
14 Aussie road rules nobody told you about

From driving barefoot to giving cyclists the correct amount of space, here are the essential, but lesser-known road rules in Australia.

Tricky road rules you're probably breaking

From driving barefoot to giving cyclists the correct amount of space, here are the essential but lesser-known road rules in Australia.

1. Using smartphone maps? Beware in Tassie

Considering a Tassie road trip this year? The law in Tasmania states you can’t interact with your phone in any way while driving, which includes smartphone navigation apps – even with a proper mount. So you’ll want to ensure the destination is set-up before taking off, ask your passenger to play navigator, use the GPS in your car or invest in a designated sat nav.

2. Honk if you’re … in danger

Did you know that spontaneous toot aimed at a friend on the side of the road could cost you upwards of $300 in some states?

Likewise, that honk of frustration you made to show someone you’re angry at their driving. According to state laws, the only legal use for a horn is safety. E.g. To alert someone you’re in their blind spot or that their action might be about to cause an accident. And if you get caught combining the honk with a hand gesture outside the vehicle, you could face a second fine for a protruding limb.

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Failing to indicate for five seconds in SA could see you cop a fine.
Failing to indicate for five seconds in SA could see you cop a fine.

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3. Five-second signals

Like overtaking styles, indicating habits are the butt of many state vs. state jokes. But did you know that in SA, failing to indicate for at least five seconds before moving from a stationary position can leave you $317 out of pocket and two demerit points poorer?

4. Take your keys with you!

Have you ever pulled into a petrol station, left your keys in the ignition while filling up the car? Everybody probably has at one point. Guess what? Illegal.

What if you have passengers in the car and want to keep the airconditioning or music running? If those passengers are under 16, and you’re in the ACT or NSW, it’s still illegal. While it might make for some grumpy co-drivers, especially in summer, this law was made to reduce instances of theft.

5. Lock and load

Speaking of antitheft laws, most states have also made it illegal to leave your car unattended and unlocked. In Queensland, NSW and Victoria, it’s not only illegal to leave the car unlocked, but if you venture more than three metres away, your windows must also be wound up to 2-3cm.

RELATED: Bizarre reason drivers can be fined

Tossing fruit from your car is an offence.
Tossing fruit from your car is an offence.

6. Don’t be a fruit tosser

While most people know it’s a crime to flick cigarette butts out the window, few realise that tossing biodegradable food scraps from the car is also a no-go. A banana peel might slow down an opponent in Mario Kart, but toss it out your window in the presence of a police officer, and it will result in a littering fine.

7. Give way to pedestrians when turning

One of the leading causes of pedestrian accidents is due to drivers being unaware that in some instances, pedestrians have right-of-way. If you’re turning at an intersection and a pedestrian is crossing the street you’re turning into, you must wait for them to cross. The only time this rule does not apply is at roundabouts.

Animals need to be properly secured in cars in NSW.
Animals need to be properly secured in cars in NSW.

8. Practice animal control

If you’re road tripping with a furry family member, keeping your pet safely secured is in everyone’s best interest. In NSW, if a driver is not in full control of a vehicle due to an animal, or one is found on the driver’s lap while the car is in operation, the driver can expect a $425 fine and three demerit points in NSW (and even more if in a school zone).

Another little-known fact: The RSPCA can issue penalties if an animal is injured because it was unrestrained. Owners can face up to six months’ jail and fines of up to $5500.

9. Allow overtaking

It’s not just frustrating when you overtake someone, and they accelerate. It’s also unlawful. On Australian roads, the driver being overtaken must not increase their speed until the overtaking car has passed. And only if it is safe to do so, within legal speed limits and there is sufficient space (e.g. more than three seconds) between the car in front.

10. Pram parking warfare

No doubt there is a statistic out there that links car park rage and pram parking abuse. Unfortunately, unlike disabled car parks, no state law prevents anyone from using a parent or pram parking space. While some shopping centres may have a permit system, pram parks are usually offered as a courtesy to parents and are not a lawful right.

11. Slow down for emergency workers

If you’ve had your licence for some time, it’s up to you to stay abreast of road rules as they evolve. One such change has been the newer speed limits around stationary emergency services.

In SA, drivers are required to slow down to 25km/h and failing to do so will result in hefty fines. For example, drivers travelling at a (legal) speed of 80km/h that fail to slow when passing an emergency vehicle will be seen as driving 55km/h over the limit. This example would see them hit with a $1036 fine, nine demerit points and a six-month licence suspension. In NSW, Victoria, WA, Queensland and Tasmania, the speed limit is 40km/h.

12. When can you use your phone?

Another one for those interstate road-trippers to be aware of is how a mobile phone’s legal use in the car differs from state-to-state. In NSW, QLD and SA, the vehicle must be parked legally and off the road, but the engine can still be running. In Victoria, it must be switched off.

13. Social distance road sharing

With more cyclists on the road than ever before, it’s worth brushing up on the rules around sharing the street. Drivers must give cyclists more than one metre of space when passing at less than 60km/h. At speeds beyond that, drivers must allow at least 1.5 metres. NSW recently updated this law to match other states – drivers there will now be fined the same as overtaking a vehicle without leaving sufficient distance.

14. Footwear rules are for the fashion police

As one of the most talked-about laws regarding these types of lists, it would be unfair for us not to bust the urban myth of driving in heels, flip-flops or bare feet. Fact: It is perfectly legal. Drivers should always prioritise comfort and control; sometimes, that means going barefoot.

That said, this is not ideal in the case of an accident.

This article originally appeared on and was reproduced with permission

Originally published as 14 Aussie road rules nobody told you about

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