picture: Isaac McCarthy

The amount of rate increases is always the subject of our budget discussions and workshops leading into each financial year and the adoption of our budget and no decision has been made on such at this time.

In the adoption of this year’s budget, where we identified a new rating category for non-principle places of residences (N-PPR), in my budget speech I said, “in these challenging economic times, we need to be innovative in our revenue raising while being respectful and mindful of the effect rates and charges will have”.

To ensure a fair and equitable spread of rates and charges and the revenue that needs to be generated, a new rating category for N-PPR of between 15 per cent and 25 per cent on the general rates component only ($3 to $6 a week average) will see this additional revenue that is needed generated.

Claire Gawler and Aaron Thomas are furious that their Mooroobool investment property will be slapped with a targeted rate rise from Cairns Council. Picture: Isaac McCarthy
Claire Gawler and Aaron Thomas are furious that their Mooroobool investment property will be slapped with a targeted rate rise from Cairns Council. Picture: Isaac McCarthy

Otherwise, it requires a 4 per cent increase across all current rating categories in addition to the CPI increases. So if a resident owns a home and an investment property and this new rating category for N-PPR doesn’t come in, then it will be a 4 per cent increase needed on both properties currently owned.

Where we have identified about 30 per cent of property owners having N-PPR, a fairer and more equitable spread is identified, benefiting the majority (70 per cent) of remaining property owners. Importantly, our council under the legislation is permitted to apply different rating categories on the uses of the properties. This N-PPR category is only for residential investment properties, not rural, commercial or multi-unit dwellings which have their own rating category.

Smithfield resident John McIntyre, who owns an investment property in Whitfield, said this move by council is the “thin edge of the wedge”.
Smithfield resident John McIntyre, who owns an investment property in Whitfield, said this move by council is the “thin edge of the wedge”.

Rentals in Cairns over the last 12 months have gone up approximately $100 per week, (Cairns Report November 2022) due to short supply and high demand. It will be a matter for landlords who have benefited through this recent period of rent increases, as to whether they pass this cost on; or, if they have a good relationship with their tenant, decide to absorb those costs and claim it as a tax deduction.

Where a majority of other councils of our size across the state already have in place this rating category, for N-PPR, as well as our other local councils of Cassowary and Douglas councils, are we being prudent and responsible to our residents in not considering this, where it lessens the burden across the majority of our property owners and ratepayers?

Where it is an identified shortfall of budgeted costs that requires revenue to be sourced, it is not a tax grab, but a redistribution of revenue through a new rating category, that is fairer and more equitable and lessens the burden on the majority of our ratepayers, in my view.

As it is only a proposal — our council is considering all feedback received, but it is important to understand the premise of why this new rating category is being considered.

The views expressed are those of Cr Brett Moller and not necessarily those of the Cairns Regional Council.

Originally published as Cairns Division 1 councillor explains, from his opinion, why targeted rate rise in necessary

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